Someones Cheating

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by Perversion, Jan 16, 2016.

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  1. Shadow Rising

    Shadow Rising Virgin

    I fear that my friend may of accused the wrong person. I am sure that once he calms down he will apologise. All Capace did was invite some friends onto Chyoa after someone downvoted Ms Shabby's work. Most of the stories had already made it onto the top ten before the friends were invited.

    Capace only asked people to read his work. If they upvoted it how can he possibly stop them.

    What is the point of a like button if nobody uses it?
  2. supman

    supman Virgin

    This thread got weird real fast. Questions about potential vote manipulation to calling people racist in a blink of an eye.
  3. Polo33

    Polo33 Virgin

    This thread was weird in the first place false accusations thrown around behind peoples back. Insults thrown right, left and centre without any prove. Yet when we respond we are accused of taunting. People need to release that the world does not soley revolve around America. People have different tastes. No rules were broken.

    You all owe Ms Shabby and Capace a massive apology I doubt that they will get one.
  4. Polo33

    Polo33 Virgin

    To bring in hits just like the dislike button. Most sites have got rid of the down button it attracts to many trolls.
  5. Yarkoz

    Yarkoz Really Really Experienced

    No one mentioned race before Big D Angel did, so I don't see who or what that was directed to. I don't understand where that came from, I don't want to speculate on it, and I don't really care about an apology per se as I really don't want to see vote-jacking manipulation, with intentional with malice against other users or not. We didn't have any possible or perceptible abuse until now, so I don't know exactly what changed.
  6. Polo33

    Polo33 Virgin

    What the fuck are you on about with vote jacking?

    Do you just read what you want to. You can't tell people what to like or not like.
  7. Big D Angel

    Big D Angel Virgin

    The only malicious intent has been directed at Ms Shabby and you are a massive part of it. I'm not apologising to a loser like you.

    Look closer to home to the troll downvoting you. I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of you.
  8. Ms Shabby

    Ms Shabby Virgin

    Thanks to everybody that stuck up for me. I was quite upset at the downvotes to begin with, but now I really don't care after reading this thread. It is very suspicious how my work was downvoted mere minutes after mentioning my Race and posting a new picture.

    Some of you really do need to get a life. Most websites would be happy with having new membership. I guess we will take it elsewhere.

    I haven't even heard of half of you until I read this thread. To any friends that I met on Chyoa thank you. I will dearly miss you.
  9. Blonde Hottie

    Blonde Hottie Virgin

    Ms Shabby and Capace should apologise. Apologise for not been elitist assholes and talking behind other peoples back.

    Is asking someone to read your work any different to you lot talking on the forums. Trying to make friends and get people to read your work. Can you really tell me 100% that none of your friends have upvoted any of your work.

    The start of this thread was fast track bullying. Then when they come to defend themselves some of you take offence.
  10. Kobe

    Kobe Experienced

    Good lord you act as if someone shot you in the stomach. You got maybe one, or two dislikes from what I've seen and I don't think Yarkoz had anything to do about it. It just seems suspicious, Ms Shabby. Think about it like this -- Hematoma, one of the most prolific writers on Chyoa has only 11 - 13 likes on her first page on Monster Island. That's a series that has been out for a while.

    Meanwhile, yours has 64. Not only on the first page, but on all of them.


    My story "Senior Year" was Story of the Week last week and I received 7 likes total for my intro. In seven days, I only got 7 whole more likes on my intro.

    Capace, you too. It just seems so suspicious that ALL of yours have 30 - 34 likes on EVERY single page. That's just crazy. You had 34 of your friends come to Chyoa, make an account, and then told them to like every single page??

    No offense, but that's just insane for both of you. To not question vote manipulation would be crazy. It just seems a bit outlandish.

    If you can prove your innocence, I won't speak any more of it. But if you can't, then something is going on. Not mentioning as well the massive influx of downvotes that Hematoma got on her story The Shining Stone (7 whole dislikes on the intro, which had 11 to begin with.) when all of a sudden the leaderboard came out.

    I'm not here to start shit, I just wanna get down to the bottom of it.

