At the Cabin

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by johnhoftb, Sep 20, 2014.

  1. ToetotheFace

    ToetotheFace Virgin

    Hey I'm new here but have to say I think this is one of the best stories on the site. There are a lot of believable arcs and good character developments which are pretty much absent in the majority of other stories.

    I had a few questions though if you have time to answer them. Did you ever plan on using the girl in the closet(the one with which Zack lost his virginity) as a plot point? I always thought that the identity of the girl could have been an interesting reveal but as far as I know it never gets mentioned again.

    Also, is the use of "gods" over "god" intentional? I've always laughed at that because pretty much all modern religions are monotheistic or monist(especially in the mostly Christian American northwest location I always imagined while reading the story), aside from a few branches in Hinduism. It always makes me laugh because the image of them as ancient greeks always pops in my mind(where "gods" would be more appropriate).
    Duskford likes this.
  2. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    Hi, ToetotheFace! Thanks, appreciate the compliment and I'm sure the other authors do as well!

    About the girl in the closet, I always planned to use the reveal later if I ever got to write the full trip, something that I was unable to do so far due to a number of reasons. Mainly, I always wanted to tie the reveal to Zack's endgame pairing, either by being the girl or someone who would help him get the girl he wanted, but as I frequently change my mind on what I want to do, I couldn't get to that point.

    As for the "god" and "gods" question, it's funny because I do have a system in place, but I don't recall if I always used it consistently. Victoria, being a reverend's daughter and very religious, always uses "God", with a capital G. Brandon, Ashley, Heather, Kurt and Chloe use "god", because they are religious but don't care too much about it as Victoria does. Zack and Gavin use "gods" because, even if they aren't atheists, they care very little about religion, and they are the most geeky characters, enjoying fantasy and sci-fi stories, games, movies, etc, where there are lots of fictional gods; they use it more like an unconscious joke.
  3. henrytemp

    henrytemp Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    just saw the new story with no comment. will you be creating a new thread for it?

    (by no comment, meant no explanation on it's purpose)
    Duskford likes this.
  4. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    I was waiting for the story to get approved before making a thread here. I'll get it done now, explaining the need for a different story as well.
  5. henrytemp

    henrytemp Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    dumb question as I'm sure i've done it at least once, but whats the reasoning for naming a new thread as (alt) versus just giving it its own name?
    Duskford likes this.
  6. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    I use the (alt) tag when I post a thread that's nearly identical to the original one with only a different ending or a minor detail.
  7. henrytemp

    henrytemp Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    This is where I was planning to add my new characters but after going back and forth again I decided against it. It was basically a sidetrack story for Kurt but it felt too repetitive. It's still a story i want to do but wil work it in elsewhere or in another story. That said, have begun outlining characters for a Tales of Silver lake story I'lll talk about in that thread.

    One quick question, in "At the cabin" Zack and Lisa had never had sex before the break up, correct? (I think that might have changed in the prequel)
    Duskford likes this.
  8. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    You're right, it's a different case in each version. In "Azure Rocks Chronicles", Zack and Lisa have an active sex life; in "At the Cabin" they only fooled around when they were dating, but Zack lost his virginity with the mystery girl in the closet. As for the new story, I'm still mulling over it.

    Your latest thread has a lot of potential for interesting outcomes, depending on who stumbled into Brandon and Ashley.
  9. henrytemp

    henrytemp Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    don't normally like to spoil too much but planning to have a ranger interrupt them (of course I broke it at a point anyone else could do something different) and thinking it will lead to a reverse situation where Ash and Brandon end up watching Zack and Vicky. when I decided not to introduce the new characters the idea of Vicky blocking out the view and saying "pay attention to this blonde" inspired me. With the scene where they watch Ash/Bran and the ranger office scene, well established that Vicky kind of gets off on watching. so I wanted to turn it and make her the aggressor for once. plus plays into the playful relationship I've written for her and Zack
    Keeperodd and Duskford like this.
  10. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    I have a similar view. To tell you the truth, even if it's a bit hard to get her there, Vicky gets off on doing naughty stuff, and voyeurism is a good way to play on that. As a writer, I really enjoy putting her in those kinds of situations.
    Keeperodd likes this.
  11. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    You guys may or may not have seen this thread I recently posted:

    There's a plot I always wanted to turn into a story, the guy who ends up being unjustly accused and rejected by his friends and then comes back for revenge while turning some of them back to his side, I just never thought I'd be able to do this with the cabin characters, lol. While rereading the spin Cretan_Bull14 wrote for the Zack/Kendra kiss and Victoria turning into a psycho, I realized I could bring that plot here in some form. Not all of it, though, since not everyone dropped Zack there, but I think it can be fun to break the gang into, let's say, two opposing factions. It will have a harem ending, I think, and I'll work on it at the same time as my more traditional story at "The Cabin at Silver Lake".
    Zingiber likes this.
  12. Cretan_Bull14

    Cretan_Bull14 Really Experienced

    In my continuation of the thread, Zack was gone for a over a decade. One could spin the story in such a way that his departure affected those around him so much that they all turned against him.
    Duskford likes this.
  13. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    Yes, it could work that way as well, but I think my idea works best if the wounds are still fresh. I'm going to have Vicky being released from the hospital at the same time Zack left with Chloe's mom, and have Shawn and Kendra returning after begging to Peter and Dustin and lying they would never do anything out of line again. The "battlefield" would get really intense, especially considering that Vicky will stay a psycho and try to turn the others against Zack.
  14. henrytemp

    henrytemp Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    very much enjoying the spin the bottle. can't remember if a posted the idea or not, but was something i was thinking about, especially the challenge of making it random
    Duskford likes this.
  15. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    I seem to remember someone suggesting something like that. Think it probably was you, then.
  16. henrytemp

    henrytemp Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I'm glad you are doing it, will be really interesting
    Duskford likes this.
  17. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    I'm guessing it will create a lot of unexpected scenes, but as I said, one of the reasons I done it was to challenge myself as a writer.
    Zingiber likes this.
  18. Cretan_Bull14

    Cretan_Bull14 Really Experienced

    Wow! At the Cabin is closing in on 4 million views. Good job everyone. and thanks Duskford for giving us such wonderful (and horny) characters to write about!
    Duskford likes this.
  19. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    Thanks! The characters may be mine, but I like to think about the success as the result of the collective effort of all of you guys who took the time to contribute and enrich the story. As Cretan_Bull14 said, good job, everyone, let's go for another 4 million!
  20. Keeperodd

    Keeperodd Virgin

    Congratz Duskford and everyone else! The only story I follow since its so good that no other story can compare.
    Duskford likes this.