Okay, I thought we were done with this

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by Kobe, Jan 31, 2016.

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  1. Kobe

    Kobe Experienced


    In a day, I dropped from 92% Like Rate to 23% after the whole "cheating" fiasco.

    I didn't insult anyone, nor bully, nor speak bad about anybody and yet I get flooded with downvotes. I just wanted answers, and the fact that I got 700 extra votes in ONE DAY should be proof that yes, that was my answer.

    There is manipulation going on and it's getting on my nerves.

    I planned on writing a little tonight, and I'm usually not the kind of guy to get irked at this stuff -- but the fact that 700 DOWNVOTES got past you guys onto a story that was originally well received is disheartening. The fact that nothing got done about the fiasco itself (The someone's cheating thread) -- from what I've seen at least -- is also disheartening. If manipulation is to be allowed, what's the point of trying to write a story? I will admit I write for you guys's enjoyment, but my story is also for the people who don't frequent the forums. They probably won't enjoy reading a story with a 23% upvote ratio -- and I don't blame them.

    Edit --

    The comments on my pages are also filled with slander, and borderline bullying. I accept criticism as it comes, but this obviously is not criticism that is unbiased. All of the people who have commented are people who were defending Ms. Shabby and Capace, and I'm assuming they used their alts to downvote me.

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    I think they mass downvoted me and messed up. They liked a few of them, which gave me names (since, for some weird reason we can't see who dislikes our stories) and then commented slander. Which, again, is really fucking annoying.

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    Hematoma's story Escape From Monster Island has also received a whole shitload of downvotes, bringing it to 59%. I'm checking through a lot of high profile users to see what's been going on with their counts, too.

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    Yarkoz has been attacked, too. https://chyoa.com/story/The-Erotic-Costume-Ball.4145

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    Holy shit. I think the majority of any popular story on Chyoa has been hit. Even the Story of the week has gotten an influx (although not on the scale of what I or hematoma got hit with) of downvotes. wtf.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2016
  2. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

  3. Patzo

    Patzo Really Experienced

    Remind me why you guys even care..? It seems like an overwhelming number of people involved have never even posted on the forums before things blew up (i.e., I'm very definitely not talking to Kobe or Zingiber).
    Yarkoz and Zingiber like this.
  4. CorruptedHorde

    CorruptedHorde Experienced

    The upvotes and downvotes are supposed to be a method of feedback for authors, not some contraption for trolls to fool around with. Enough people care about this system for it to exist in the first place. Some of the authors on Chyoa work really hard to bring stuff that makes people stand up and clap. Even if they do writing for fun or for practice, it's a fact that they spent hours thinking and thinking to come up with content... so unfair criticism is unwarranted.

    Chyoa is such an amazing place. I feel like it may be daunting for some newcomers when they first step foot into this place. I don't want any of them to be severely misled by one troll or ten trolls when they check the likes.
    velios, airwreck and Patzo like this.
  5. Yarkoz

    Yarkoz Really Really Experienced

    The commitment that the trolls demonstrate in maintaining this elaborate charade fills me with determination-- er, sorry I've been playing Undertale recently.
    velios, FallenSaint and Patzo like this.
  6. FallenSaint

    FallenSaint Really Really Experienced

    Perhaps checking the old CHYOO for stories by the same authors could provide interesting information on just how popular the stories were? Una Healy and Niddersluts were both there, though they are unreadable here now. And similarly, only Miss Shabby and Capace were writers on them.
    Yarkoz likes this.
  7. Artican

    Artican Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I just think the ranking system needs to be reworked. Is it possible to do an amazon styled suggestion system? "Other people who enjoyed this story also read this one." I don't pay much heed to the most popular articles for the same reason I don't search for top played music.

    Also, maybe require feedback for upvotes and downvotes. Or just downvotes. If people have to do more than just click a button, at the very least they will not do as many.
    velios, RicoLouis, Yarkoz and 2 others like this.
  8. Mr.B.

    Mr.B. Moderator

    To be totally honest, just for the sake of not seeing threads like these anymore and to have writers not in a bad mood, I'd only leave the "upvotes" and the number of people that have the story in their own favourites (or bookmarks). And destroy (or hide) everything else.
    That's what I'd do.
    Noah_Peal and Mr.Blah like this.
  9. Polo33

    Polo33 Virgin

    Kobe in your story your character shoved a cock up a girls bum forcefully without taking her feelings in consideration. Some of the girls took acception to this. Rape stories are illegal in most of Europe and it is about time the rest of the world caught up.

    Yet again Chyoa is telling me what I can and can't like. Taking away my freedom of choice. Or does this only apply if I was American.

    Chyoo use to be a great place. I notice a lot of inactive members that were great authors. If you are friends with the administration at Chyoa you get special privileges.

    One of you is the biggest troll here with at least seven different accounts downvoting everything Ms Shabby or Capace posted. You all have multiple accounts.

