a new mind control story

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by mc_metz, Nov 22, 2020.

  1. mc_metz

    mc_metz Virgin

    sorry if this has already been requested, I am honestly too lazy to read through all the past suggestions.

    Basically, what I'd really like is a story where the protagonist can only control the bodies of his victims while they are still free in their mind and can talk and notice how their body does weird things and so on. In the story you would also read about the victims perspectives (but you still remain the protagonist) and their slow descent into madness/corruption (like Stockholm syndrome) while they are helplessly dominated by you. They will try and break free from you but never succeed, sometimes calling a friend for help only to see her/him getting changed into a female/also controlled/already being under your command.
    How the control works doesn't really matter, it can be regular hypnosis (with trigger words like "when I say "abc" you will orgasm/strip/fuck me etc"), or a drug, or else but it has to be effective 100 %.
    The story starts small (family or housemate), a sister gets controlled or even an enemy gets changed from male to female and forced to obey you, and then the story goes on to a bigger harem but no celebrities and not the whole world. Maybe in the end there's a skip into the future like Slave4U where you have a harem family of willing broken slaves.

    This would be very much appreciated! If possible the story should be as drawn out and descriptive as possible with long build-ups that make sense.
    Thanks in advance to anyone that considers this and might make a story out of it.
  2. Tip

    Tip Really Experienced

    I had thoughts on a story where like an alien enters your mind and can control others but slightly misunderstands what you want it to do.

    Otherwise, are you just looking for the victims’ perspective? Something like this story I wrote a few years back?
  3. Guromancer

    Guromancer Experienced

    I know what you mean and I love it.
    A ghost possessing a girl, pouring gasoline on herself after standing in a circle of fire, trapping her naked and soaked.
  4. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    I'm a big fan of body control, so my story is focused on that. No possession tough, just have to obey orders.

    It's a bit on the tame side and the dom even feels remorse when she goes too far (disgusting i know)