MidbossMan's art for stories

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by MidbossMan, May 11, 2020.

  1. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    Howdy folks! I draw a thing or two for my stories, mostly sketches, some things for utility. It's never very frequent, because I'm slow at it, but I enjoy sharing them within my stories where they fit.

    Most of my stuff isn't really erotic in nature... my stuff all kind of defaults to cutesy. But all the same, I figured I'd share it. :)

    In the future, I hope I'll get the chance to make some art for other stories I've read and enjoyed. For now, I'm going to focus on finishing up a bit more for the Goodbye Girls, an upcoming spy fiction game that I hope to have playable very soon! Consider this some early shameless promotion on my part, a look forward to characters to come. :oops:

    Last edited: May 18, 2020
  2. Swallows999

    Swallows999 Really Experienced

    Looks pretty good, I'd love to see your art with my stories.
  3. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    Thanks! I hope I get around to making some art for other stories I enjoy reading. Your changeling story is one I particularly liked, still need to read the new chapters though. :)

    Also, added just a couple more in the top post!
    Cuchuilain, Swallows999 and Almax like this.
  4. Almax

    Almax Really Experienced

    I was actually wondering a little bit ago where some of those came from! That's all really great stuff, especially that sketch of the woman with the gun and the one of the girl with the folding sword -- it's so properly proportioned, and the angle of everything is great! For real, just check out those shoulders and arms, and even hands -- it's all so super well done. I think it's awesome that you personalise your stories like that, it's a lot of effort that you don't need to put in but that makes the stuff so much more special. Plus, on top of it, you're a good artist too! Awesome work, I mean it, that's super duper great stuff.
    Cuchuilain and MidbossMan like this.
  5. brevdravis

    brevdravis Really Really Experienced

    Your art's wonderful, and I won't make any requests because last time I did that the artist disappeared completely. Kudos to visual artists, it's a skill I haven't mastered, but probably should take another whack at one of these days. Got plenty of time after all...
    Cuchuilain and MidbossMan like this.
  6. Shibbar

    Shibbar Guest

    These are nice! You're a good illustrator! I particularly like the headshots; those give off a really cool style, like akin to illustartions from 80's-90's rpg/dnd handbooks. The thin inky lines are cool, especially with your carefully placed shadows, like on Despedida. It's really great and professional looking!

    Your anatomy is very good overall; I especially like the way you draw muscles, and your proportions are good, not to mention the faces are expressive and clean; though there are still areas you could improve on, like hands. However, I'd say you should focus more on clothing and objects; some of the clothing looks thin and glued on, or tacked on last minute like the necklaces on the demon angel pair. Same goes for the shotgun; it's very wonky and basic. Keeping references at hand can really help out with these problems. A useful tip when sketching or doing linework is to flip the picture horizontally (easier on a tablet, but it's still doable with a paper sketch when held up against a bright light); it makes off-model mistakes very easy to spot.

    I hope I haven't been too harsh, because I honestly really think you're a good artist. There are certain elements in your pictures that I wish I could do. I look forwards to seeing any future pieces!
    MidbossMan likes this.
  7. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    Thanks for the feedback, Shassar. I've been on this same plateau of skill for what feels like 10 years now, but it's useful to think of what parts I've got to improve. I don't draw a lot of weapons due to the difficult lines and stuff, but it's something I've got to stick with and practice. Like 80% of what I've ever drawn has probably been mugshots so I feel like I've gotten decent at those at the expense of everything else. :eek: There is always room to grow and correct! I am happy you took the time to help.

    Also, Brev, best advice I can give you (and you probably hear it a lot) is to just draw as much as you can! I used to doodle on church bulletins all the time when I was bored, ha ha... Haven't done that so much since I grew up. :)

    And thank you too, Almax... I've always liked to draw and write so it's great to combine the two when I can. I only hope I can kick it into gear and do plenty of both!
    Cuchuilain and Almax like this.
  8. Shibbar

    Shibbar Guest

    Oof, I feel this in my soul.

    Yup! You can't master a skill if you don't do it in the first place. Practice practice practice as they say!
    Greyrock likes this.
  9. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    More Goodbye Girls stuff! Thought I'd paste the original size ones this time since I lose a little color shrinking them down.

  10. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    Finally did the colors on the Goodbye portrait!


    Also, here's a linework for Counselor Ursula, from Nuns vs. Knights. I did it a while ago and was hoping I'd color it before I posted it, but... it seems like that may be a while. :rolleyes:

  11. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    Art and sketches for Buster Girl :V



    Also the updated Nuns vs. Knights cover I forgot to put up here:
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2020
    chris_brown, wilparu and Almax like this.
  12. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    A quick New Year's present for my buddies at CHYOA. :)

    Haoro and Greyrock like this.
  13. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    Couple more to post!

    Tschau from Goodbye Girls in a baseball uniform. There's no actual baseball in the Goodbye Girls, though... :p


    The cover image for Voy-R, featuring En-Voy. I was happy with how the cover came out!


    Here's a WIP for Ralli Hellknox, from Nuns vs. Knights. I wanna do some watercoloring if I get the chance!
    Cuchuilain and Regin34 like this.
  14. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    So Ralli have a lot scars on her body, I must missed it when I was reading. It is logical but I missed it. Wow, I still hope for the next update of her naked adventures, we are waiting for mounths since last chapter.
    MidbossMan likes this.
  15. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    My cohort in writing tells me he's always thinking about it. I'm sure you'll see more in the future. :)

    Also funnily I'd drawn her with just a couple scars and he reminded me "she even has scars on her ass." I added a couple there. :p
    Cuchuilain and Regin34 like this.
  16. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Will you drawn her in the front?
    Funny with that ass, It is weird that nobody comments it in the Nuns vs Knights, that sounds great.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  17. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    Not strictly "for" a story, but I recently did the original character strip game on Twitter, using Clara from Nuns vs. Knights! Here's all the pics I drew over the course of two weeks, put in one image together.
    wilparu and Cuchuilain like this.
  18. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    Here's a couple of Umineko related pics I did recently. I'm batting around the idea of using one of them as my Lust for the Golden Witch cover!




    wilparu likes this.
  19. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

  20. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced