Co-writers and suggestions for a sexfighting/erotic wrestling story

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by korook, May 22, 2018.

  1. korook

    korook Virgin

    I’m looking to publish a follow-up to my last story, which was about a femdom pro-wrestling-style sexfight. That one was all about one match, but I’d like this one to be broader, having you go through a series of matches with backstage interactions in between. I have a bunch of cool ideas for how to make an interesting—tracking your wins and losses, your face vs heel actions, the amount of punishment and humiliation you take and dish out, even whether you’re a good sportsman. And I’m even thinking of adding a “fantasy league” where your opponents, instead of being sexy wrestlers made up for the story, are existing fictional characters instead.

    But I know I can’t do this alone. So I’m curious if anyone would be interested in collaborating on this. I know it’s kind of a niche fetish, but I’m definitely open to anyone who wants to have input on this project.

    (It’s a moderated-chapters story, but my standards aren’t super high—just no scat, farts, golden showers, etc. and no explicit nonconsensuality, since the fighters are assumed to have agreed to potentially be dominated. Oh, and please run a spelling and grammar check on your chapters first.)

    Thank you all very much!
  2. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    if you go the NC route, you can have the wrestlers be naked except for a strap-on, or have bondage gear like handcuffs, shackles, paddles, gags, etc hanging around the ring
  3. korook

    korook Virgin

    I can do that in the context of (at least nominally) consensual BDSM as well. I know NC is some people’s fetish, but for me it falls firmly into the category of Lines I Will Not Cross, even in fiction/erotica.

    (Defeated by the Champion, which is repeatedly emphasized to be consensual, establishes that there are handcuffs/rope under the ring where in a non-sexual wrestling match you might find something like a steel chair, so there’s precedent for it already.)
  4. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Well, if it should be completely consensual, the fighter should have the chance to say "No!" during the punishment. (Or some safeword like "Red")

    Obviously, the organizer of such events would want to avoid their fighters to chicken out after losing. That could be done by their contract which could state that they don't get paid for the fight and aren't allowed to participate in future fights.
    That subject could be broached in backstage interaction like "I'm sure you'll chicken out and whimper Red-Red-Red when I push my pussy in your face" or (whispers into ear) "You should practice the word 'Red'... you'll need it" (laugh)

    Additionally, there could be a second safeword like "Yellow" which wouldn't put the wage or future participation at risk but would mean something like "mercy!"
    In that case, the other fighter would have to stop the punishment and both fighters have to kneel in front of the audience.
    That could lead to different options
    - the audience could decide for "Reverse the punishment" (the winner will be punished), "Mercy" (no one will be punished) or "Double the punishment" (more toys, more time or fewer limits)... (the audience could have two buttons, one for the winner, one for the loser... if the loser gets more than two-thirds or more votes, it would be "reverse"; more than one-third it would be "mercy"; less than one-third would be "double" (The audience would likely decide depending on the popularity and the preceding fight)
    - one person of the audience will be randomly chosen and will continue the punishment instead of the winner
  5. korook

    korook Virgin

    So, the idea that the fighter should have the chance to say the safeword is obviously very important; I’m imagining that if a wrestler is in a hold that prevents them from speaking and taps out, their opponent is required to loosen it enough to let them say the safeword if they choose to. This isn’t a viable tactic for getting a temporary reprieve from a hold, though, because it still counts as a submission for the purposes of the match (the rules are such that this doesn’t necessarily result in an end to the match unless the safeword is used).

    Beyond that, I don’t really want to introduce an overcomplicated safeword protocol for a couple of reasons.

    First and most importantly, I want people to be able to contribute without having to memorize exactly how those rules work (so if they want to write a match without either fighter using the safeword or even really acknowledging it much, they can).

    Secondly, the ECL is composed of professionals, who chose it as their career path. They wouldn’t be there if they didn’t enjoy BDSM a lot, and they’re pretty familiar with its best practices and each other’s limits and boundaries, so situations where the safeword has to be used are generally rare—meaning there’s no need to disincentivize it, because if it ever gets used, it’s for a good reason.
  6. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Well, there should always be ways to signalize it... though there is no need to do have a safeword for non-sexual fights. (In case of misuse of a signal, there could be penalties like humiliation or getting back to the hold for a number of seconds before the kept fighter is allowed to fight back)

    Depending on the POV, the player could have the options and should know what they mean (like "red" means your career is over while "yellow" means that you'll be at the mercy of the audience.)
    (or yellow could be kind of a "surprise" which would give contributors the freedom to think of something good or mean...)

    Well... I guess, they'd do it for money, so a newcomer might be inexperienced like hell. I even think that this would be a good start to have a "virgin" (not literary)... like most stories start with a big change, so the protagonist could come from another normal league but isn't allowed to fight there for some reason... or they need more money because they have to pay for their parents care...
  7. Fierbali111

    Fierbali111 Experienced

    I would possibly be interested in helping you out with that story. Thing is I would need a clear outline with a definite ending before i decide to jump in on this.
  8. Philanthropist

    Philanthropist Experienced

    It might be easier to have the wrestlers pre-agree to what sexual acts are and are not acceptable before they get into the ring, simply to avoid having to go into a lengthy discourse about safe words (unless trying to make a wrestler use their safe word is part of what would ordinarily be the 3-count pinning process).

    Yes, realistically someone might have issues even with things they had agreed to if they got especially rough, but within a fictional fantasy, it might be easiest to put such a stipulation into the set-up chapters and otherwise keep it in the background, keeping the tone light and expressing that both wrestlers are enjoying things, even when one is at the "losing" end.
  9. korook

    korook Virgin

    Yeah, I was thinking something similar. Broadly speaking, the consent/safeword establishment/mutual agreement type stuff can be offscreen during the process of booking a match, creating an assumption that both parties have consented to whatever they're doing to each other over the course of the fight. Pushing the other fighter so far out of their comfort zone that they're willing to immediately forfeit the entire match just to make it stop is generally a massive warning sign that you've gone way too far, which I don't think will happen often--if at all--during this story.