    And sorry that I haven't heard of Una Healy, but the majority of people on Chyoa (I'm speculating) come from America, where they're rather obscure. My apologies.
    Trugbild, FallenSaint and velios like this.
  11. Kobe

    Kobe Experienced

    No one has been talking behind anyone's back. There is no bullying going on. We haven't threatened or done anything but speculate. Good lord you guys act like 12 year olds.
    Trugbild and FallenSaint like this.
  12. Blonde Hottie

    Blonde Hottie Virgin

    You really are a asswipe. The only thing I care about is Ms Shabby and that Is the big injustice from this. Why do you keep saying self important. Each of the guys are more successful in life than you ever be.

    Stop whining because people are far more popular than you.
  13. Kobe

    Kobe Experienced

    Calling people asswipes, telling someone they won't ever be popular... sheesh

    Sounds a whole lot like bullying to me. Hmmm.

    No, we didn't message them because why bother? What would we ask? "AY YO dude y u got so many likes??" ?????
    The logic is just flawed here, dude.
    FallenSaint and Yarkoz like this.
  14. Blonde Hottie

    Blonde Hottie Virgin

    Specaluting on pure bullshit with no proof. It's called shit stirring. I don't know how many friends I invited from the top of my head.

    I don't have to justify myself to any of you. You all act so entitled. I owe you nothing. I've had enough of this tedious affair. It is getting late. I wanted to put my side across. The truth.

    I don't give a fuck how many votes other people have got. I really don't care how many votes my stories got. Oh and Ms Shabby had more than any 2 downvotes. When people upset my friends I care.
  15. TheBrand774

    TheBrand774 Virgin

    I agree with Kobe, I have been keeping an eye on what's been going on with the top stories ever since this thread came up. Ms Shabby's stories simply do not match up when you compare them with stories with similar numbers of views. I can confirm something very suspicious is going on. Last night I watched these four accounts on the activity feed one after another went through and upvoted every recent thread in a story Ms Shabby had contributed to. Seconds apart clearly not enough time to read a thread the accounts were simply going through and upvoting everything. These accounts include usernames The Rock, Troll 1, Troll 2, and Vinnie Mac. These were not just friends that had been invited, clearly one would sign in, upvote then log out and then the next account would log in and do the same. Looking into their activity they are clearly accounts made solely to upvote certain stories. I've witnessed similar activity on multiple days with other burner accounts that solely go through and upvote Ms Shabby's stories.
    Trugbild, FallenSaint, velios and 2 others like this.
  16. Kobe

    Kobe Experienced

    Not justifying yourself then calling it the truth -- those are both meaningless then. None of us are acting entitled. You are throwing meaningless words out, then calling us assholes and pricks. Dude.
  17. capace

    capace Virgin

    Hey do not speak to the girls like that have you no manners at all.
  18. capace

    capace Virgin

    So four people can't be on the internet at the same time?

    I don't have to justify myself to any of you. I have no burner accounts believe what you want I don't care.
  19. CorruptedHorde

    CorruptedHorde Experienced

    Alright, some of us are getting heated, so for those who are heated I ask that you try to keep things civil. I'd like to ask everyone kindly to not attack one another, letting our feelings get the best of us. We should try to move forward in a positive way and discuss this recent event in a productive manner.

    I'm going to lay down a few points.

    Here at Chyoa it appears that the most "well known prestigious writers" don't get likes that consistently reach double digits for a single new thread that gets submitted. Now that this has happened recently with several authors, this seems to have raised eyebrows. To me, it makes sense that some community members are concerned.

    Capace and Ms. Shabby appear to be the two authors right now associated with the massive likes. They haven't frequented the forum prior to now. Perhaps the community doesn't recognize them as regulars, and so that may strengthen this fog of mistrust that's moving about. They say that they brought over a lot of friends, and that explains all the likes. I see a lot of accounts that like nothing but their work and haven't submitted a single thread. This makes me feel confused.

    I don't want to point fingers but I want to get this last bit across to everyone. It's not okay to downvote a person's work just because you want to knock them down a peg. It's very petty and disrespectful.
    FallenSaint, velios and Yarkoz like this.
  20. TheBrand774

    TheBrand774 Virgin

    Well let's look at the numbers, numbers can't lie right?
    Payback is a bitch by Ms Shabby created October 2015, today has 49,662 views with 1502 votes
    Mass Effect Aftermath by Eugene92 created December 2015, today has 49,303 views with 175 votes
    The arguably more popular story, the faster one to hit that number of views has but 11% of the ratings a Ms Shabby story has.
    They can cry about their friends all they want either way those stories are inflated with suspicious votes.
    Trugbild, FallenSaint and Yarkoz like this.
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