Bad Halloween Story Ideas

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by Zeebop, Oct 23, 2020.

  1. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    The Haunting of Whore House
    A group of paranormal investigators descend on a reputedly haunted house - an old Victorian pile built on a hill outside of town. Once, it was a brothel...until a series of murders and suicides. What secrets does it hold? What ghosts stalk its halls? Why do they seem so focused on the women in the group? And who will survive until dawn?
    Tip and fyreant like this.
  2. Tip

    Tip Really Experienced

    There is a humor section for a reason.
    fyreant likes this.
  3. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Sexual Predator
    A half-dozen people wake up in the middle of a mist-shrouded jungle...and swiftly realize they have things in common. Johnny 33 was serving consecutive sentences for multiple rapes. The Hedgehog was the most sexually aggressive porn star in L.A., notorious for being the biggest cock in the biz - in more ways than one - and for "breaking in" new stars. Captain Grey had been in charge of a very particular kind of enhanced interrogation in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay...and they weren't even the worst! But what these men and women quickly found was that they were in the hunting preserve of something more dangerous...and horny...than they had ever known. With a purpose none of them were ready for. It was a matter of rape or be raped...and one by one, these sexual predators might be fucked.

    Or worse.
  4. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Psycho Mom
    On his eighteenth birthday, [Insert Name Here] woke up tied to the bed. All his life, he'd had a normal life...or as normal as a kid could have, with a single mother. Perhaps she was a little clingy, a little intense and protective of her little boy, but then again, he was all she had.

    It wasn't until today that he found out...she wanted more.

    He had never really known her at all. What she wanted. What she was willing to do to get it.

    Or how much he would suffer to give her what she wanted.
  5. insertnamehere

    insertnamehere Really Really Experienced

    Come again?!
  6. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    If you insist. I've been waffling lately back and forth between possibilities. One approach might be something like "Mom has a breeding fetish and keeps her totally-legally-aged-son tied to the bed and fucks him until she gets pregnant...even if it means cutting off his arms and legs if he tries to escape," basically reverse rape with added drama; another might involve her always wanting a daughter and finally deciding to feminize him by force.
    insertnamehere likes this.
  7. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    In the distant future, the Weyland-Yutani Corporation has found another pyramid-complex with a captive Xenomorph Queen. Once again, a team of mercenaries, scientists, and a human-looking android are assembled. This time, however, the mission is a little different: find the Queen...and fuck it. W-Y suspects that resulting human-xenomorph hybrids will have dominant human characteristics...but to prove them right or wrong, the team of porn stars, sexologists, and whorebot will need to survive...
    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
  8. Warden-Yarn15

    Warden-Yarn15 Really Really Experienced

    While I understand that the point is to fuck the Xenomorph queen, it's a tad horrific what the Xenomorph's reproduction system is, and I don't believe chestbursting is in anyone's fetish list... all except maybe a guromancer or two.
    SeriousBrainDamage likes this.
  9. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Call it a writing challenge. And maybe these xenomorphs are slightly sexier.

    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
  10. Warden-Yarn15

    Warden-Yarn15 Really Really Experienced

    SeriousBrainDamage likes this.
  11. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    The Innsmouth Bride
    Loretta Marsh is a funny-looking young woman...and she's on a schedule. Women on her side of the family tend to change quick, and there's no way she'll be able to get a human mate if she's got gills and dorsal spikes. Her father has paid for her education at Miskatonic University in Arkham, and as Loretta prepares to graduate, she's looking to her future...which includes finding a husband in very short order. Because day by day, she can feel the changes taking place inside of her...and if she doesn't act fast, she's done for. Because there are no old maids in Innsmouth; unmarried young women who make the change are sacrificed to Cthulhu.

    Can Loretta win a husband before she gets too green and scaly? Will she do what she has to do to escape her fate on Cthulhu's altar? Are the charms Mother Dagon gave her enough, or is she going to have to borrow a page from the Necronomicon, like that hunky Wilbur Whateley wants?
    SeriousBrainDamage likes this.
  12. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Want Some Head?
    James thought the carnival sideshow was discreetly offering oral sex - like fortune tellers that offer handjobs under the guise of palmreading. Young, dumb, and full of cum, he had entered the sideshow tent with a sweaty fist full of money and the desperate need to get his rocks off...and didn't smell the ether until it was too late. When he woke up on the operating table, woozy and in pain, it felt like someone had ripped his chest and shoulder in two...and he wasn't far wrong.

    The mad doctor helped supply the sideshow with freaks, and he had just successfully performed the first operation to re-conjoin Siamese twins. Now James will have to share his body - and his raging hard-on - with a complete stranger. As he looked over at his new lifemate, he was shocked to see...

