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Jul 1, 2024 at 8:46 AM
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Canadian Wastes


CHYOA Guru, from Canadian Wastes

Looking back at your old writing is pretty embarrassing Jun 5, 2024

Arachna was last seen:
Viewing forum list, Jul 1, 2024 at 8:46 AM
    1. Arachna
      I feel as if we are witnessing the fall of the roman empire. And I'm not part of the side that's going to still be standing.
    2. Arachna
      Stop with insanity. This is our last-and only, chance.
    3. Arachna
      We reached the brink of nuclear war. It's uncertain if we can even expect next morning to come, but I truly value the friends I made here.
      1. unisol_gr44
        I hope cooler heads will prevail and it will not come to this but if it does.... it was a pleasure knowing you.
        Feb 28, 2022
        majus and Arachna like this.
      2. majus
        Thanks and I appreciate the sentiment. But I prefer for those acquaintanceships/friendships to continue on for a few more decades :)

        From what I know, only one side threatened a nuclear option o far... Starting this would be... well, you know Fallout games Franchise? They present somewhat positive outcome. Positive in a sense, that there is actually something left after the nuclear war.
        Feb 28, 2022
        unisol_gr44 likes this.
    4. Arachna
      I feel like these floods of jumpscare horror games that are just "Children's thing from childhood is evil=scary" needs to just die.
      1. Daylan likes this.
      2. Daylan
        Yeah, at this point anything you could really meaningfully say with it has been said and it's just trying to slurp out whatever little milk is left in the FNAF tit.
        Feb 26, 2022
        Arachna likes this.
    5. Arachna
      How does playing chess actually translate to military strategy? I see that in a lot of media, but they never expand on actually how.
      1. CaptainAngel77 and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
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      3. Daylan
        It's basically a narrative shortcut to show a character thinks "tactically". And also gives said character a chance to use cliche dialogue talking about "pawns" and what not.
        Feb 21, 2022
      4. Gambio
        And then there is Legend of the Galactic Heroes where the greatest tactician in the series is awful at chess
        Feb 21, 2022
        CaptainAngel77 and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
      5. CaptainAngel77
        You should see the chess match from No Game No Life where the pieces have wills of their own and refuse to be sacrificed because virtually no one would obey an order that requires them to die, something chess doesn't take into account.
        Feb 22, 2022
    6. Arachna
      You know, I used to like the Joker and Harley I kind of hate seeming them appear in almost every dam DC thing.
      1. Daylan likes this.
      2. Daylan
        The over saturation of the Joker in particular has me very... tired of him. Harley I kind of go back and forth on because now that she's basically DC's equivalent to Deadpool she can at least be placed in different dynamics so there's more you can do with her compared to Mr J.
        Feb 12, 2022
      3. Arachna
        The Joker kind of suffers to put it....the idea is I'm going to go "Wow, he was behind it all! What a diabolical mastermind!" but it actually kind of has the opposite effect where I just stop caring explicitly because they make him behind everything that ever happens. If anything, it diminishes the impact.
        Feb 13, 2022
      4. Arachna
        As for Harley Quinn....I didn't dislike her, at first. But I don't feel like she needs to be a central plot character to every movie and game ,she's ever in. Not to mention, Poison Ivy who was one of my favorites, mostly has devolved into just being a prop for character shilling, the squealing clown schoolgirl and doesn't really hold any identity of her own anymore, other than "Harley's sometimes girlfriend."
        Feb 13, 2022
    7. Arachna
      “Wow, the bad guy turns out to be the guy who shows up to remind you he exists every chapter without contributing anything?”
      1. Tjf and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
    8. Arachna
      I've decided to embrace, misanthrope. I....honestly? Just....fucking hate people.
      1. Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
      2. Warden-Yarn15
        As did I a long time ago. Eventually, however, I just figured that it's not worth hating the world.

        There's always going to be a bumbling idiot out there somewhere, and everywhere, so what's the point. Best to just focus on improving your world rather than the world at large.
        Jan 27, 2022
      3. Warden-Yarn15
        To quote a movie:

        "You can be as mad as a mad dog at the way things went. You could swear, curse the fates, but when it comes to the end, you have to let go."