    A shy young sweet Asian girl was forced out of Chyoa, but nothing was done about it. If you are not American do not join Chyoa they don't cater to you. Plenty of other quality sites out there.

    We never want to hear any of our names associated with Chyoa again. You guys can circle jerk. This is tiresome and boring.

    After today if you close this thread I guarantee that you will never hear from any of us again unless you come looking for us.
    Shadow Rising likes this.
  10. Shadow Rising

    Shadow Rising Virgin

    Becumming the Niddersluts

    Written By: Capace, Ms Shabby, Brooke the Slut, Polo, Ramon, Shadow Rising

    Edited By: Ms Shabby

    Created By: Ms Shabby

    A reboot of Capace's 2005 Making of the Niddersluts. Which at one time could be viewed on over thirty different sites in five different languages.

    Proving you lot wrong time and time again is a endless chore. That's me done. Squabble amongst yourselves.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2016
  11. Kobe

    Kobe Experienced

    Is that some sort of threat?
  12. capace

    capace Virgin

    Everybody was told to drop this topic. Yet you can't let it go can you. Something was done about the whole bullshit fiasco which you are not privy to, because quite frankly it isn't any of your business.

    This just proves that the whole sorry mess was jealous newbs upset about the popularity of myself and Ms Shabby. Some of the British sites encouraged up voting crediting the authors for the work. Infact a certain site got so pissed of with lurkers that if they haven't given a certain amount of likes in two weeks they were getting banned permanently.

    Both myself and Ms Shabby wanted your approval and to be loved by all of you so badly that we didn't hesitate to delete our work. The only people crying about viewers and ratings is you sorry sad lot.

    I never needed to use this forum before. I don't need to beg to get other people to view or like my work. I have stories all over C-s-s-a, T-s-s-a, Wowefa, Celeb fan fiction, Stories xnxx, Stories Posts if it is even still up. Have talked with literally thousands of authors over the years. A lot of them praising my work.

    I wish I hadn't deleted my 2005 story Making of the Niddersluts, because it was rated higher than both The Saturdays and Becumming the Niddersluts with quite a lot of praise from Chyoo readers. I guess this is what happens when you spread your stories around. Not sticking to one safe place.

    I also have a life. A well paid job. Family friends and other hobbies. I don't have time to be on the Chyoa forum 24/7 unlike most of you. It took me three years to overcome a career threating injury.

    Speaking of lurkers TheBrand774 watches the Chyoa board all day downvoting any stories that threaten to rival the popularity of one of his friends. So if you ever get downvoted suddenly without reason take it up with him.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2016
  13. capace

    capace Virgin

    Kobe you talked trash behind my back. Was extremely rude to the girls, and now it looks like you are trying to get people banned, because they have a different opinion to yourself and your mindless sheep followers.

    I have one email address and one gmail account which isn't even used for Chyoa. Unlike you hypocrites who all have multiple accounts. Goodbye losers.
  14. capace

    capace Virgin

    Chyoa was a very daunting place for a young Pakistani girl called Ms Shabby. She gained a following and improved her writing skills gaining confidence only to be called a cheat and have her work downvoted by Brand774, but this doesn't matter to you because she isn't one of your nerdy little friends.

    Ms Shabby already had the top rated stories, before the trolls downvoted her. I only bought my friends in to cheer her up. Some of your story topics are quite sick Rape and borderline beastality. Each and every one of my friends left a comment telling the author why they didn't like their work.

    The treatment of new writers like Ms Shabby is disgraceful. Yarkoz even joked about He Who Shall Not Be Named. Probably a great guy.

    Myself and Polo have been around far longer than most of you.
  15. johnhoftb

    johnhoftb Experienced

    Hold on, why the fuck did y'all delete y'all's work? There was no need to do so. You could keep writing. One downvote is not the end of the world.

    The entire original issue was legitimate, even if the assumptions on y'all were unwarranted, but then every thing just escalated.

    This issue is also important. There is no need to make those comments on a writers work regardless of what you may think of them. It's petty.

    For me personally, if I look at a work and don't like I tend not to read it anymore. Not attack the person or their background.

    Also, a good number of people on CHYOA are hold overs from the original site.
    velios, airwreck and FallenSaint like this.
  16. Polo33

    Polo33 Virgin

    It was more than one downvote. Mixing it up a original fan fiction based on Little Mix's creation went from a 99% to a 88% in under 36 Hours this is the main reason Ms Shabby became so upset.

    This seemed to happen after a little Mix fan commented on how much she loved the story. If you notice Capace didn't comment on anybodies work for the simple fact that he didn't bother reading it. So no Capace didn't downvote your work, but he has absoultey no control over other people's actions.

    The downvote button should of never been on Chyoa in the first place. Most sites have already gotten rid of this
    atrocity. If anything comes out of this whole sorry mess I implore Chyoa to please get rid of the downvote button.

    Other Authors contributed to Mixing it up and the Payback series. We have already apologised to them for deleting their work, but they seem to understand.

