Limited Time Story...

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by MissNix, Sep 28, 2020.

  1. MissNix

    MissNix Experienced

    So, as I ramp up my writing more. I've been wanting to write a choose your own adventure for one of my novellas I want to publish. This is taking some time, and I was wondering if it's allowed to publish locked stories on the site and then take them off once the story is complete? They would essentially be rough drafts. I wasn't sure if people have done that on here before. I of course want to contribute things that will live here permanently but I thought this might help encourage me to continue to write this choose your own adventure. Wasn't sure what other writers do and if this is an okay use. :) I always feel like asking before doing anything.
  2. bobbobbobthethir

    bobbobbobthethir Experienced

    I don't see anything conceptually wrong with that! One thing to keep in mind is that if you're looking to traditionally publish (publishing houses, journals, magazines), many places do not consider "previously published work", which this would still count as even if you do take the story offline later. But if you're self-publishing or have other plans, I'd say go for it!
    gene.sis, MissNix and insertnamehere like this.
  3. insertnamehere

    insertnamehere Really Really Experienced

    There's no rule against it on CHYOA.

    In addition to the fact that publishers won't accept a previously published story (crappy Wattpad fanfics are a unique exception), most won't accept novellas, either. Regardless, I'll assume you know what you're doing.

    Though I'm not sure what you mean by 'locked story'. Do you mean only you can see it (draft), or only you can edit it (private)? Either way, it should be fine, but note that drafted stories aren't required to follow all the rules, anyway, for obvious reasons.
    MissNix likes this.
  4. MissNix

    MissNix Experienced

    By Locked I meant that I only contribute to it. :) But yeah sounds good. I most likely will start with it later this week. Want to have a few threads further to share so people can enjoy it as I go along. :)
  5. Artican

    Artican Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    You can essentially write an entire story without publishing it. The system will keep it on the site without showing anyone else.
  6. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Creating content gives you the copyright over it.
    By publishing your content on CHYOA, you don't waive the copyright.
    So you are free to delete your content for whatever reason.
    MissNix and insertnamehere like this.