Evil Genius RP - character creation thread

Discussion in 'RPG Information' started by majus, Feb 8, 2021.

  1. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Character creation sheet:

    Picture (optional):
    Civilian Name (optional):
    Pseudonym/Alias/villainous name:
    Looks (if there is no picture, or description different from picture):
    Personal Equipment: (weapons, gadgets, etc)

    Nemesis: Picture and a short description of Hero/Heroine the character swore vengeance against – can be a group up to six people. Also, put here the reason for vengeance against the nemesis. Did the Heroine seduce the villain’s wife? Put him/her in jail? Crashed his car while punching an alien babe during sexy babes invasion?

    Origin Story!: A short history and the tale of how the villain came to be. Was it a cosmic meteorite hit the hero in the head? An experiment gone wrong? Former disgraced hero? A desperate housewife who has enough of her boring life and decided to spice it a little? A government agent gone rogue? An alien baby launched to space by parents who did not want to take responsibility and were tired of constant crying?

    Skills/Powers: Five points to distribute. One skill means the character is skilled, two that character is a master in skill. Each power is worth one or two points – depending on strength level (1 point – enhanced level power, 2 points – super level power). Fe. One point in strength would allow being stronger than normal people - have Olympic level power. Two points would allow two punch hole in the wall, push someone, through building's wall or lift a car. The powers can be anything: From Strength, durability, blaster powers to tinkering super-devices, changing appearance, flight, seeing a future or turning invisible. Also superior intellect (like Lex Luthor) and martial arts (Batman!), super aim (like Bullseye), seduction, hacking etc. count into that.

    Forbidden: Information for GM and other players, about the activities the character's owner does not wish for his/her character to take part in.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2021
  2. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    Name: Yanase Nikki
    A.K.A.: Pincer(Yes, the name is scary. Shut up.)


    Personal Equipment:
    Customized ninja body armor: Built with modern ballistic plating among other things to stay lightweight, the suit remains incredibly durable while not risking weighing down the user or getting in the way of their flexibility.

    Unatron Cutters (Claws): Her signature weapon, not just absurdly strong and sharp, but also thermal made to rend through just about anything within close range. They do however, suffer from the fact they're still melee weapons and useless against anything that can keep out of their range.

    Background: Sees herself as the rightful master of the Akimoto clan over her chosen brother Masahide. Her life as a sweet housewife is largely a cover to her bigger aspirations that she tracked her brother all the way to the U.S. for. Defeat him in combat and claim her rightful place as the true successor to the clan.

    Happy to spout traditions of why she rightfully deserves the role of the clan and national culture as reasons to keep her clan in line, she seems to conveniently forget them whenever it would interfere with any of her plans. Her own sense of honor still exists, but it's only part of what makes her so dangerous is where and when she'll decide that it's perfectly acceptable to poison and blind someone just as much as duel them one on one.

    The only notable trait she possesses is that she insists on keeping her promises and word even when detrimental to herself. That doesn't stop her from being perfectly comfortable to exploit any and all loopholes that come to mind.

    As far as her status in the villainy underworld goes, it varies wildly. All the alien overlords and ancient demons tend to underestimate her as just a ordinary person, not realizing it takes more than just luck to survive as long as she did.

    More "regular" villains even recognize this about her and know that just because she's not doing anything outwardly flashy, does not mean she is a person you want as an enemy.

    Powers/Skills: Even without her suit, it's clear that she is no pushover. Allegedly her study of forbidden ninja techniques has allowed her to enhance her body beyond the levels of ordinary people or something close to it. Maybe supernatural or just trained to the peak of human's performance, however she became the threat she is, she isn't going anywhere soon.

    Martial Arts *
    Speed **
    Strength *
    Durability *

    Misty Spectacle- Nobody important


    Wonder Ranger Blue: Yanase Mariko

    A tomboyish punk girl that was recruited into the Wonder Ranger team to fight for Justice. Her fighting skills come from being trained by her mother to one day serve as a general in her armies and eventually succeed her as head of the Spider clan. Not aware of the fact that her mother is the Pincer, she's all in trying to save the day from evil.

