Lusty Magic Academy RPG

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Zingiber, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. conkers024

    conkers024 Virgin

    Here's where I'm at:

    Ash Forest Academy is a wizardry/witchcraft school located in a dense forest with a perpetual snowfall cast over the forest to keep a slumbering dragon beneath the school from awakening. The academy serves both high born witches and wizards as well as local commoners from the neighboring town. While 90% of the student body stay in one of the four dorms a small group of students do commute from the neighboring town.

    Upon enrolling a student is divided into one of four houses

    House Pegasus

    For the gentle and nurturing.


    House Phoenix

    For those who rise above the others academically.


    House Cerberus

    For the emotionally guarded and physically strong.


    House Wyvern

    For the fierce and clever

    TRAIT ( Cunning)

    Magic duels
    are acceptable in both public and private settings.

    A public duel is a spectator sport held in a small arena in which other students and teachers may observe. Under the schools policy students are allowed to challenge teachers to publics duels, which a teacher may accept or decline. Both parties must clearly state what each side has wagered in the duel. the exact rules of the duel are agreed upon by the parties involved. Three impartial students and or staff members must serve as judges.

    A private duel is a much less formal affair in which two parties create a magic perimeter commonly referred to as a bubble and must attempt to knock one another outside of the bubble, first person to fully cross outside the barrier loses and the bubble pops. Teachers are not supposed to participate in private duels with students.

    All characters must use a magical instrument to focus their magic and perform spells. While the most common magical instrument is the standard wand, others use staffs, enchanted rings, or a deck of tarot cards amongst other available instruments.

    I'm still fleshing out the other details.
    GenericEditor168 and Zingiber like this.
  2. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Looks pretty cool!

  3. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

  4. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Added some examples of the Move/Roll/Resolve rules to Golondrina's storyline as the two returning Minervals haze her by challenging her to swim from the Boarbristle ferry through the Chilly Tarn.

    Starts from Attempt a Heroic Leap:
  5. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Amusing myself by dropping Unicode dice glyphs into the chapters following a dice roll.

  6. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Thanks for moving the thread into "Story Feedback"!

  7. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Tuned some of the rules around losing a CONSEQUENCE in Boarbristle. Following her bellyflop into the Chilly Tarn, a wet, naked, bone-cold Golondrina is being carried up the hill to Boarbristle under the blouse of Boarbristle's Porter, a sex-starved half-giantess. Also rewrote Golondrina's chapters as Second Person to match the others.
  8. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Any suggestions from potential contributors or current readers?

    @conkers024 -- @moonblack -- @mumsmaja -- you've shown some interest in contributing. Is there any way I could be helpful -- either for me to add something to the story, or by talking over your ideas?

    Otherwise my next step may be to add a sample results page after the Boarbristle rules, showing examples of a success, partial success, and miss for each move.

    Serafina, a Leontes student, rolls to ENCOUNTER the Potions Master to get help finding a rare ingredient for a potion recipe. Because the Potions Master is also the Tutor for House Minerval, Serafina must roll +CUNNING, the Minerval house trait. For a House Leontes or non-House person, Serafina would roll +BRAVERY, the Leontes house trait.​

      • 10+ : The Potions Master is happy to see his favorite student from last term, Serafina. He has some available from his previous attempt, and gives her advice on the preparation. Take +1 Forward to prepare the potion.
      • 7-9 (as "Complicated Success"): Serafina catches the Potions Master violating school rules by having sex with one of the students from Potions class, Goldenrod Gamble from House Draconis. While the Potions Master quickly gives Serafina the ingredient she needs, Goldenrod Gamble is furious at Serafina's interruption. Gain an ENEMY.
      • 7-9 (as "Partial Success"): The Potions Master explains that the "rare ingredient" is actually just another name for a more common ingredient, but not one stocked as part of Potions class supplies. Perhaps a search of Boarbristle's cellars (Custom Move, +DILIGENCE), or calling on your friends and classmates (Custom Move, +AMBITION) will locate what you need. Take a -2 to the Custom Move, but you may call on FRIENDS or FAVORS to help as appropriate.
      • 7-9 (as "Costly Success"): The Potions Master says: "Well, Serafina, I suppose I owe you a favor for how you helped me out last turn. But mind you, you shouldn't count on luck when it comes to rare ingredients, but secure them ahead of time. This is the last I have, don't waste it." Expend a FAVOR to get the Potions Master's help.
      • 7-9 (as "Complicated Success"): The Potions Master says: "Well, Serafina, that is a rare ingredient. I'll make you a deal. I have some cleaning, sorting, and preparation work to be done. I'll give you the ingredient if you take on this task first." Get the Potions Master's help, at the cost of rolling a Custom Move on DILIGENCE representing your extra work. On a 7+, the Potions Master is satisfied and gives you the ingredient.
      • Miss (6-): The Potions Master has gone to London and will not be back till next term.
      • Miss (6-): Your ENEMY finds you alone before you reach the Potions Master's office. CONFRONT YOUR ENEMY.
      • Miss (6-): The monster you were hoping to use this potion against reappears and menaces students from your House. If you help, roll to GET OUT OF DANGER. If you avoid it, you have to account for your actions. Roll to GET OUT OF TROUBLE.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2016
  9. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    Currently I am a little sick and busy with something else, so for now I'll have to limit myself to just reading the story.
  10. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Hope you feel better soon!