    I could of brought a lot more members in. Some of them quite well know on other sites. I won't be recommending Chyoa to anybody now. We could of gained you a lot of European and Australian members. If you want Chyoa to be a American only site you are doing marvellous job of it. The membership count is dwindling. A lot of the friendlier Chyoo users that I recognise haven't been seen in a while.

    Gooday I have to prepare for work. Have a pleasant day John.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2016
  17. FallenSaint

    FallenSaint Really Really Experienced

    I'm sorry to say that you are wrong with your last comment there. All that proves is that it is the same group supporting each other. Both stories also have a flat zero rating by multiple users if you go look through the author's page, but testing on my own stories show that it is a glitch due to the old site's coding. My own page lets me see the right numbers, but going in as just a guest shows different numbers.

    Now to the other issue. Looking at the number of people who left votes, (Also using my stories as just examples) the stories there have only 22 votes for Una Healy, and 45 for Niddersluts. And both of them were there in 2010 and 2012 respectively. My story Shadow Hunters came around between them in 2011 and had 273 votes. The claims of their popularity there have been exaggerated, and the only writers are this same tight knit little group that has answered legitimate concerns with attacks on race and origin, as well as being extremely vulgar while doing so. Oh and please go ahead and say I'm only saying this because I'm American. I have private conversations going on with people from Europe that speak English as a second language and I'm currently helping one of them to do translations for a great story to make it so that people that only know English can also enjoy it. And CHYOA is very accepting of other countries, which is why we have a non-English section that has many great stories in them. (Thank God for Google translations so I can enjoy them too lol.)

    Now back to our concern.

    1: A question was asked and numbers that look extremely questionable were pointed out. This is a legitimate concern.

    2: This concern was answered not with simple explanations, but slander and insults.

    3: Then there were the down votes. I ask both sides (Because I have tried to stay out of this but find that I can't) to please leave your squabble here and off the stories. That is suppose to be a way to show both authors and readers the strong and weak points of a story. Let it serve its function and not be a way to exact revenge.

    Now, can we please have some civility?

    Didn't one of you earlier say she was Asian? Doesn't matter to me honestly, I find both attractive, though Asians more so.

    And as for He Who Shall Not Be Named, he was a self-absorbed person that wrote sub-par work, but would give poor ratings, and attack almost everyone through comments, forum posts, and emails. I myself received several very unpleasant emails from him after pointing out that his one addition to my story back on CHYOO was not enough to earn Trusted status, especially since it was only added because he had his multiple accounts keep giving it good ratings so it would auto approve. He has been banned multiple times here, CHYOO, Literotica, and a few other websites that I have found out about. In fact, he had a run a while back where he had three bannings in one week on Literotica after jumping into random threads just to attack members. He didn't react well to having the same thing done to him.
    velios likes this.
  18. Big D Angel

    Big D Angel Virgin

    All I know is that when both The Saturdays and Niddersluts came across from the orignal Chyoa they where rated with all the deleted threads ratings. This issue is on Chyoa. Capace still has stories that he deleted years ago come across with absolutely no chapters in them. Every single one of us was shocked when we saw them.

    We all love Chyoo, but it is really glitchy. The view count and ratings are wrong on just about every story. I thought this was the main reason for the introduction of Chyoa.

    Pakistani are Asians. The first four letters are a extremely racist remark so Pakistani's and Indians are reffered to as British Asians which is far more politically correct.

    We admitted to our downvotes and didn't start it, until you all accused us of been trolls. If we where to downvote anyones work we at least have the balls to admit it.

    This all started through false allegations and chatting behind our backs. Some of you thought that we wouldn't retaliate. We have gained a lot of support not just from other Erotic websites, but also Sport Forums from former colleagues that we have worked with. Chyoa has gained quite a bit of publicity from this unfortunately for you it's not good publicity.

    Regarding the dude whose threads that you all turned down how gently did you turn him down?

    Each and every one of us lived in America at some point working with some of the biggest young Athletic talents in America. So don't give me that we support Europe rubbish, because you helped one person.

    With that the angry Blackman left the building taking his friends with him.

    Peace to my brothers and sisters. Thumbs down to the Chyoa sheep.

    This is the END OF THE DISCUSSION from our side. Bicker amongst yourselves.
  19. johnhoftb

    johnhoftb Experienced

    Here's the issue right here. Y'all retaliated. There should not have been any retaliation except for talking with a mod, leaving the site, and at worst deleting your stories, but looking back, I saw an escalation of the issue into bickering, name calling, and attacking; and this was on a story's comments, where this should never have happened.

    Finally, if y'all really want this to be over, y'all will hit the unwatch link just above and to the right of the first post and ignore this from now on.
  20. FallenSaint

    FallenSaint Really Really Experienced

    In truth, most of the over reacting seems to be on their parts. No one asked about race or origin, but all of them decided to play that card, on top of being fairly rude and insulting.
    velios and airwreck like this.
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