Okay when did all this happen...

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by ooohkitty, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. ooohkitty

    ooohkitty Virgin

    Hi everybody,
    I used to write on the chyoo website. I went looking for my old stories and found this place.

    Been in the mood to write lately. Glad to have a new place to do it.

    Are any of my old friends still around?

    hematoma and Zingiber like this.
  2. 2p1k3

    2p1k3 Experienced

    Welcome back!

    Most of the writers I have seen and read in the past on chyoo are here. Though I am unsure which were your friends from before, to be precise.

    I am enjoying this framework a lot more than what I remember of Chyoo. I hope you do too.

    Thank you for sharing your time and Force; May you eternally ask the Lady to alight your path.


  3. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    So happy to see you again! Sadly we lost one of your old stories, Sweet Lickings -- it was scribbled over on the old site. It still exists, but basically no content survives.

    I still remember my "dancing in the rain" thread, but can't put all the pieces back together.

  4. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced


    And now I have to apologize for confusing SlidingInSilk's "Sweet Lickings" with your "A Day At The Stone Wall Mall" because both contain ice cream shop chapters that I contributed to.

  5. hematoma

    hematoma Really Experienced

    I think A Day in the Stone Wall Mall was the first story I contributed to on CHYOO. Even before my first story.
  6. ooohkitty

    ooohkitty Virgin

    I tried going back to the mall but so far having a hard time with it. I might get back to it someday. So I started a new one. Oh and zingiber...It's okay I know I'm forgettable...lol
  7. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Completely my fault, I can't tell one ice cream shop from another!