Bad Halloween Story Ideas

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by Zeebop, Oct 23, 2020.

  1. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Because sometimes I need to get these out of my head...

    That Time of the Month
    Saturday night. The moon is full. She can feel the changes happening in her body...the bloating, the pain, the craving for red meat, needing to shave her legs ever six hours...and her housemate decides tonight of all nights to throw a party. So now Amanda has to decide what to do...when it's that time of the month. (Werewolf/Period Play)

    Dead Men Tell No Tales
    Trapped alone in the morgue during a blackout, Lavinia thinks about how dead her love life has been...and in the darkness, navigating the old files by flashlight, she finds something that might offer her a way to scratch the itch. (Zombies/Vampires/General Undead/maybe Paul was wheeled into the morgue by mistake so we can have a non-necrophilia branch)

    How often in your life does a complete stranger drop to her knees in a public bathroom and suck you off? John thinks he's hit the jackpot...until a few hours when he isn't feeling so good, and his cock has turned a weird color. Worse, he has a date with Mary later tonight. Now he's faced with the decisions he never wanted to make - go to the doctor? Show it to his friend in medical school? Hope it gets better and try to score with Mary anyway? The clock is ticking and the disease is taking its course...and little does John know, but he's infectious. (Disease/Body Horror/Medical)

    Curse of the Cumpire
    Zach has six older brothers and six uncles...making him the seventh son of a seventh son. He's always known he was special, but never knew how special until he found grandpa's diary, and found out about the family curse...the one he's inherited. His family is gathered together on his twenty-first birthday...and he feels a very unnatural thirst. Now as the entire family descends on the household for a weekend of festivities, Zach has to battle his cravings and try and find a way around the Curse of the Cumpire. (Could be played as strictly homosexual, or gender bender, but a lot of oral sex should be involved either way)

    Bottled Imp
    The old bottle in the antique shop has five rules, etched into the ancient glass:

    1. It will grant any sexual wish the owner has, though often in a cruel way;
    2. It may not be stolen or lost;
    3. It cannot be destroyed;
    4. It may only be sold for less than the owner paid for it;
    5. If you die while you own the bottle, the demon gets your soul...

    An exercise in twisted imaginations. If Todd lusted after his mother, even for a moment, his wish might be a sudden motorcycle accident, leaving Todd with two broken legs and arms, leaving his mother to take care of all of his urges. Or a desire for a bigger dick leaves Todd with a cock that no pussy can handle, etc. If Todd manages to sell the bottle, then whoever buys it gets to go through the same shenanigans... (Open to any fetish, really.)
  2. Deadedge

    Deadedge Experienced

    Well those are excellent and hilariously horrific.

    I'll have a go!

    Fleshlights Don't Bite?
    Aaron visits an occult novelty store of all places and ends up buying a fleshlight from a rather compelling shopkeeper (like a sexy witch with green eye-shadow type). Armed with some gently warming lube he takes his new toy home and later that night has a bit of fun with it until -OW! He pulls the thing off and, though not actually injured, thinks he felt TEETH on his dick. He looks inside the fleshlight, investigates it with a finger to check that there isn't some foreign object inside that had pricked his prick. Though he finds nothing, his mood is a little dampened and he just uses his hand to finish himself off instead. He leaves the toy on his bedside dresser and takes a nap... Some time later he wakes to find the toy had rolled onto his lap somehow... On it's own. WEIRD. (Basically the fleshlight tries to bite his dick off throughout the story and he has to obviously avoid that)

    Pumpkin Head
    Bernard has a bit of a kink... he really likes fucking vegetables. That's not an adjective. That's a verb. He'll cut a hole in a squash to squish in, and pork a gourd every other day, and boy does he love Halloween time. He gets to create a whole range of pretty little pumpkin faces to fuck and plans to have a nice little vegan orgy on Halloween night in his little cottage upstate. But what happens when Bernard wanders outside that evening after hearing some screams, sure that it's just some teens playing a prank that will disturb his party, and runs into a real Headless Horseman! That is, sans his normal human head. It is in fact replaced by a burning jack-o-lantern, it's coal-glow eyes gazing deep into Bernard's very soul... and his heart.

    Bad Hair Date
    Mandy has finally found a decent guy on Tinder and is so looking forward to finally meeting this intelligent, thoughtful and amazingly hot guy in real life. He even loves Halloween as much as she does! She might have finally swiped right on her soulmate. Tonight could be the best night of her life... except when she looked in the mirror this evening after getting out of the shower, she finds her luscious blonde locks have been replaced with a mass of writhing black snakes! She doesn't even scream she's so shocked, and after finding that they mean no physical harm to her she thinks that maybe she can still go on this date. Now, while turning her neighbour and landlord Mr Franklin into stone hadn't been an ideal start to her night, Mandy is determined to see her beau in person and heads out anyway. All she has to do is keep her beanie from wriggling around too much and keep her dark sunglasses on for the entire date. That's not weird! That' just fashion!
  3. Ben Rosewood

