Site been having issues or just me?

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by BBBlooster, Jun 18, 2021.

  1. BBBlooster

    BBBlooster Experienced

    Apologies if this isn’t the correct place to post this, I’ve very little experience using forums.
    Earlier today i was fixing some formatting issues in my story “Characters For Sale” and i had to repost a chapter (unrelated but i wish there was a was to “publish silently”) and so it was reshuffled to the recently updates list.
    Naturally i came back a few hours later to see if i had any notifications and there were none.
    That would be unusual in itself, but I wasn't bothered by it till I checked the story and saw there were quite a few new people who had favourited it, and the views also seemed to be stuck.
    Again, not a big deal. But I’ve been dicking around on the site a little in the past hour and have had quite a few issues loading pages and especially my own profile.
    Am i going crazy? Or has anyone else been experiencing some bugs today?
  2. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thanks! I'm on it!
    BBBlooster likes this.
  3. BBBlooster

    BBBlooster Experienced

    It’s appreciated! I hope im not sounding the alarm over some sort of fluke.
  4. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    I really appreciate the info! Now it should work smoothly again.
    BBBlooster likes this.
  5. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    The site is working smoothly for me, but I've noticed the recent activities, both mine and my notifications, have vanished. I can get new notifications, but the ones I had already read seem to be gone.
  6. BBBlooster

    BBBlooster Experienced

    Yep, looks like i have Notifications again. Ah sweet gratification, how i have missed your red
    my old ones are gone as well. I think that was necessary to reset the system as indeed the issue looks like it’s fixed, im getting new notifications again.
    I would much rather my old notifications be removed than to no longer receive new ones.
    gene.sis and Friedman like this.
  7. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    Oh, yes, totally, lol. Was just reporting the unusual issue, but, yes, if the new notifications work, and they are, I'm fine with it too.
    gene.sis, BBBlooster and Friedman like this.
  8. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    The MySQL tables have grown too big in their current state. That's why I renamed them and created them from scratch. The old notifications are still there, just not visible in the frontend.
    insertnamehere and BBBlooster like this.
  9. Bauer1

    Bauer1 Virgin CHYOA Backer

    Is the 'notifications' tab still mucking about? I haven't had any all day.
  10. Javalar

    Javalar Really Experienced

    I also haven't been online for a few days and wanted to check if I have had any comments etc. during my period of absence, but I can only see two notifications from today.

    Is there any way to see my older notifications?
  11. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    New notifications now come in normally. I’ll see that I’m importing some of the old notifications.
    buyerinternet and Laugherguy like this.
  12. buyerinternet

    buyerinternet Virgin

    It looks like this has caused the 'recent activity' tab on people's profiles to clear out meaning you cannot see things people have liked and commented (a useful tool to find new stories from people you've identified with similar tastes). So hopefully you have some joy with re-importing some of the more recent records from the full tables.
    toni7 and Friedman like this.
  13. Spioch

    Spioch Virgin

    Would be good to set up a daily scritpt to clean up notifications older then month perhaps?
    Would be beneficial from performance and privacy point of view I guess.
    Friedman likes this.
  14. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    I imported the last 100,000 rows. Thank you!

    I think this is a good idea!
    Zeebop and toni7 like this.
  15. toni7

    toni7 Virgin

    May I be damned for tracking my favourite stories only with likes and not bookmarks..
  16. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    How can I help you? Do you want me to restore all of your activity?
  17. toni7

    toni7 Virgin

    Wow, I wasn't expecting such helpfulness.
    Thanks for the offer, but your time is surely better spent doing anything else.