Reign of the Dark Queen

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by TigrisSeductor, Jan 31, 2016.

  1. I've been thinking of a (possibly light) femdom story set in a fantasy world.

    The main character would be a gorgeous queen-sorceress from a northern, Russian-ish kingdom, with an intent to conquer other kingdoms politically as well as other people sexually. She'd be supernaturally blessed with youth, power and beauty through magical ritual, and her favourite lovers would receive similer blessings.

    The story could involve her alternating between organising wars of conquest and plotting against her enemies while seducing and dominating men and women during the night, including the kings and queens of the countries she defeated. elena-romanova-fun-in-my-room-12.jpg

    She would look a bit like that.
  2. Patzo

    Patzo Really Experienced

    I'm super into this idea and would be happy to contribute to that. It sounds like a great setup for drama, with the queen seducing the leaders of multiple countries and convincing them to fight each other. Then her army sweeps through what's left as a "peacekeeping" force.
    FallenSaint and Yarkoz like this.
  3. Yarkoz

    Yarkoz Really Really Experienced

  4. CorruptedHorde

    CorruptedHorde Experienced

    Yes please!!!

    Also... I think it would be pretty cool if there's a prince character that disappears and goes into hiding when he figures out what's really going on. He organizes a secret task force (composed of interesting characters from different kingdoms possibly) to slowly dismantle the queen-sorceress's kingdom from the shadows. He proves to be a difficult target for her, so the man becomes highly wanted as she tries to investigate and lure him out.
    Yarkoz likes this.
  5. Lol, more like an even sexier, fantasy version or Catherine the Great. Then again, Putin is a lot like Catherine.
    Yarkoz likes this.
  6. Lure him out and maybe break him. She'd be interested in seducing a powerful man like him. Or do you mean the Prince as in the Queen's son? (Not that it would stop people)
    Zingiber likes this.
  7. Patzo

    Patzo Really Experienced

    Not gonna lie: the Sid Meier's Civilization vedsion of Catherine the Great was the first thing to jump into my head.
    Zingiber and Yarkoz like this.
  8. CorruptedHorde

    CorruptedHorde Experienced

    Prince of another kingdom! Sorry about that.
  9. Yarkoz

    Yarkoz Really Really Experienced

    Hmm, for some reason a fantasy A-Team popped into my head. Plus with this:

    Fantasy Hannibal might enjoy that too much, but the avenues for stories are pretty wide. She might break him, they may be locked in a stalemate, he may even get a few over on her. Nothing's sexier than a powerful figure meeting their match in my opinion.

    Point. From czars to premiers to... well, Putin, not much has changed in the halls of Russian leadership. Those who can grip their iron fist the hardest stay in power.
  10. 1) Perhaps she won't succeed in breaking him, but she'll definitely develop an obsession with him. Maybe because she can't control her and he is defiant, he makes her feel weak - and she enjoys this sensation.
    2) They also expanded in similar directions (and even conquered the same lands), and relied heavily on the upper classes. Both had turbulent family lives and liked to flaunt their sexuality too - remember the 2012 Putin voting campaign?
  11. Yarkoz

    Yarkoz Really Really Experienced

    The exotic becomes the erotic, and legend has it that those in power or who are strong-willed often have hidden submission fantasies. (There is some psychological evidence supporting that, so there's that.) Definitely doable! Not that she would yield an inch in her everyday governing life. This guy is just special, especially if they have these similar backgrounds. They kinda find themselves in each other.

    Oh with shirtless Putin hunting and wrestling bears and pretending to be the Old Spice Guy? How could the internet forget?! lol
  12. How do you think the story could be set? As in, what even would serve best as an intro?
  13. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    A scene showing the Queen in Court receiving a plea of submission and request for protection from a prince whose domain is being invaded by its neighbor.

    Perhaps she offers him asylum, letting his domain fall into chaos, and adds him to her harem / army.

    Perhaps she grants his request and re-installs him as a puppet ruler of his old domain, under the secret domination of one of her harem who takes the public role of his new consort, chief minister, or army general.

    The scene could then shift to a flashback of how she engineered the prince's fall, or advance to her celebrating the prince's submission. Or shift to those who are resisting her, whether effectively or not.
    TigrisSeductor and Yarkoz like this.
  14. That is definitely a good idea!

    I also thought of setting up the story with her "rewarding" one of her loyal generals, who conquered the eastern tundra in her name, with a night with her as well as his wife, whom the queen has enchanted to make her slutty, bisexual and obedient to her, dominating him in the process.
    Zingiber likes this.
  15. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    I must confess, I've swapped out most of the Civ5 diplomacy text (esp. "What do you think of (other ruler)?" responses) with sexual banter. Those text resource files were just sitting there asking for it.
    Patzo and Yarkoz like this.
  16. CorruptedHorde

    CorruptedHorde Experienced

    Perhaps there could be a section at the start that covers the magical ritual she went through. Boom, it's like she goes from chieftain ai to deity ai! (I don't know how this Civ V fever is so contagious)
    TigrisSeductor likes this.
  17. That would be quite interesting! Aside from showing her physical and mental transformation (a bit like bimbification, but instead of growing sexier, sluttier and dumber, she'd become sexier, sluttier and evil) it could be a way to show her backstory. Though that could be a different section or a plotline in itself.

    She could be a relatively young woman when she first underwent the ritual, in which case we could show how she lost her innocence first, or she could turn to witchcraft after her husband died or to restore her youth. One way or another showing the Queen's descent into darkness could work well for the starting section.
  18. Yarkoz

    Yarkoz Really Really Experienced

    Love that idea, because power always comes at a high price, and that could be any chance of deliverance from evil. It's not just that her innocence is stolen, but so is her sense of empathy and ability to produce equitable decisions. That could be a genocidal path for example if one chooses the pen that, whereas another path could be that she's just prone to making evil decisions over anything else, compromising and abiding by the social contract only when absolutely necessary.
  19. Or perhaps what she could lose as the ability to treat anyone, even a lover, as her equal. No friendship, no fraternity, no love for another like her: she can only see people as enemies or as slaves. She may treat her people or her lovers with care, but only as much as a master could treat their favourite pet.

    Those she enchants through her rituals could adopt a similar mindset. Treating the queen as their mistress and the rest as competitors for her affection.
    Patzo, Yarkoz, Zingiber and 1 other person like this.
  20. Oh, and before I actually start the story: what sort of setting should the queen exist in? Considering we mentioned Catherine, the setting should probably be fairly modern (18th century, albeit with some supernatural elements), but we also could set it in a fantasy world. Or, as a compromise, a world remindful of the Renaissance.