    Working on a monumental example page featuring a sinister tentacled sea witch, a malcontent named Caspar, a hapless wizard named Garrick, and a fickle young witch named Bettina.
  11. conkers024

    conkers024 Virgin

    I actually thought the story was still private but I should have something to add this week.
  12. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Thanks! It was briefly private until I got the Boarbristle rules up, but is open now.

    Example pages up for resolving Custom Moves and Basic Moves, with a few recurring character names. They're all fair game if you decide you want to actually write their stories.

    Examples for custom moves (make up your own success table):

    Examples for basic moves as written into the rules, with some fudge room:
  13. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Realized the wording in the introduction chapter could be misread as "we're still working on getting it ready."

    Replaced with this in the introduction chapter's header and footer:

    Open for contributions. See the Chyoa Forums Discussion Thread for details and Q&A:
  14. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    I have a few storylines kicked off in Boarbristle Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Aside from Golondrina's bellyflop into the Chilly Tarn, my dice have been pretty hot. But I'm sure there is danger, dismay, and doom lurking ahead.

    Any suggestions for what I should add at this point? More conflict? Monster/adversary storylines?

    Add another Academy?
  15. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    I'm musing about adding a CRUSH -- by analogy to an ENEMY, someone who might hinder you, but by clinginess, interruptions, and demands, rather than opposition.

    A 7-9 complication for the ENCOUNTER Move or HAVE SEX Move could be "and now they're your CRUSH".

    When you have a CRUSH, one option for for a MISS is that you fail because you were distracted by your CRUSH, and may follow the action with the Move DEAL WITH YOUR CRUSH. One option for a 7-9 complication is "Succeed, then DEAL WITH YOUR CRUSH".

    A CRUSH is distracting and annoying for you to deal with. Whenever you make a Move vs. your CRUSH, take a -1.

    You may have more than one CRUSH. Indeed, if they are rivals, their rivalry may be the source of their distraction to your intended actions.

    When you DEAL WITH YOUR CRUSH, choose one of these options and roll 2d6 vs. Ambition (manipulating their feelings):
    APPEASE YOUR CRUSH -- spend time with them, do something they want to do, bring them with you.
    PUT OFF YOUR CRUSH -- tell them 'not now'.
    DISCOURAGE YOUR CRUSH -- tell them to stop hanging around and bothering you, you don't like them that well.

    When you APPEASE YOUR CRUSH, roll 2d6 vs. Ambition (-1, since this is your CRUSH).
    On a 10+, choose one:
    * They owe you a FAVOR.
    * Expend a FAVOR from them. They become less clingy and annoying. They're now a FRIEND.
    * They manage to help you out somehow. Take +1 Forward.
    On a 7-9, they're a distraction. Choose one:
    * Take -1 Forward on your next roll.
    * Get them engaged. Expend a FAVOR from them and take +1 Forward on your next roll.
    On a miss, choose one:
    * Your choice offends your friend. Lose a FRIEND.
    * You disappoint them. Take -1 Forward on your next roll.
    * They follow you into danger, or bring it upon you. GET OUT OF DANGER (at -1).
    * They get you in trouble. GET OUT OF TROUBLE (at -1).

    When you PUT OFF YOUR CRUSH, roll 2d6 vs. Ambition (-1, since this is your CRUSH).
    On a 10+, they give you no trouble.
    On a 7-9, they're persistent, but you shake them off. Take -1 Forward on your next roll.
    On a miss, they throw an embarrassing fit. Choose one:
    * Expend a FAVOR
    * Take a CONSEQUENCE
    * GET OUT OF TROUBLE (at -1).

