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Jul 3, 2024 at 8:05 AM
Oct 30, 2017
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Canadian Wastes


CHYOA Guru, from Canadian Wastes

Looking back at your old writing is pretty embarrassing Jun 5, 2024

Arachna was last seen:
Viewing forum list, Jul 3, 2024 at 8:05 AM
    1. Arachna
      I almost want to try running a forum game, but know it wouldn't work out. Namely, my brain is just on Egyptian Princesses again is all.
      1. merkros
        I see nothing wrong with this.
        Feb 8, 2021
      2. Arachna
        I mean, I just know once I try to start something again, it's not going to work for one reason or another and my mood is going to crash before it ever really began. Maybe one day if things are ever a little more stable, personally, I can revisit trying to start something.
        Feb 8, 2021
    2. Arachna
      It took about half a century, but I think I've done it. I finally figured out how to play Vampires Masquerade....maybe.
      1. AlexandraS90, spiritwind and Tjf like this.
      2. merkros
        The True Victory.
        Jan 29, 2021
        Arachna likes this.
      3. spiritwind
        Just maybe?
        Jan 30, 2021
        Arachna likes this.
      4. Arachna
        Mechanically? I got a pretty good idea. Lore wise, there’s always more to learn. I might have to resurrect the wod info thread and it’s going to be a lot to cover.
        Jan 30, 2021
    3. Arachna
      Well. I think this time, this is it. I'm just....not comfortable staying around here anymore. I'll be requesting my account deleted soon.
      1. merkros
        Well, I wish I could convince you to stay, but it sounds like your mind's made up.

        It's been fun having you in my RPG..even if I wasn't able to finish any of them due to my own issues and best of luck in whatever you decide to do next.
        Jan 21, 2021
      2. Arachna
        It's been fun. We've done a lot and more than that, I genuinely like you as a person. I'll miss you, and everyone. I'll survive. I have plenty of friends. I'm like 85% sure about this, but it might not be right away. and nothing is set in stone, but it might be time.
        Jan 21, 2021
    4. Arachna
      Kind of debating if I want to delete my account but that might just be an impulsive mood again. Feel like I’ll regret it as soon as I do.
      1. chris_brown
        Why would you want to delete your account?
        Dec 17, 2020
    5. Arachna
      If every average highschool boy gets mysterious powers, then they aren't all that mysterious.
      1. spiritwind
        Mysterious normies
        Nov 3, 2020
        MidbossMan likes this.
      2. Daylan
        But then an average high school GIRL get mysterious powers...
        Nov 4, 2020
        MidbossMan likes this.
    6. Arachna
      *Yawn* I can just never catch up on enough sleep lately.
    7. Arachna
      Today, it occurs to me that my biggest problem with life is that I just whine too much.
      1. TJBJ likes this.
      2. TJBJ
        It kinda sounds hot..
        Oct 23, 2020
    8. Arachna
      Finally, been able to reclaim my proper account on the main site. That's nice.
    9. Arachna
      Yep. Feel like I'm well on my way to earning that Tabletop Lore PHD.
      1. spiritwind, Mazoku and unisol_gr44 like this.
      2. spiritwind
        When will you publish articles that I can cite to win tabletop arguments?
        Sep 28, 2020
        Arachna likes this.
      3. Arachna
        I have a pretty decent chunk of World Of Darkness lore covered. The thread I posted covers a decent amount of things, though I still need to add much more. Though at this stage, I probably know more about the Supernatural and how it all works, than the gen 4 elder vampires do.
        Sep 28, 2020
        spiritwind likes this.
    10. Arachna
      Today, I just started getting my PHD in obscure tabletop lore.
      1. Conan The Librarian and Tjf like this.
      2. Tjf
        You're a legend, mate.
        Sep 13, 2020
      3. Conan The Librarian
        Conan The Librarian
        Good luck, I finished my own PhD not too long ago and it was a long and hard journey. Academia surely needs more obscure themes of study. I wish you the best.
        Sep 14, 2020
    11. Arachna
      Kind of wish there was a way to make threads I don't care about invisible. If there is, I don't know how to do it.
    12. Arachna
      My discord friend was thinking about joining, but the option to register seems to be just gone from the forums. Whelp.
      1. moonblack
        I think when you join the main site you also join the forums, you don't need a separate registration for each.
        Jul 26, 2020
        gene.sis likes this.
      2. Arachna
        No, it doesn't work like that. I've tested it. Unless I'm just stupid and I kind of am, the two accounts need to be separate. It was like that when I first registered and doesn't seem to have changed.
        Jul 26, 2020
      3. gene.sis
        Creating an account on the site also creates a forum account.
        As the forum gets synchronized with the forum only about once an hour, you might have to wait for some time before you can use the forum. (Not more than two hours.)
        (There is another issue that might prevent you from using the forum but that only applies to accounts that were created on the old site.)
        Jul 28, 2020
    13. Arachna
      "Why do you downplay the fact your trans?" Cue about ninety five discord messages from creepy guys who think that means I'm an opportunity.
      1. spiritwind and Tjf like this.
      2. Tjf
        Sorry you have to put up with that shit.
        Jul 22, 2020
        spiritwind and Arachna like this.
      3. spiritwind
        Chasers are the absolute worst, a friend of mine had to remove the fact she was trans from her dating profile because of creepy responses
        Jul 23, 2020
        Arachna likes this.
      4. Arachna
        Yeah, like....I get you can expect a certain level of creep from people on the internet but also like "I didn't say I was easy, asshole." Something along those lines.
        Jul 23, 2020
        spiritwind likes this.
    14. Arachna
      Last day of work until contract ends...job still sucks.
    15. Arachna
      Almost one more work day bumped off. Nine more before the contract ends. Ugh. But getting there.
    16. Arachna
      How am I both too busy and also needing something to happen soon?
      1. Daylan likes this.
    17. Arachna
      I don’t like work, but it sure feels like I do a lot of it.
      1. DarthQWK likes this.
    18. Arachna
      Does the new post list only show two things instead of five, for everyone else? It’s seriously bothersome.
      1. Tjf likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Arachna
        It's really aggravating. Just...seriously inconvenient.
        Jun 4, 2020
        Regin34 likes this.
      4. Regin34
        I have the same. It is weird.
        Jun 4, 2020
        Tjf and Arachna like this.
      5. Tjf
        It seems to have gone back to normal for me.
        Jun 4, 2020
    19. Arachna
      Why describe things like waist length or bust in inches and numerical value? How can anyone mentally calculate and visualize that?
      1. SeriousBrainDamage
        Maybe if've been a talior for twenty years you do
        May 23, 2020
        gene.sis likes this.
      2. Daylan
        They usually can't. Hence why you tend to get stuff like "her measurements had to be 56 12 43, which is why her waist snapped in two the second she took a step."
        May 23, 2020
      3. Omega98
        Give me a number and I'll respond like a computer. Give me an image and I'll respond like a human being.
        May 30, 2020
    20. Arachna
      Why is every assassin in games named “Reaper”?
      1. brevdravis likes this.
      2. brevdravis
        Because the proofreader just gives up after "Blade" "Silencer" and "Darkness"
        May 9, 2020
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