    Ben Rosewood Really Experienced

    I Have No Key But I Must Cum

    Aaron and his femdom mistress thought playing with a chastity device would be fun. That is until the key goes missing. Now he must spend his Halloween trying to free his ween, or reveal his secret to his girlfriend.
    Cuchuilain, Haoro, MidbossMan and 2 others like this.
  4. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Jim accidentally grabbed his roommate's phone - and found the Monstr app. Turns out that all of those horrors from film and comics are not only real, but they're down to fuck and nearby! Does Jim swipe right on the Deep One maid? Does Draculina really want to suck his dick, or something else? Jim doesn't know...but he's going to find out!
  5. Mazoku

    Mazoku Really Really Experienced

    Any interesting twist to the wish granting-type stories. Although 4. does make it easy to get rid of. Might work better if inverted so it always has to be sold for some amount more to make each time it changes hand progressively more difficult for the owner to rid themselves of the cursed artifact, and may require some creativity to convince a buyer of the scam.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  6. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Might be problematic depending on how it is done.

    Not quite.
    What's less than "one grain of salt" or "nothing"?
    After some ownership changes, it might even be impossible to sell it anymore.
    Cuchuilain and Mazoku like this.
  7. Mazoku

    Mazoku Really Really Experienced

    Handing over a grain of salt along with the bottle, assuming the artifact allows you to go into the negatives. Like Jigsaw, these kinds of things tend to be 'fair' and include a get-out clause/win condition of some sort and imagine that this would be something up its alley since it keeps with the rules set forth. You just have to squint and turn your head to look at it at just the right angle. Plays out differently, with its own set of challenges but potentially just as ruinous.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  8. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    That depends on the definition of sale. ("exchange something (the bottle) for money")

    But assuming negatives could be a problem as you might get some money with the bottle but spend it without really knowing how much it was. So you might go for a much higher amount of money to pass it to the next owner. Additionally, you would probably need to use the bottle to somehow get enough money...
    Cuchuilain and Mazoku like this.
  9. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    "Bottled Imp" is a sexual variation of the classic 1891 short story by Robert Louis Stevenson, where the main problem is that the misfortunes are so large that people want to get rid of the bottle, but have a harder and harder time doing so - what happens if you buy the bottle for a penny, for example? The bottle ends up being a hot potato where the last person who holds it is stuck with it.
    Cuchuilain and Mazoku like this.
  10. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Train of the Dead
    Cutting through the graveyard at midnight, Trixie is surprised when the dead start to rise...and rigor mortis has set in! Now she's beset by horny ghouls of all shapes and sizes. Can she make it out of the graveyard in one piece, or is everyone going to take their turn with poor Trixie? They're cold and stiff and she's a hot piece of ass...facing the train of the dead.

    Hyde and Seek
    Henry James Jekyll III has been suppressing a part of himself. He knows what his family expects of him: finish his chemistry degree, get a job, settle down with a nice girl and make some babies. But he can't help but linger when he sees the track team run past him in their tight shorts...and he can't seem to get it up when he goes on dates with girls. To solve the latter problem, Henry turns to his grandfather's notes, which promise a novel form of erectile dysfunction drug...but what it really does is unleash his inner himbo! A rapacious sex-fiend from whom no ass is safe, be it man or woman. Worse than that, his alternate persona "Hank Hyde" is trying to find a way to take control permanently.
  11. Deadedge

    Deadedge Experienced

    Son of a Lich
    You died, and while your funeral was sombre and solemn, you noticed that your mother wasn't all that upset about the whole thing. That was strange. It was also strange that you, being the one who was the deceased, were still able to notice things. Ah, you remember now. The woman who raised you had raised you from the dead. Really you had only been dead for a few hours, but your body had already turned pale and stiff by the time she reached you. And then you were awake again, but not alive, and your mother told you to lay back down, to stay still, and pretend you were dead to the world until after the funeral. It was a strange request, but she was your mother, and she had brought you back, so you had to oblige.

    Once your coffin was set into the dirt, and the wake was over... you were exhumed. Remarkably you stayed calm throughout the experience. You were already dead after all, what was the worst that could happen now?

    And now? You found yourself not lying in a casket, but instead lying on a bed. It's your mother's bed. She appears from the shadows, robed in... well not much more than thin strips of lace. Her eyes glow purple and she has a wicked smile. Your heart starts pumping again... blood rushes to where she needs it to go. Ah. This is going to be strange.
  12. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Pick your player. Pick your weapon. Locked in the house, there's no way out...except to win. It's fuck or be fucked, and it's up to you whether or not you'll be the final girl. Of course, even if you beat the still have to face the reigning champion of the Rapegame.
    Cuchuilain, gene.sis and uppitygracie like this.
  13. uppitygracie

    uppitygracie Experienced

    That sounds far hotter than it probably should lol!
    Cuchuilain and Zeebop like this.
  14. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Needless to say, if anyone is taken with these and wants to start a story - go for it. Ideas are free.
    Cuchuilain, Deadedge and uppitygracie like this.
  15. Deadedge

    Deadedge Experienced

    Juliet was always the girliest girl, slim and pretty with soft blonde hair and bits that jiggled and bounced when she tiptoed around her little town. Then one night she was bitten by some crazed hobo right on the leg! Luckily she escaped and her roommate (a nurse) made sure everything was alright with ensuring Juliet got her tetanus shot and the like. It's all good, fortunately. And then, a week later, at the rise of the full moon, Juliet changed. That night her body reconfigured itself for the first time, swelling and shrinking in different places, bones groaning as her from shifted from feminine to masculine. In seconds she had become a man with dark hair and a heavy cock, nearly delirious with a newfound desire that needed to be sated. And so, every night, when under the that glowing lunar sway, the girl calls herself Romeo, and he prowls... and picks... and slakes a thirst that only gets stronger with each new cycle.

