The new Adopt a Story Program

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by TwiztidClown, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thank you for taking the time! I'll see that your stories find new owners/editors. I wish you the best for the future!

    Thank you, vinaren! I made you the new owner.
    8inchesandcounting likes this.
  2. Vestiphile

    Vestiphile Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Hey boss, I used to write with the current owner of ASCENSION, but they've been AWOL over a year. I tried to contact the owner about adopting it since he's been AWOL over a year, but to no avail. It would be really nice to be able to edit chapters and add a cover on it. Is there any proper procedure in these cases? Can I just get editing power or something to act as a steward in case they want to come back?
    MidbossMan likes this.
  3. madmaniac

    madmaniac Experienced

    Can I adopt When They're Gone and A Game Between Friends please? On top of those two, can I adopt Star Bound as well? Any updates Friedman?
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2020
  4. augy6666

    augy6666 Virgin

  5. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    You're an owner of this story. Go wild! :)

    Done, done, and done! :)

    I've added you as an owner to Keep Your Clothes and Sorority Sisters. The owner of High School Hunnies seems to be active. Happy writing! :)
  6. madmaniac

    madmaniac Experienced

    Hey Friedman, back with another list of stories I'd like to adopt: Albion's King-5498, Stepdad gets prime rewards-2090, The Andersson Adventures-347, A Medieval Adventure-787, Buffy The Vampire Fucker-357, Create A Sexbot-2983, Elven Dream-407, Elven Slave Girl-890, Trolling For Babes-235, Cold Call-1721 and finally: Brother with Family Of Girls-1060.
  7. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Congrats to 11 new stories :)
  8. c1ph4r

    c1ph4r Virgin

    I'd like to adopt Lisa's Punishment. The current owner ShyExposure still appears to visit Chyoa occasionally, but has no recent activity in the last year and does not respond to messages.
  9. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    I'm sorry! I can't give you editing rights to stories whose owners are still active. According to my list, you don't have any chapters in this story that have yet to be approved. Stories belong to their owners. Owners have no obligation to reply to messages.
  10. falconz499

    falconz499 Virgin

    Hey! So I’ve been adding to The Fourth Floor of a College Dorm for awhile now. It doesn’t appear to have an owner anymore and hasn’t for awhile. Is that something that I could adopt?
  11. Bobrt

    Bobrt Virgin

  12. RomPerv

    RomPerv Virgin

  13. A two-part request.

    1) Could some Moderator send me the password recovery e-Mail for the writer Richard_Smith?
    Or better yet, his password?
    I am pretty sure that e-Mail addy has long since expired.

    2) Failing that, could I adopt the story...?

    For you see (using Darth Vader's voice)....
    =I= am Richard_Smith
  14. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    No problem! I added you as an owner. Happy writing!

    Sorry! Zokko is active. The best thing to do is contact him.

    With pleasure! I added you as an owner. Happy writing!

    Hey Mike :) I added you as an owner. I'll get in touch with you in a moment.
    mike.peregrine likes this.
  15. Thanks so much!
    I've been reading through the chapters for the past couple of hours, correcting spelling and typos and such.
    Some of the stuff I had forgotten I had written, so it was almost like reading someone else's work (although I recognized my perverted thought processes).
    This current site is such a vast improvement over the older site.
    I wished I would have known about it sooner, but I am thankful that I stumbled on it when I did.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2020
    Friedman likes this.
  16. brain66

    brain66 Virgin

  17. bobbobbobthethir

    bobbobbobthethir Experienced

  18. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    bobbobbobthethir likes this.
  19. bobbobbobthethir

    bobbobbobthethir Experienced

    A quick question on the new stories I've adopted - is there a way to access the "Edit Story" page for them? For reference, I can go to and click "Edit Story" for stories that I created/owned to set story privacy/add authors etc., but I don't appear to be able to do that for the new stories.
  20. chris_brown

    chris_brown Really Experienced

    Friedman,im going to lay claim to The Awakening,it looks like the former owner abandoned it