Post bug reports here!

Discussion in 'Site Feedback' started by airwreck, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. dingsdongs

    dingsdongs Really Really Experienced

    Thanks for your help.
    I tried deleting all the content with no success, and then even created a new chapter with the same problem. Then i changed the chapter title, and that finally did it.

    So I think we identified the problem:
    As far as i can tell, as long as the chapter title contains the word "Advertisement" it somehow triggers a certain browser addon to block the comments page. I changed the word ""Advertisement" in the title to "Ad" and that no longer produces the error.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2021
  2. 2p1k3

    2p1k3 Experienced

    [No] B is a post that is under review. That is great.

    The problem is that I want that chapter to point to [No] A. However, the chapter link to system only lets me point to the chapter before [No] A. When I type "no" into the field? I get a list with every other chapter in the story, with the characters "no" in them.

    I have no idea why this happens and I have tried to perform this task on Dissenter & Microsoft Edge with no joy. So my end is probably the least likely culprit. Maybe it is a conspiracy against the chapter title "No".

    Yet, all I need is for someone to please change [No] B to link to [No] A.

    Thank you for sharing your time.
  3. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    That's weird.
    Maybe it's related to an advertisement script.

    The type-away always gives you the first few results.
    This is done by the server. There is no way to change that with the browser.

    You would need to be more specific with the chapter title to get the right one. Just having "no" that's quite impossible as it is part of many words.

    I've changed the link of chapter B to chapter A. It should work now as intended.
    To do that, I changed the chapter title of chapter A to something else, linked B to A, and changed the chapter title of chapter A back to "No".
    So this can only do the author of the destination chapter, an editor, or the story owner.

    Using "No!" or "No." for those chapters might be useful though in some cases that might not be enough anyway.
  4. Bottlecaps

    Bottlecaps Virgin

    Not sure if this is exactly the right place for it, but it seems like a good place to get answers. I’m working on a story with the intent to publish it, but can’t seem to get to the chapter I’ve been working on. My internet flickered a bit while I was saving the chapter, and while I received the green “chapter was saved successfully” message, the page now seems to be inaccessible due to an unusually persistent Bad Gateway error, and I can’t help but feel like it’s my fault somehow.

    I’ve already accepted that I’ve probably lost the most recent work I’ve done on the chapter, but some way to access the most recently saved version of it would be fantastic. Anybody have any tips on what I can do, or if not, who or where I should ask? I’m happy to provide additional details.
  5. Stranger12

    Stranger12 Virgin

    I've seen reports like this before and I think it's usually an incorrectly performed image link. If there was an image in your chapter, you might want to ask a mod to remove that link (it should be doable directly from the database).
    Bottlecaps likes this.
  6. Bottlecaps

    Bottlecaps Virgin

    Fantastic! That’s wonderful news. Thank you.
  7. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    It might be a problem with an image. If that's the case, the content should still be there.
    And I could take a look at it but I need the link of the chapter or the story.

    If it is related to an inserted image, you don't need database access.
    You only need to be able to edit the chapter. But depending on your settings and browser configuration, it might not work for you.
    Bottlecaps likes this.
  8. Bottlecaps

    Bottlecaps Virgin

    Oh, thank you! I’ll PM you the chapter link. It’s still unpublished, so idk if that’ll cause issues for you.
    gene.sis likes this.
  9. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Fixed :)
    Friedman likes this.
  10. I am somewhat new to the site but I have made a few sites and started a few stories. Recently on one of my stories, "Jaune's Journey of Control" Link: {'s-Journey-of-Control.33364} on the third chapter "Lie Ren" Link: {} I tried adding images to my chapter but it became inaccessible with a "bad gateway error" this is my first experience with this. I've tried deleting the chapter, the chapter before it, and even the story itself it remains.

    I'm not sure if it's a coincidence but have also noticed that it has become more frequently appearing on random chapters and sometimes I'd reload the page and it'd be fine.

    I'm not sure if this is relevant but I use android to access, read, and add to this site. If possible I would like to request a proper method for adding images to stories via android.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2021
  11. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Images can only be added with the Markdown syntax.
    If you try to drag and drop an image into a chapter, the program or operating system interprets the information in a certain way, sometimes changing it into code that makes the chapter break.

    If removed the image from the chapter.

    If a chapter sometimes works and sometimes not, it shouldn't be related to what I described above.
    Please provide some links if this happens again, so I can take a look at the chapters.

    Use the Markdown syntax for images.
    replace "link" with an online link to the image. Most users use image hosters to store the images they want to use in their chapters.
    Friedman likes this.
  12. blank97

    blank97 Really Experienced

    I am reporting a possible bug. I was unable to log in to forum for hours (showed error) while logging in to main site was working fine.
    I don't know if it happened to anyone else but then again if someone is unable to login how will they report it.

    It might be because someone reported me as a bot which I assure you I am not. In the comment section of one of the stories someone implied that she thinks I am a bot. I made a joke that I am not a bot unless I am a bot that was programmed to think it is a human. When I was unable to login I thought I might have been reported as bot. Login seems to working fine now though I am scared to logout and Check again.

    I even joked that Friedman is doing this to me though it probably isn't true.
  13. blank97

    blank97 Really Experienced

    Logged in again without problem so problem seems to be solved on its own.
  14. blank97

    blank97 Really Experienced

    Took several tries to login again. I don't know why it happened first time and I don't know why it happened this time but if anyone have any clue please help. Also if I try to post two things consecutively I get an error saying "you have to wait for 28 second". ( the number reduces of course and I can post after that much second )
  15. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Cloudflare blocked access from the forum to the CHYOA API because Cloudflare incorrectly recognized the forum as a bot. Therefore nobody could log into the forum for this time.

    When I noticed, I whitelisted the forum's IP address on Cloudflare, which solved the problem.
  16. I am experiencing a little glitch on android when typing and make a typo I and I tap on it becomes highlighted red then a suggestion box pops up showing possible words but when it happens while writing its pops up blank.
  17. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    I guess that is related to Android and/or the used browser.
    CHYOA doesn't have a typo correction feature.
  18. BelleHades

    BelleHades Virgin

    I am having trouble adding chapter tags. They no longer turn blue when I add the comma, and when I click outside the tag box, the tags disappear. When modifying tags for an existing chapter, they can not be recovered if I backspace over them as adding the comma will no longer turn tags blue
  19. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Tags aren't separated by commas when you enter them.
    You need to press "Enter" instead to confirm a tag. (I think you should even be able to add tags that include commas.)
    BelleHades likes this.
  20. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    I don't know if I could call it a bug, but since few days a have been getting notifications for favorites in Video games Enp, but this story isn't my. Sure, I added few chapters to this, a lot I could say, but I didn't started it, so it little weird for me as in the others stories I have nothing like that. It is a bug or something from the author?