Someones Cheating

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by Perversion, Jan 16, 2016.

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  1. Shadow Rising

    Shadow Rising Virgin

    I think up to now I have been the most calm and respectful one of Ms Shabby's and Capace's friends.

    To the guy on about accounts. It works both ways I was on Chyoa this morning Making of the Niddersluts what at 98%. I went to check a message. One minute later it was down to 94%.

    You can't tell me that wasn't out of spite.

    I still don't see why we should have to justify ourselves time and time again. Chyoa has just lost a huge amount of British members. We won't be recommending Chyoa to anyone else. So don't worry you can all downvote Ms Shabby's and Capace's stories and fight for a spot in the top ten.

    When you reach the top don't get to many likes or your so called friends will turn on you. I find it really funny that some of you have liked the discouraging remarks about Ms Shabby, yet have upvoted her work, added her stories to you favourites, follow her and some of you have even contributed to her work.
  2. Shadow Rising

    Shadow Rising Virgin

    The only ones crying are you lot. We are done with Chyoa. You can't compare things like that. The British are far more courteous and likely to upvote for something they like.

    You have had bad case of sour grapes. I hope you don't choke on them. I only hope that you don't treat the next popular British Author this way.
  3. Ovipositivity

    Ovipositivity Virgin

    I don't know why this is a question-- it's pretty clear that they're gaming the vote, and have been for some time. It's not exactly subtle, is it? Still I can't get too exercised about it. There are plenty of ways to keep your story on the front page. Frequent updates are a good one.
    FallenSaint and velios like this.
  4. CorruptedHorde

    CorruptedHorde Experienced

    From my observation when I look at the culture here, if I'm an author who is highly sought after by members of the community I'll get a lot of praise from forum posts and personal messages for my threads, instead of dozens of likes per thread.
    FallenSaint likes this.
  5. hematoma

    hematoma Really Experienced

    Don't argue with these people/person. It's not going to get you anywhere.
  6. conkers024

    conkers024 Virgin

    True, they presented them with a mathematical improbability and their response was math is wrong because british! lol
  7. Ramon

    Ramon Virgin

    You may of forced the Brits out, but me and Polo aren't going anywear.
  8. Ramon

    Ramon Virgin

    Aren't you the little racist.
  9. conkers024

    conkers024 Virgin

    British isn't a race?
  10. CorruptedHorde

    CorruptedHorde Experienced

    Wrong Ramon. He's pointing out how poor the logic is.


    With that, I'm out. Peace bros.
    FallenSaint, TheBrand774 and velios like this.
  11. Ramon

    Ramon Virgin

    They found America. You lot try to speak English. I can't write in Spanish for if you want.
  12. Yarkoz

    Yarkoz Really Really Experienced

    At least they aren't He Who Shall Not Be Named. The lack of amperstands is a dead giveaway.
    FallenSaint, jealco and hematoma like this.
  13. Ramon

    Ramon Virgin

    If I Polo or any of the Brits made a bad remark about America we would be banned. Logic according to who?
  14. Yarkoz

    Yarkoz Really Really Experienced

  15. conkers024

    conkers024 Virgin

    Oh god whatever happened to that guy? I remember rejecting his threads every damn day for like two months. Either way I'm out I really don't care what the top stories are, never really scroll down past story of the week.
  16. Ramon

    Ramon Virgin

    I can insult you in Spanish if you would like. Screw Chyoa you losers win.

    How many fake accounts do you have loser?

    The amperstand is of Latin origin. How many Brits use it?
  17. Kaitou1412

    Kaitou1412 Moderator

    First things first, this topic is now locked. The message of suspicious voting has been received, and the topic has degenerated to petty squabbling.

    Second, let's establish some things:

    A. The reason for top votes to be given a place of honor on any website is to establish what's widely considered to be the models for success. Top voted writers establish the model for a good writer, while top voted stories establish the model of a good editor. There are downsides to this, particularly on the latter - such as the stories establishing popular premises more than editing skills or only being high rated due to a writer's high rating - but overall it's a solid system. High amounts of likes from friends defeat the purpose of this setup by skewing the system in favor of the group.

    B. No, I can't say with certainty my friends haven't up-voted my stuff. This is because I didn't invite my friends. I know a few from another website who have migrated over here, but only one knows I'm here, and he doesn't even know my non-moderator username. I tried inviting friends on a different site when I was younger, and the result was I either got positive votes on the site or real life constructive criticism, never virtual criticism with permanent ratings. Based on your responses, Ms Shabby and capace got this same treatment from you, and that's assuming any of you actually read the work to make criticisms. Also suggested by these responses is solidarity aimed towards making the duo's stories the highest rated on the site.

    C. The lot of you spontaneously arriving to defend the honor of friends heavily incriminates the latter. It even suggests that capace knew exactly what would happen when you were all invited.

    Good day to you all. I don't want to see this topic and its derailment pop up again, nor do I want to see comments on my user page about this decision.
    Mr.Blah and velios like this.
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