    When you DISCOURAGE YOUR CRUSH, roll 2d6 vs. Ambition (-1, since this is your CRUSH).
    On a 10+, they accept your decision. They will cause you no more trouble.
    On a 7-9, choose one:
    * They won't give you up, but they won't give you trouble right now.
    * They give you up. Expend a FAVOR to settle things (maybe you pass along a favor so that person helps your ex-CRUSH).
    * They give you up but tell tales behind your back. Take a CONSEQUENCE. If you already have a CONSEQUENCE, GET OUT OF TROUBLE (at -1).
    * They give you up with bitterness. Gain them as an ENEMY. You're sadder but wiser. Gain +1 XP.
    On a miss, they're never going to give you up, but they will give you trouble. They throw a public, embarrassing fit. Maybe they'll cast a spell on you. Choose one:
    * Take a CONSEQUENCE
    * Have a MAGIC DUEL (at -1) with them
    * If they're a high-drama sort, GET OUT OF DANGER (at -1).
    And they still won't leave you alone.

    I realize that "your CRUSH" as a phrase reverses the usual sense here. We could choose a different word.

    The clinginess wouldn't even need to be romantic or sexual -- it could be an annoying mascot or younger class student. So MASCOT or HANGER-ON or ANNOYING FOLLOWER could work.
  16. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Golondrina, the new House Leontes student, still hasn't made it to her House.

    After an ungraceful flop into the Chilly Tarn and resultant dissolution of her traveling clothes provoked by two third-year girls from House Minerval, the half-giantess and Boarbristle Porter Dorothy has taken Golondrina up the hill toward Boarbristle. Golondrina accepts Dorothy's offer of a hot bath which turns into a lesbian make-out session. Golondrina's ready to go again, so they adjourn to Dorothy's cottage.

    Then I roll Success with Complications (7-9) for their second go. They'll have good fun together again, but:
    • Their sex bout attracts a dangerous creature or force.
    • Their sex bout causes psychic ripple effects like fits of lust, instant orgasms, mass fainting, or breaking glass, causing obvious disorder among nearby people, such as among the washerwomen in the laundry.
    • Their sex triggers a magical backfire, and Golondrina and Dorothy accidentally suffer the effects of magic spells.
    • They're satisfied but suffer from exhaustion.

    What glorious mishap can a first-year student get into with a lusty half-giantess?,-choose-one-and-apply-your-House-Sex-Move.222641

    Maybe Golondrina's concealed dragon ancestry will show itself.
  17. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    I've noticed some reader attention after I update Lusty Magical Academy, but not much comment and no contributions yet.

    While wondering about how to get a bit of involvement (I enjoy comment and collaboration), I came across the Chyoa Forums RPG Adventures in Syrada. It has a fun premise of the players (the readers) working together to help design the main character and steering the main character's choice of actions via votes from a list of options, plus suggestions of how the character goes about those actions.

    That could translate into a main-site story by taking suggestions on the direction for a character to follow from a choice point (most chapter endings).

    The main site is also designed to explore a story down more than one direction.

    I may go ahead and add this to various choice-point chapters, "Write your suggestion for the character's choice into the chapter comments."

    Anyone have any suggestions for turning views into comments or contributions? Any thoughts on "suggest to steer the story"?
  18. SonofOsman

    SonofOsman Virgin

    Greetings. I've actually been viewing your story, and will be contributing too it in the very near future. Since it seems you have no Draconis students (And no full males, actually...) I think I'll cover those two segments, if you'd be so kind as to allow it. However, before I make the application, I'd like to offer up this option for a custom trait/move, selectable at character creation

    -Born on the Handle: +2 or +3 (Whichever you prefer... there's not much of a precident to follow for) FORWARD actions related to the use/handling of brooms (Broom polo, flying away from danger, ect.)

    I'm planning on having him try to take part in the Broom Polo team and have a long history of flying. I just don't know how the modifier should compare to the possible applications of the trait.
    Zingiber likes this.
  19. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    A couple of small ideas I got when reading the story:
    - Susan licks Peregrine to another orgasm. Peregrine avoids getting exhausted due to STAMINA, then the two of them have to go so no more sex (follow-up to this thread)
    - A 7-9 follow up to this thread: Fay and Morgan need to be "persuaded" (for example by agreeing to lick them to orgasm). Alternatively Golondrina offers them a FAVOR they can ask for later (I'm not entirely sure how that would work in game terms)
    Zingiber likes this.
  20. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Plot-wise, a PC owing favors makes sense. Rules-wise it wasn't obvious how to make it easy to apply. Some of the 7-9 choices amount to immediate favor trades. Or you could call it an honor system task.

    Having assigned tasks might be good for moving the story forward.