Post bug reports here!

Discussion in 'Site Feedback' started by airwreck, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. Vain

    Vain Experienced

    Chrome works fine for me, but mozilla has this kind of problems. Perhaps other browsers as well?
  2. Beeble42

    Beeble42 Really Experienced

    On IE it suddenly started coming up with Java Console errors at 8 this morning. I couldn't like, post and even if I did nothing it kept returning. Restarted IE and logged in again but it was still happening :( Had to switch to Chrome but generally I prefer to use IE.
  3. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    On Opera it worked fine, probably it's a Firefox issue then.
  4. johnhoftb

    johnhoftb Experienced

    Went ahead and checked the browsers for my Wii U and 3DS (both of which use NetFront) and both are working fine.
    Friedman likes this.
  5. Trugbild

    Trugbild Really Experienced

    While editing posts the "enter story" field isn't as big as the still inserted text, so I have to scroll down...
    Unfortunately there is no scrollbar, so the only solution is to scroll by marking the text;

    using Opera 25.0.1614.50

    that behaviour started today (or maybe yesterday)
  6. Indirect

    Indirect Virgin

    There's a bug with the story map of "At the Cabin" (
    All threads deeper than number 95.1 are mis-formatted, with the date appearing first. None of them are accessible, most appear without highlighting.
    I've never seen this story map problem elsewhere, but 95 is as deep as I've ever seen a story go, is it possible there's some error due to the high thread depth?
  7. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    Indirect, I get the same issue on Firefox, on other browsers and on mobile it works fine.
  8. Indirect

    Indirect Virgin

    Alright, thanks.
  9. Mr.B.

    Mr.B. Moderator

    Something I noticed in the last few days, I may as well report them..

    - I see a story updated in my bookmarks (top right of the screen), for example 1st of November, then when I go on the map of that story there is no thread updated on the 1st of November. Idk if what caused it was someone that manually linked a thread, or a thread added but yet to be approved, or something else.
    - I tried the site on my android phone (one plus one), noticed two things: there's no link of the forum on the main page, and the stories' maps show *all* threads aligned on the leftmost side. Also the homepage could be far more readable.

    edit: oh and sticking this this topic can be a good idea imo.
    airwreck likes this.
  10. Indirect

    Indirect Virgin

    I think that's caused when a thread is submitted but not approved immediately. When it finally does get approval it shows the date of thread creation in the story map, rather than the date of approval.
  11. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    I don't know if here's the place to report this, but the site became off here again. It doesn't show the maintenance message though, just a blank screen.
  12. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    I see some PHP configuration errors, maybe due to an absolute vs. relative directory reference. Hopefully we're close to back.
  13. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    One bug seen after the sire came back: The story map at is not showing correctly and at the bottom of the page is an error message:
    Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /var/www/clients/client0/web1/web/application/modules/default/views/scripts/story/map.phtml on line 52
  14. jjgarces

    jjgarces Virgin

    Does anyone know when the thread view updates are going to get back on schedule?
  15. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    The disk space was full because of a 80G big error log. But it is now solved as you can see.

    I'll set up the cronjobs in a few hours. Then the views will be calculated regularly again.
  16. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Interestingly, my copy of Opera is having trouble with the SSL handshake on the story site, but not on the forums site. Falling back to Firefox for stories (which has trouble with the deepest-nested story maps).
  17. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    I couldn't access the site on Opera as well.
  18. jjgarces

    jjgarces Virgin

    Noticed another problem, this one with my "Hot Hollywood Party" story.

    The Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, and Katy Perry threads are jumbled at the end, i.e. the last thread of all them appears in the arc of the above celebrity.

    So, basically, the last Selena thread appears on the map as part of the Vanessa Hudgens arc, the last Taylor thread appears as part of the Selena arc, and the last Katy thread appears in the Demi Lovato arc.

    The actual story works fine, everything links as it should. Just the map that needs fixing.

    Also not sure if this is because of the outage. Just noticing it now.
  19. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Can you tell me which version of Opera (and which OS) you're using? I've tested the site with the latest version (Opera 26.0) on Mac OS X Mavericks and Windows 8 and got no errors.

    Chyoa uses CloudFlare since 2 days, so we now have a CDN, which means in general that pages can be delivered faster. Therefore, it could also have been a temporary problem of CloudFlare.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2014
  20. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    To be fair, I use the old Windows XP, which only allows for an older version of Opera to be installed. I think the problem is on my end.