    Who is it? His bully? His sister? His girlfriend? Who is in control of this body...and how do they live? More importantly, will James ever get laid?
  13. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Straight Boy Hell
    Bobby is secure in his heterosexuality but unlucky in love, and so has been playing with voodoo and black magic...and he's finally gotten some real results. Which, he figures, is enough to get him laid if he plays his cards right. Most specifically, Bobby has found a way to detach his penis and disguise it as a dildo. The illusion is perfect, and Bobby can feel everything. Sneaking into the girl's bathroom, he plants the toy in the bag of the head cheerleader at his university...hundreds of movies can't be wrong, can they? He'll be cumming insider hot pussy within hours!

    Well, except that her sissy brother Sam finds the dildo and steals it. Now Bobby—who is very much not gay!—finds himself experiencing some very unexpected and unwanted pleasures...and worse, to get his dick back, he's going to get seduce Sam...which gives a lot of people the very wrong idea. All Bobby wants is his dick back...but to get it, he's going to have to go through Straight Boy Hell.
  14. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Curse of the Cuntpire
    Once, a long time ago, Carmilla was sweet...innocent. She had never known a man's touch.

    Five centuries later, she still hasn't.

    A group of sorority girls camping out in an old European church inadvertently disturb the grave of Carmilla...a drop of menstrual blood is all that is required to resurrect the dessicated bones and stir unlife into the long-dead flesh. For Carmilla is cursed, even among vampires...she can only feed on the blood of women...and she is so very, very thirsty.

    Some men don't know how to take "no" for an answer, however, and if Carmilla isn't careful she'll find a bevy of patriarchial priests trying to "stake" her...and Carmilla well knows that if they capture her, as they did before, she will end up as their plaything in their dungeon forever.
  15. dingsdongs

    dingsdongs Really Really Experienced

    Oh, this reminds me of "Lesbian Vampire Killers" ;-)
  16. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Janine has always been a fitness and diet freak, supermodel thin, never reached a hundred pounds...but then she made the mistake of running over a witch's cat. Or possibly her son. In either case, the old woman got all up in her face and uttered a curse...

    ...and now the pounds are packing on. First it was just a pound...then two the end of the week Janine had put on 28 pounds. Every day, Janine gets fatter and fatter. Her willpower can't keep up with her growing appetite, and no amount of exercise can burn off the excess calories. As a cover story, she's told everyone she's doing a fit-to-fat-to-fit challenge...but if something doesn't change soon, Janine is going to go from fit to morbidly obese...

    ...and there's someone who might like her better that way.
  17. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Fangs For The Memories
    Tilly is a furry, and proud of it. A little overweight, a little shy, a little nerdy, she hopes that this year's AnthroCon XXX will be her chance to live a little...maybe even hook up with someone, which she's heard happens all the time at conventions, but which she's never yet had the chance to experience. She even gets her chance the first day, when this musclebound hunk in the most realistic fursuit she's ever seen almost rapes her in a closet...and little does Tilly know that not only did she just fuck a werewolf, but that lycanthropy can be sexually transmitted.

    Now she's growing fur and extra tits, and her sexual hunger is increasing...and as everyone she has sex with has sex with someone else, the curse spreads...and spreads. Will Tilly be able to save AnthroCon? Or is they going to be the alpha bitch of a pack of horny werewolves?
  18. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Pod Harem
    Astrophysicist Kenneth has spent most of his life jerking off into a sock, imagining all the women he'd like to fuck but never could...when fate throws him a bit of luck. A meteorite that fell from the sky contains biological actual alien organism. Through an "accident" at the lab, Kenneth discovers that when placed next to a sleeping person, it forms a pod...completely reproducing a nearly-mindless pod-clone. The first to fall victim to this is his co-worker Barbara...but as Kenneth realizes what he has, he knows she won't be the last. With this alien organism, Kenneth can build the perfect harem of submissive long as he's careful. He doesn't want any accidents.
  19. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    In the town of Bedwell, a monster is preying on women. Detective Samantha Spade arrives to meet the first reported victim...a pretty young woman, just back from her first semester away at university.

    A young woman who now has no teeth.

    Samantha hears her story...and knows that this isn't a one-off weird crime. Whoever did this is out there...hunting for something...someone...and the longer it takes her to solve the mystery, the more women are going to suffer at the hands of the Toothpuller.
  20. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Robbing The Cradle, Robbing The Grave
    Meredith Birkenship is a billionaire...but she is also 85 years old. She can afford a boy toy, but the young, handsome, muscular Alex Hoffman was chosen more for the length of his cock than his eternal devotion. Still, money finds a way...and her wealth has uncovered a real-life Dr. Frankenstein, a medical genius whose ideas for the surgical transfer of a human brain into a new body was deemed ethically unfeasible...and who was banished from practice after her experiments led to the death of several patients. Yet Miss Birkenship has great faith in Dr. Amy Fong. All he needs is the right raw material...

    So three young women are invited to her remote mansion. Eighteen years old, fresh, untouched...and unaware of what exactly they are getting into. They believe they're competing for a scholarship that will guarantee them a free ride at one of the Ivy League schools Miss Birkenship endows. But in truth, the old woman only wants them for their does does Dr. Fong. A deadly game of cat and mouse has begun.