Someones Cheating

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by Perversion, Jan 16, 2016.

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  1. Perversion

    Perversion Guest

    Four or five of the top sex stories or by the same person, and ever single thread has the same number of likes. Maybe it is time to go to a most favorites or something.
    velios and airwreck like this.
  2. airwreck

    airwreck Really Experienced

    That does look suspicious considering the view count (overall and per chapter) is very low.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
    RicoLouis, velios and Perversion like this.
  3. supman

    supman Virgin

    Yeah I noticed that too when I was trying to figure out how my story dropped from the top 10 to 60+ =(. The rating per view count isn't that crazy for new threads but the uniformity of all the reviews is a little suspicious. Maybe she just has 30 die hard fans? If it is actual cheating, and not just a case of a loyal fanbase then it's tempting to do something similar. Especially with how much exposure being in top 10 gives but it would suck to see the system degrade into upvote spamming to keep yourself rated high while downvote spamming everyone else. I guess you're kinda screwed either way since no matter what people will find ways to game the system.
    airwreck likes this.
  4. Artican

    Artican Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I can see the possibility of the writer bringing friends in from other forms of social media to look at her work on this site. I don't know how top stories are calculated here so hard to say either way. Is it supposed to be the most viewed story? Most favored? Most followed?
    capace likes this.
  5. Perversion

    Perversion Guest

    It Is done by most likes which is suspicious because it is the same number of likes for every post. That means it is probably just one person with multiple accounts not a bunch of people.
  6. Hypnoticus

    Hypnoticus Experienced

    Well.... when you watch the stories daily... because it looks a little suspicious that one author has six stories in the top ten with barely any views... and you read the quality of writing.... and you notice that the likes on it goes up for every chapter by one each day..... it becomes quite obvious.
    RicoLouis and airwreck like this.
  7. Artican

    Artican Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Kind of lame if that's the case. You get more views by being on the front page, but everyone will know the story is shite and not come back.
    RicoLouis and airwreck like this.
  8. nunya

    nunya Guest

    didn't notice til you said something, now it irks me every time I see it :D I think the best solution for the list would be amount of unique likes, as opposed to counting the same 30 people for every chapter.
    velios, RicoLouis and elmer7780 like this.
  9. hematoma

    hematoma Really Experienced

    I think they noticed a couple of my stories on the top stories list. I had multiple accounts down vote dozens and dozens of threads in two different stories over the past day or two. Two stories from 99% to low 80s in 48 hours or so. They're dedicated, although I don't really understand why they're doing this. What do they gain?
    velios, Yarkoz, ddf_21s and 4 others like this.
  10. CorruptedHorde

    CorruptedHorde Experienced

    *Puts on cloak*

    Ahh yes, when I read that the great Chyoo troll was defeated a while ago, I looked away from my monitor and into the distance... for I knew that someday the dark evil would rise again from the depths of some frustrated idiot. I didn't know how long it would take, but I knew it was inevitable.

    *Takes off cloak*

    Nah but really, all they gain is more stupidity. Fools think they're causing a crippling amount of emotional damage or something. Such a shame, they could have used the time they spent trolling on something more productive, like picking their ugly noses!

    If I were to go through the insanity of putting myself inside the troll's head then this is the result:


    Yeah... pretty tragic.

    So Hematoma since you are the woman who gave me the final push and inspired me to start contributing threads on this website years ago... I'm gonna tell you this.

    Keep writing and let those trolls choke on their own tears. (ACTUALLY THIS GOES OUT TO ALL THOSE BEAUTIFUL AUTHORS OUT THERE TOO)
  11. Kobe

    Kobe Experienced

    I realized this too, but I didn't say anything. I really don't think anybody really pays attention to most liked stories, similar to how not many people pay attention to Notable Writers. Both Ms Shabby and Capace or however you spell it have strikingly similar like counts. And, when I first glanced at the stories, I was really confused about how they were that up there.

    No offense, but the writing wasn't all that great. And I haven't even heard of Una Healy and The Satudays.... maybe it's just from where I'm American.
    hematoma, airwreck and Yarkoz like this.
  12. Yarkoz

    Yarkoz Really Really Experienced

    I dare this guy to submit their stuff to a magazine or a publishing house, and see how demanding their standards are and how hard writing is when you don't have friends artificially up-voting your stuff. I have a good sized stack of rejection letters from magazines for some of my short stories. All authors have the same story (read Stephen King's On Writing). It takes persistence and commitment, something I see in plenty of people here and qualities I certainly wish I possessed more when it came to this. I want to reiterate Corrupted Heroine's commendations all the awesome people here for providing that inspiration to me and everyone else awesome! People who want to promote their own unwarranted self-importance... ain't nobody got time for that bullshit.


    Friedman, I think you've found your porn name!
    RicoLouis, Friedman, hematoma and 2 others like this.
  13. hematoma

    hematoma Really Experienced

    Awwww thank you, that's such a sweet thing to say. I'll keep writing. I hope you do too!

    I'm not so sure about your troll theory though, I think they're trying to rig the game for their own stories and I can't really figure that one out, because it's not like any of us are getting money from our stories or winning prizes. It's just numbers on a list.
    FallenSaint, velios and airwreck like this.
  14. airwreck

    airwreck Really Experienced

    Personally, I only care about likes so I can see which threads/chapters are popular so I know which ones to focus on or polish the ones that weren't so popular.
  15. madmaniac

    madmaniac Experienced

    Average girl group in the UK, Una is actually the best looking of the five.
    Kobe likes this.
  16. Kobe

    Kobe Experienced

    Ohh, alright. So they aren't all that popular? I thought it was some sensational band i.e. One Direction or something like that. Huh.
  17. madmaniac

    madmaniac Experienced

    Nowhere near one direction in terms of sales or popularity. The most well known girl group in the UK is still the spice girls!
  18. Artican

    Artican Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    This does go to show that the listing system could use some tweaking to weed out the gaming.
  19. capace

    capace Virgin

    I brought in some friends to Chyoa. Not my fault if people don't upvote your work.
    Polo33 and Shadow Rising like this.
  20. capace

    capace Virgin

    Some of you have forced Ms Shabby of Chyoa.
    Big D Angel, Ramon and Polo33 like this.
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