3 word story idea chain

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by alternatereality08, Mar 14, 2022.

  1. I had a fun thread idea that could allow for some more interaction from the community. Someone could write three words or phrases, and the next person to reply has to write a story idea that involves those three things in some way. Then, they would write three more words or phrases for the next person to create an idea around.

    I hope I successfully conveyed the idea for the thread.

    If so, here are three words to get it started:
    - Garden
    - Ball Gag
    - School-Themed

    Looking forward to seeing what someone comes up with!
    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
  2. IWannaSpankGirls

    IWannaSpankGirls Experienced

    A schoolgirl found a mysterious garden where she ended bound and ballgaged.
    • City
    • Sock
    • College
    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
  3. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    A small-town <insert gender here> goes to a big city college...and accidentally ends up getting their laundry mixed up with someone else's at the student laundromat. Now they have to go through the whole week in striped socks and panties, until they can find their own clothes or buy new ones. That wouldn't normally be so bad...

    ...except that the clothes they "stole" belong to a witch. A witch that can use <insert name here>'s sock to their advantage. Because this witch has a very big endowment...and when they slip the sock onto their cock, <insert name here> can feel every inch of it. Worse, the witch likes their new cumrag so much that they want to jizz into it five times a day...and <insert name here> can already feel the sock get crusty and itchy. If they can't find who has their sock and get it back, it's going to be a very long semester...

    - Sharkgirl
    - Frenzy
    - Gloryhole
    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
  4. IWannaSpankGirls

    IWannaSpankGirls Experienced

    A shark girl found a glory hole and went into a frenzy, masturbating furiously as two other people fucked.

    • Dolphingirl
    • Calm
    • Humiliation
    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
  5. DoomSlayer46

    DoomSlayer46 Virgin

    That's a tough one.

    That shark girl calmly humiliated the dolphin girl by tearing off her clothes with her teeth, leaving the dolphin girl naked in front of everyone. The dolphin girl's cheeks flushed red with humiliation as everyone laughed at her tiny boobies.

    • Demon
    • Doom
    • Mars
    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
  6. GenericEditor168

    GenericEditor168 Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    DOOM porn parody. Starring the Cuum Layer.

    • Snake
    • Car
    • Philosophy
    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
  7. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    A professor of ancient philosophy read an old manuscript in a car while riding a taxi home. Accidently, she casted a powerful spell that transformed him into a naga... A very horny male naga. It resulted in a very intense sex in the car.

    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
  8. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    The storm raged, and the ocean tossed. Along the shore, a single great mangrove stood, and the old sailor swam to it with steady strokes. With the small, warm form in his arm he grabbed ahold of the roots and pulled them both up. Luck was with them, as he climbed, and found a wooden ladder nailed to the mangrove's trunk...and climbing that, he found a small but sturdy cabin nestled amid its branches. Dry and warm enough to wait out the pelting rain.

    Inside, the cabinboy shivered, soaked to the skin as the old sailor struck steal to flint. Soon, a small fire blazed.

    "Out of those clothes, boy," the old salt said gruffly as he stripped out of his shirt. "You'll catch your death in this wet."

    "N-no sir!" the cabinboy, a youth of some eighteen or nineteen years, thin and delicately built moved toward the fire. "I'll...I'll be fine..."

    The dagger flashed in the firelight. "'Twas not a request."

    Laces ripped away from the front of the cabin boy's shirt...and to the sailor's surprise, it was not a cabin boy at all he was to spend the night with.

    - Dwarf
    - Alchemist
    - Trap
    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
  9. SeriousBrainDamage

    SeriousBrainDamage Really Really Experienced

    A rather accomplished dwarf treasure hunter explores the long-lost secret lair of a great alchemist, said to have discovered the elixir of eternal life.
    After spending three days delving into the ancient tunnels and avoiding the treacherous traps laid by the mysteriously disappeared previous owner, he finds a little chamber, deep within the earth.

    A swirling, faintly glowing potion rests there on a pedestal. He checks the room, twice, thrice. He can't believe it, but apparently, there are no traps, so he steps in and grabs the potion from its dusty holder.
    He looks at it through the light of a torch. He's no magician, but he has a strong sixth sense regarding these kinds of things. That stuff is the real deal.
    It would be very valuable on the black market. Too valuable, probably. It would get him dead for sure, once the word he has it would spread out.

    On the other hand, the prospect of living forever is quite appealing. No, actually is too good to pass, so the dwarf does what's probably the one and only rash thing he has done in his whole life: he pops the musty cork and chugs down the opalescent liquid like it's a mug of piss-warm ale in a hot summer afternoon.
    Of course, he could not foresee that the great alchemist had actually a wicked sense of humor.

    The potion itself was the last trap of the dungeon, for those so greedy to hoard even life. He had actually found a way to extend life beyond its limit, but to do so the matter and the essence of the body had to be completely transmuted into something new.
    Grunting, and kneeling on the dust-covered ground, the dwarf finally reads the plaque under the metal holder.

    "To attain new life, be prepared to give up yours, fool!"

    Gargling an intelligible curse the dwarf finally slumps to the ground, lifeless.

    As the moon rises, a figure emerges from the dungeon. Thin, and frail, her silver-blond hair looks almost as it gleams on its own.
    Her pale face is dirty, she holds over her a mantle and a coat of coarse wool, barely covering anything beneath her waist.
    She hauls herself on a large, flat stone, overlooking the entrance that she, the once dwarf treasure-hunter, had dug only three days ago...

    Last edited: Apr 30, 2022
    Warden-Yarn15, JohnTitor45 and Zeebop like this.
  10. JohnTitor45

    JohnTitor45 Experienced

    A guy secretly performs experiments on his girlfriend without her knowledge by spiking her drinks with drugs that have various different effects on her.

    -Mad Scientist
    -Time Travel
    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.