A new kind of raceplay

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by Hornyteenager, May 5, 2021.

  1. Hornyteenager

    Hornyteenager Virgin

    Raceplay is a popular theme in erotica, but one where brown people are on the dominating side is very few and far between. And so I'm thinking about writing a story with a brown dude in charge, aka "browndom." Who would be willing to read such a story?
    IdealSimp, Kineticat and Cuchuilain like this.
  2. Tip

    Tip Really Experienced

    You could do it as decolonization. An Indian guy and a British girl would work.
    IdealSimp, Kineticat and Cuchuilain like this.
  3. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    depends on the story. Maybe Americans/Europeans sunbathing on secluded mediterranean island kidnapped and taken to the slave markets of North Africa? (Or yachting billionaires taken by Somali pirates to something similar). Yeah, that would be worth reading. Not sure I'd be that much bothered by race one way or the other though - its the story that counts.
    Kineticat likes this.
  4. Impregmaniac

    Impregmaniac Really Experienced

    It could be an alternate version of history, where the non-browns were subjugated.
    IdealSimp, Kineticat and Cuchuilain like this.
  5. remysloane

    remysloane Experienced

    I am not 100% sure what is meant by "brown" here. Did you have something more specific in mind? Latino? I wrote about a lady getting seduced in Mexico, and that was fun.
    Kineticat and Cuchuilain like this.
  6. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    I'm not overly keen on porn where the dude is anything other than pink. I'm not too fussed what the shade of the girl is. Its not so much aesthetics or any racist nonsense, just that when the lady is sucking a brown dick I find it hard to imagine myself in that scenario. i.e. the dick has to look similar enough to mine for me to get anything out of it.
    I wonder if erotic literature might have that effect too. i.e. if a pink dude is reading a story about a brown dude banging a hot girl, is there any space for him to picture himself in that scene? I'm not sure.
    On the other hand - it might just be me and my limited imagination.
    Kineticat likes this.
  7. Tip

    Tip Really Experienced

    People do enjoy the voyeur aspect of it.
  8. Tip

    Tip Really Experienced

    I was thinking Indian subcontinent. I mean, you could do Afghans now. Now I can’t get a humor one out of my head: Indian guy having a terrible Apu accent somehow getting lucky and not understanding what’s going on.

    “I am very sorry madam but let me take a minute to thank you and let me cum again.”
    Kineticat and Cuchuilain like this.
  9. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    Is it too soon to write erotica about Afghanistan related topics? e.g. hijacking a pile of people who went off to be isis brides and banging them in a Nevada brothel while they're under the misapprehension they're in Afghanistan fulfilling a mission?
    mentat and Kineticat like this.
  10. Impregmaniac

    Impregmaniac Really Experienced

    Personally, I'd avoid the Middle East like the plague.
    Kineticat and Cuchuilain like this.
  11. insertnamehere

    insertnamehere Really Really Experienced

    I think writing a purely pornographic story based on any real-world tragedy that still affects many people in the present (including events that began centuries ago, like British colonisation) would be offensive in the extreme, but nobody can or will stop you. After all, the same statement can be made about many depictions of non-con on this site.
    Kineticat and Cuchuilain like this.
  12. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    I dont think I would use anything really, based on current events - wouldnt actually want to offend anyone, but I do have stories based on as you say, British Colonialism - involving topics like forced deportation / enslavement to penal colonies in the new world for petty theft.
    I kind of figure if its set 100+ years ago, pretty much anything goes. Is that wrong, or would anyone still get upset by such stuff.
    Kineticat likes this.
  13. insertnamehere

    insertnamehere Really Really Experienced

    I can't imagine something like a convict being shipped to Australia would offend any rational person, because very few people descended from Australian convicts are negatively affected by it. On the other hand, the genocide of Australian Aboriginal peoples continues to directly impact many, if not most, presently living Aboriginal people for fairly obvious reasons, and I suppose many white and immigrant Australians are similarly sensitive about the subject out of empathy, if nothing else. Some tragedies are too severe to simply fade away after a few years. Writing a sexual story about a convict would be several orders of magnitude more palatable than a sexual story about an Indigenous slave.
    Kineticat and Cuchuilain like this.
  14. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    I suppose the other area I'm never sure where the line of acceptability is, is religion.
    I mean tackling the prophet Muhammad didn't go well for Salman Rushdie (brilliant book though) or those Charlie Hebdo guys. I suspect a porn story involving Jesus or his parents, Moses, buddha etc might not go down well either. On the other hand nuns always seem to be fair game.
    I guess its as you say, where it actually affects or offends living people is where its gone too far.
    Kineticat likes this.
  15. SeriousBrainDamage

    SeriousBrainDamage Really Really Experienced

    I suspect this has been done already.
    Kineticat and Cuchuilain like this.
  16. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    Well, its rule 34 I suppose. I try hard not to think about that or there seems to be no point trying to come up with new stories.
    Kineticat and SeriousBrainDamage like this.
  17. Javalar

    Javalar Really Experienced

    As a German, I can assure you that I currently would NOT enjoy reading any Nazi-rapes-Jew-story, and I am pretty sure that won't change in the year 2033.

    That being said, I guess certain triggers and no-gos will always be highly cultural and/or personal. Especially when it comes to sex and non-consensual sex in particular. Because we are dealing here, in the end, with criminal and violent behaviour, although we transfer it into the realm of fiction and fantasy.
  18. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    Thanks - i completely agree, and any cultural or religious groups who are still present are off-limits for me anyway. (Jews, muslims etc)
    Fucking of nazis I'm assuming would be acceptable though.
    I'm going to modify my premise to any cultural/religious groups who have not existed for 100+ years are fair game. (ancient greeks, egyptians, vikings etc)
    and somehow nuns too.
    Kineticat likes this.
  19. mentat

    mentat Virgin

    Color of the skin is unimportant to me. I would like to see stories set in countries you are from or lived for many years. write a story which is set in that culture.
  20. IdealSimp

    IdealSimp Guest

    This would be hot. Honestly I think colonial and post-Western erotica is underexplored as a setting. Fall of Rhodesia, the Haitian Revolution, Hong Kong Handover, Indian independence, the Algerian War and subjugation of the Pieds-Noir, Westerners left in Afghanistan following the Taliban takeover.

    There’s real potential there. You’ll piss off a LOT of people, of course. But that’s raceplay in a nutshell.
    uppitygracie likes this.