        Basically, to me and with my experience, it's futile. Say what you want, bellow your curses, punch a pregnant woman, but it won't make you anymore happier, satisfied, or indifferent with the world, and at that point, what's the point.
        Jan 27, 2022
    9. Arachna
      Job interview this week. Pray, something goes right for once.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kineticat
        Best of luck!
        Jan 5, 2022
      3. Warden-Yarn15
        Best of luck to you.
        Jan 5, 2022
      4. Warden-Yarn15
        For whatever it's worth, my fingers are still crossed for you.
        Jan 9, 2022
    10. Arachna
      Holidays, were nice. Now it’s back to work, and it makes me sad.
      1. Daylan likes this.
      2. Daylan
        Just means it's the start of the countdown to the next holidays!
        Jan 4, 2022
    11. Arachna
      "Now that you easily killed thing I was too weak to beat myself, I will kill you now! My plan is perfect!"-Video games
      1. Warden-Yarn15 and Daylan like this.
      2. SeriousBrainDamage
        Sadly, I think too many nowadays movie directors played too many videogames in their youth.
        Dec 26, 2021
    12. Arachna
      Failed my final. I’m just going to have a breakdown, now.
      1. Daylan
        I'm sorry man. :(
        Dec 25, 2021
      2. Warden-Yarn15
        If you can take a break, you should. Still, sorry to hear that.

        Hopefully though, you've gotten high enough grades to shrug this off.
        Dec 25, 2021
    13. Arachna
      Trying to do a basic password change through microsoft's "user friendly" system, has made me the most homicidally angry I've ever been.
      1. Warden-Yarn15
        Anything made by Microsoft is a deal with the devil.

        They can't even make a proper live chatting program without making it needlessly complex. Hell, their Windows Update destroys computers from time to time too.
        Dec 20, 2021
        majus likes this.
      2. Arachna
        Why the hell do I need to have a live account registered and sign up for the cloud to change a password on MY computer? If anything, it seems like just putting your password in five to six different places online would make you much more susceptible to hacking than actually benefit in you in anyway.
        Dec 20, 2021
    14. Arachna
      I'm so over winter already.
      1. Warden-Yarn15 and Tjf like this.
      2. merkros
        But....Winter is Cumming...
        Dec 15, 2021
        Warden-Yarn15 and Tjf like this.
      3. Tjf
        The grass isn't much greener on the other side. I'm in the middle of summer right now, and it's just too hot.
        Dec 15, 2021
        Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
      4. Warden-Yarn15
        The Pacific isn't any better either. It's freezing cold in the morning, and that's saying a lot coming from the people who wear shorts and t-shirts as the usual attire.
        Dec 15, 2021
        Tjf likes this.
    15. Arachna
      I need to start cleaning up my habits again, and get my energy back. but knowing that and that motivation to do it is....
      1. Warden-Yarn15
        The brain is such a complex thing. It wants to do something but it can't be assed. I hate it and I can sympathize with you, for whatever it's worth.
        Dec 7, 2021
    16. Arachna
      I feel like we need more trophies soon for the forums. I dunno.
      1. Gambio, Warden-Yarn15 and Tjf like this.
    17. Arachna
      Feels like there's some cosmic entity that just wants to yank my chain whenever things start looking up.
      1. Daylan and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
      2. Daylan
        Know that feel. Hang in there. :(
        Nov 29, 2021
    18. Arachna
      Been playing SMT 5 is this better and also worse than the last one?
    19. Arachna
      Got around to finally playing Persona 5. I guess from the way people were talking, I was expecting more than just stock anime cliches.
      1. Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
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      3. Arachna
        I guess it’s the same problem I had with Three Houses. People say it’s such a clever deconstruction and all, but when you actually cut out all the over edginess, it’s just as generic and cliched as the games that came before it. Just because something is really edgy, doesn’t make it smart.
        Oct 30, 2021
      4. Daylan
        From what I've seen part of why 5 got hyped up so much was as part of the backlash that 4 got from when it was the Big Popular One(tm). Also, it's been long enough between mainline games that this is probably a lot of the audience's first encounters with these cliches.
        Oct 30, 2021
      5. Arachna
        That being said, after getting past a reaaallly lackluster intro phase, the game is growing on me. Still tired of seeing these egotistical pervert mascot characters that are supposed to be funny though.
        Oct 30, 2021
    20. Arachna
      Mngh. I have an actual story idea to write, but feel like it's just doomed to fail anyway.
      1. Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
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      3. Arachna
        I'm toying with this idea of like a typical anime highschool but...every character is a protagonist or antagonist and not necessarily of the same genre. Demon hunters, sentai teams, evil scientists, like...sure. Not going to say, it would be original, but there's a lot you could probably do with that kind of setting where the goal is to just impress you with how insane it could get.
        Oct 28, 2021
      4. AlexandraS90
        "Don't be afraid it won't be perfect. The only thing to be afraid of really, is that it won't be."
        Oct 28, 2021
      5. Daylan
        I could see how that idea could work, though a lot of it would come from who/what is your protagonist (or at least the initial focus character who we're introduced to the world through if you wanna go for a more ensemble affair).
        Oct 28, 2021
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