Besides ecstasy, what other emotions do you ENJOY feeling/reading?

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by ittybittyht, Jun 13, 2021.

  1. ittybittyht

    ittybittyht Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    As someone who is more diverse with writing and doesn’t just write adult stuff, I find it interesting when I incorporate other emotions in my stories other than just “excitement” or “embarrassment” in my case, but sometimes I think readers don’t necessarily expect other emotions when reading erotic texts. I’ve had mixed responses in the past and its brought up some interesting thoughts. Sometimes people really like it if it’s more on the wholesome side versus constant humiliation or constant sex or whatever the fetish covers and other times people think that sad moments kind of “kill the mood” if you will.

    However, I also know there’s a portion of people that REALLY enjoy deep moments whether they’re sad and emotional or not even in their adult readings. My question to you, what emotions do you like to read/write?

    Do you enjoy leaning a bit more wholesome or having a cathartic moment for a character?

    Or would you rather only just have the ecstasy?

    Do you get turned off by emotional moments?

    Or do you find them to be surprisingly exciting in a way?
    Akata_Ryuuga and MidbossMan like this.
  2. ittybittyht

    ittybittyht Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I can answer my own question by saying, I think that you’ve just got to read the room. While some types thrive on just sex all the time or pure humiliation all the time, sometimes I think it makes sense to step back and remind ourselves that our characters are “people”. If you have a girl who is constantly getting humiliated…. wouldn’t it be natural to also have a breaking point where she just cries or vents about what she’s been going through?

    In my opinion it elevates the text just that much when you have that character reach their breaking point, maybe their hope in their eyes fades away as they realize their fate has been set. I think it’s strange if there’s not that moment at some point unless they actually are a sadist or masochist and actually enjoy it. The lack of emotions can end up making a character feel robotic or make it painstakingly clear that it’s fiction. I mean come on, the whole school just saw her naked, her nudes posted online, her body made fun of with every flaw there is, her reputation shattered, maybe she even masturbated on camera, and you expect me to believe that she wouldn’t cry? Or have some other reaction? I think that as a writer it is important to include those moments.

    As a reader, personally I enjoy it when characters act more human. Whether they cry or laugh or scream, to me it makes the moment better than if they literally just moan and moan and moan and orgasm or blush and blush and blush and redden and blush and… bruh

    I think as long as it doesn’t come out of the blue and whiplashes the reader, then I personally don’t think it’s a killjoy at all to have a character cry or go through a sad moment, if anything I think the opposite.
  3. insertnamehere

    insertnamehere Really Really Experienced

    Honestly, I enjoy feeling any emotion from reading. I think if a series of symbols on a piece of paper (or screen) are capable of making me feel a certain way, then there's something interesting about them. I'm even impressed by stories that make me particularly horrified or repulsed (and I've declined enough of those). There's something to be said for a string of words that has that level of power over a person's mind.

    In terms of erotica, I still enjoy a range of expressed emotions, but it has to lie somewhere within the story's theme. I say this because many story themes are distinctly non-sexual. It's somewhat difficult to get off to the horrors of war, for example, though you can still present a similar set of emotions in a different, erotic text.
  4. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    Personally, while all the stories I'm writing here are intended to have erotic content, when I'm reading, I usually want to be intrigued first and foremost. So for me, while eroticism is kind of what's bringing me to the dance, I am excited to feel all kinds of things, whether I'm embroiled in a page-turner of political intrigue or wowed by the coolness of a fantasy combat scene.

    "Negative" emotions like anger and sadness are good too if done with the right context and utilization. For instance, I still like to read a tragic scene of loss or an infuriating scene of betrayal, even if it's in an erotic work.

    I also have a hard time sticking with something if I don't see a range of human emotions at work. You talked about the victim in a humiliation situation there and how their emotions can evoke an empathetic response in the reader. To add, I find one of the most critical perspectives is that of tormentors, onlookers, people blessed with powers, whoever it may be. It's critical to my engagement with a story that their behaviors and consequences of those behaviors flow realistically. I.e. if they do something demented, it throws me if a mixed crowd of onlookers is like "yeah, tits!" and there's not anybody who's offering to help or covering a boner. Key to generating emotion is having empathetic characters, meaning characters that behave and think like humans would.

    Often I think the challenge becomes "Well how do I get crazy public sex to happen if they're thinking like rational human beings?" It's up to the writer to figure that out, whether it's some complex motivations or just someone being hypnotized into it.
    ittybittyht and insertnamehere like this.
  5. ittybittyht

    ittybittyht Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    It’s kind of what separates a good show like One Tree Hill and a terrible show like Riverdale lol. In One Tree Hill, every single character matters, even if they are “background” or “one off” characters. Heck some of the best characters in the show only appear for one or two scenes and then leave, but the reason they stay with you is because they felt like REAL people. Unlike Riverdale where apparently you can fight a bear and have literally no damage delt to you. XD
    MidbossMan likes this.
  6. Artican

    Artican Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I love it when shows give side characters their moment to shine. When a group of characters come together and get a job done after struggle and hardships, you get this sense of accomplishment and triumph.
    MidbossMan likes this.
  7. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    I like to read about anticipation, anxiety that animates thought/action, admiration, feeling happy for others, worry as it highlights love/need, conflict that breaks through into understanding, teasing into loving laughter.

    Other feelings add light to the heat of desire and hunger and pleasure.

    ittybittyht likes this.