Becoming a Warrior!

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Almax, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. Almax

    Almax Really Experienced

    'Ello again! Still doing all sort of jumping around, but I'm hoping to keep making more Free Time activities at the University while I'm still all disjointed and endlessly workin'. One thing I wanted to ask, and figured I should ask here as well, is about the TV Tape-watching you can do from your Room, and if people have a preference to how it's done.

    So, for the most part, they're sort of like a little step away from the main storyline for a short sexytimes scene. I was just wonder if there's any preference as to how much goes on before each sexytimes scene, and whether people would prefer them to be a quick jump into it or sort of like its own standalone short story each time, or mix and match more of both. Here's an example of a "jump into it" style one, and here's an example that I just made a couple of days ago of one that's more like a short story. Again, I'm just talking about the amount of stuff that goes on before anything else, not about the content of what's actually going on in em.

    Sorry I've been a bit slow with stuff these last six months or so! Thanks so much, and I hope everything's been good for everyone.
  2. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

    I like the short story ones, feels more like actual television for one thing, plus I mean... I personally like my porn to be investing as weird as that apparently is.
    Almax likes this.