Nice, Shy Guy Bestowed with Mind Control

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by Kore, Aug 10, 2019.

  1. Kore

    Kore Experienced

    Background (tl;dr)
    A young, shy college guy lives with 3 college girls in his house. The girls don't pay much but do most of the household duties.
    A young, shy guy had planned to live at his aunt's while going to college.
    A few weeks before he finished high school, she died.
    She left him the property with the request not to sell it.
    Unsure what to do, he moved in and postponed the decision until finishing college.
    A few weeks later, he realized that it was a lot of work and being lazy, he advertised three rooms of the house.
    The renters just have to pay a few bucks for housekeeping money and taking over some household duties.
    Each of the girls is responsible for specific duties:
    - prepare breakfast and dinner for all; shop groceries; clean the kitchen
    - do the laundry; clean bath and toilet
    - clean the rest of the house; mow the lawn

    Start of the story (tl;dr)
    He accidentally walked in on the girls when they were almost naked but turned around quickly enough not to see anything.
    A few weeks after the girls moved in, he accidentally walked in on the girls in the spacious family bathroom.
    Girl 1 stood in front of the mirror and applied makeup. She had a towel wrapped around her chest.
    Girl 2 wore nothing but panties and a bra. She had unclasped the bra and was about to let it slide down their arms, revealing her tits.
    Girl 3 just stepped in the bathtub, butt naked, and was about to turn around to close the shower curtain.
    "Oh, shit!" the guy gasped and turned around quickly.
    "So-so-sorry!" he stammered, hastily closing the door.
    Girl 2 and girl 3 start screaming but Girl 1 who knew that he hadn't done anything wrong tries to calm them down.
    [The story could start with this scene, 3rd person with the focus on girl 1 who just left the shower and wrapped the towel around her naked body. Girl 3 is already undressing to get into the shower. Girl 2, who just pulled her pants up after using the toilet could ask girl 3 if she could join her to shave her legs. She agrees and both of them undress. While girl 1 applies makeup, she watches the other girls out of the corner of her eyes. She is the only one who notices that the door opens and is the only one who knows that the guy turns around immediately after realizing his mistake.]

    A few days later, the guy finds an old-looking note with ancient-looking writing on the floor of his room:

    The story (tl;dr)
    After tentatively testing the waters, he has some sexy times with the girls.
    At first, he thinks that the girls made a bad joke, and wants to know who puts the note in his room (without showing them the content.) The girls tell him that they haven't done it, ask what is written on it and innocently ask when it appeared in his room. Thinking about it, he realizes that it couldn't have been any of the girls as they have been shopping together. (or something)
    Not knowing what to think about it, he apologizes.
    Later that day, they sit at the couch and watch TV while one of the girls is constantly talking to a friend on the phone.
    After a while, he sighs "I wish she would phone outside when we watch TV."
    Shortly after, the girl stands up and leaves the room.
    Not knowing this behavior, he tentatively checks if it works with the other girls as well.
    The girls do everything he asks for...

    The real story:
    [At the beginning, the reader should stay in the dark about the following and only find out about it through the conversations of the girls.]
    Girl 1 told the other girls that he didn't peep on them and that he is a nice guy. While talking about the incident, they came up with the idea of setting up a trap and talked everything through. They wrote the note and gave a friend the house keys to place the note while they were on a shopping tour with him.
    They agreed that they would spring the trap as soon as he was asking them to take off their panties, to have sex with him or if he was going to take pictures of them. (Cuddling, light fondling, kissing, and showing off their breasts were fine for them. They would also do the household chores of another girl.)

    The guy starts tentatively and rather when he is alone with one of the girls. (He could also ask one of them to be topless or not to wear a bra anymore in the house.)
    (If he asked if it would be okay if he does, they would say "No" but if he would add that he wished they would do it, they are fine with it, though they might have problems to do it that way if they are in heat.)
    Between the sexy moments, the girls talk about what he wanted them to do.

    It becomes more and more sexual while the girls gradually fall for the shy but well-endowed guy. Finally, they cross the line but didn't talk about it when they met the other girls. After losing his virginity with one of the girls, he might become more confident and invites all three of them into his bedroom. All girls want to continue but knowing that it would cross their line, they behave awkwardly and seek affirmation from the other girls.
    nightcat, Tip and Regin34 like this.
  2. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Intresting idea, keep going.
  3. Kore

    Kore Experienced

    Um, well... I actually posted the idea for others to use (and modify as they see fit)

    Though I might be down for writing it together if someone is interested.
  4. Tip

    Tip Really Experienced

    I'd say write it out and see if others gain interest after publishing.
  5. Kore

    Kore Experienced

    Will think about it...
  6. nightcat

    nightcat Virgin

    I'd like to read that story, but I'm having a bit of trouble finding it.
  7. Tip

    Tip Really Experienced

    i think this is it. As I said, publish it.
  8. Kore

    Kore Experienced

    Yes, I have never published that story.
    I don't have the time to work on it right now and won't have time in the foreseeable future.

    For that reason, I offered the idea for others to use.

    You can use the whole idea or parts of it. You can use it as is or modify it to your needs.
    You can also reuse any of the example sentences provided in the first post.
  9. Tip

    Tip Really Experienced

    There are “stories” that are essentially public free-for-all for chapters. Publish it there and see if someone else takes it. The point is, you have maybe 15 people who will ever see this here rather than on the main site. Otherwise, feel free to keep on making perfect the enemy of complete.