    A Pirate's Life For Me
    Mickey never paid for anything if he didn't have to, at least when it came to entertainment. Movies, music, games, porn... it was all so easy to find for free on the internet. And who was he hurting? Multi-Billion dollar corporations? He'll try not to lose too much sleep over it. Not that he sleeps much.

    Right now it's 3am and he's searching for a decent copy of the latest superhero blockbuster that just knows is out there... he's tried all the regular sites to no avail. He has to 'sail' further into the 'high seas' then... a bit riskier, but Mickey's been pirating content for decades. He won't be falling for any dubious links or downloading any obvious viruses. Until he does misclick on something, and like in some bad made for TV movie Mickey gets SUCKED into cyberspace! Whoa! Extreme!

    Mickey wakes up rocking... he's on a hard and slightly damp wooden deck... of a ship! When he gets to his unsteady feet he looks out into a massive bay, full of pirate ships judging by all of the colourful flags flapping overhead. But the sea... it looks strange. It's purple, for one, and there's a strange 'blockiness' to the way the waves rise and fall... a kind of weird digital effect?

    "Well lookee here!"

    And Mickey spins around, falling right back onto his arse, a figure suddenly looming over him. A darkly bearded man with golden teeth glares madly, half smiling, half snarling, and he's decked out like a big dirty pirate indeed. "If ye t'be serving on my ship laddie, there be a few rules ye best be followin! And the most important rule... is number 34!"

    Yo ho yo ho!
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2020
  16. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    The circus is in town. An old-fashioned circus with a sideshow of human oddities. Pay a little extra, and you can see the secret zippers and makeup here. The alligator woman, the fat lady, the human skeleton, and all the rest in the altogether...step right up folks, step right up. Pay a little more and you can touch and feel. See the conjoined twin with two vaginas. The dog-woman spreads her legs--she's a natural redhead, and the carpet matches the drapes and the wallpaper. The yogi straight from Indian--see what he can stretch!

    Of course, all of these oddities are horny...but not all of them were born like this. Oh no. Dr. Comprachico can work dark miracles with his knife. And unless you're very careful, you too might join the circus one of the freaks.
    Cuchuilain, gene.sis and brevdravis like this.
  17. brevdravis

    brevdravis Really Really Experienced

    Cocktapus 3: Mating Season

    Following on the from the hit blockbusters Cocktapus and Cocktapus 2: The Doomed Island, we're proud to bring you Cocktapus 3: Mating Season!

    Following her narrow escape from the depraved hands of the Cocktapus hive, Carole desperately tries to convince the locals of the threat of the Half Chicken, half Octopus monsters that live only for human female flesh! Quake in fear at their hideous cries of "BuckKAAAAKE" as they spurt their webbing from their multiple octodicks! Can Carole rally the desperate housewives, hot coeds, and local cheerleaders to fend off the attacking monsters, or will she be labeled merely an urban legend as the hordes of Cocktopi claim the women of the sleepy seaside village! Special cameos by numerous celebrities as they succumb to the ravages of tentacled avian violations!

    (Ok, I may have been giggling a bit writing this... but... hell with it, ridiculously BAD it is!)
    Cuchuilain, dingsdongs and Deadedge like this.
  18. Deadedge

    Deadedge Experienced

    I need to see all three of these as full blown choose your own adventures! It's the franchise we've been waiting for!
    Cuchuilain, dingsdongs and brevdravis like this.
  19. Ben Rosewood

    Ben Rosewood Really Experienced


    "I want to play a game."

    A group of strangers are locked in a room, where they are forced to play kinky games by the infamous Jugswhore, a demented kidnapper who wants to force people to appreciate their sex life.
  20. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Rosemary's Abortion
    Rosemary has been a bad girl. A model who parties hard, likes her weed and nose candy. Fucked one too many cocks, took one too many loads in her unprotected pussy. Now she's pregnant and absolutely has to get an abortion before it ruins her perfect body. The only problem is, she wasn't impregnated by a one-night stand - it was a Satanic ceremony, and the fetus she's carrying is the antichrist. Now a group of exorcists from the Vatican are trying to kill her, a group of Satanists are trying to stop her, and the conservatives in the state legislature are about to pass a bill making abortion illegal under any circumstances. The clock is ticking, and Rosemary is going to have to do things she never dreamed of if she wants to abort this pregnancy...