    Other Rangers(Descriptions pending):

    Wonder Ranger Pink: Kayla Ayers

    The face of the group. The most cheerful and optimistic one. While proficient, she's arguably the weakest of the rangers in terms of physical combat and excels as the team's cheerleader and support roles. Makes friends wherever she goes.

    Wonder Ranger Black: /Yanase Natsumi
    The "bad boy" of the group. The toughest fighter among them too, but while not stupid, he doesn't have the patience or cares about making any complicated plans. His motivations for fighting evil is simply for the action.

    Natsumi came with his sister to America where he was recruited by the rangers. Unlike his sister, he refused to join them seeing what they do as a stupid waste of time. While he still thinks that, he won't allow his sister to get herself killed and his will to fight is what keeps him ready for action.

    Wonder Ranger Yellow: Anna Mccall
    The best student of the group and one of the most hard working. She's really nerdy and doesn't have a lot of friends outside the rangers. She falls into this deliberately as the team's loremaster. Virgin and closet pervert while she won't admit it.

    Wonder Ranger Red: Ashley Boyer

    Musician first, fighter second. Adapts to just about any situation, but doesn't really do anything that the other rangers can't do better. Seems to have romantic tension with the guys every now and then, but she also seems pretty quick to forget about it the next day.

    Wonder Ranger Green: Jace Turner
    Smart and strong, it seems like he has a lot of talent. Too passive to be effectively a leader, he'll follow along with what the others do, even when he knows it's going to end badly. Tends to treat his position as a ranger as more of a volunteer job coming and going as he pleases. His superiors have stated that while mostly good, there's a pretty strong seed of darkness that prevents him from using the full power of of his crystal and prevents him from becoming a fully fledged ranger. This has led him to become extremely apathetic about saving the world, and while helping people is nice and all, he won't go out of his way to do it and can be shockingly sadistic when provoked out of his passiveness. He's fully willing to admit that the only reason he's with the team at all, is just because his friends are doing it.

    He's also the only one whose aware that Nikki is The Pincer. For whatever reason, he simply choses to keep this to himself either out of amusement or possibly not being willing to break it to Mariko. Likely some measure of both. Smart enough to know her true identity, but seemingly refuses to mention it for reasons only known to him.
    Currently operating in the sewers.

    16 Spiderlings
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2021
    majus likes this.
  3. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    My second idea.

    Civilian Name: Kamilah Nazari(Used for modern purposes.)
    Pseudonym/Alias/villainous name: Kanika Amaunet(Original name)
    Age: 3,012

    Personal Equipment:
    Eye of Horace(Amulet): Allows her to see through solid objects.
    Ritual Staff

    Based of operations: City Library/Catacombs underneath

    As far as the girl is aware, she is just a girl who was lucky enough to survive radiation and get superpowers. What she isn't aware of is, the reason that she survived and it had the effects it did in the first place is due to the fact, she is one of the last descendants of the magician's tribe that sealed the princess away. Not gifted or attuned to her innate magical potential, Kanika is still well aware that that the girl is inadvertently sealing the princess's complete resurrection to her former glory.

    While not the foe that Angelica goes up against most frequently, Kanika still remains the only one Angelica believes really would take over the world if not stopped.

    Origin Story: A princess from the Egyptian empire era, if her own account is to be believed, she was a kind and sweet girl treated unjustly by the Assyrians after their invasion of the kingdom and experienced much of life later on under the Roman's boot as a vassal state. Allegedly, her extensive lifespan comes from magic, but it ultimately wasn't enough to stop her from being sealed away and mummified for the next few thousand years in a tomb at the hands of her cruel and power scheming sister's jealousy. It's not clear how much of this is actually true, and how much of this is just what Kanika says. A few centuries imprisoned before her tomb was rediscovered probably wasn't good for her sanity, but she certainly didn't waste much time getting into the role of a proper petty and vain tyrant this time around.

    The empire isn't exactly what it once was, but her skills with magic had her revive a good chunk of her servants when her tomb was reopened. The corpses of a few thousand zombies and skeletons wouldn't be good for doing things discreetly, however, and does have a need to recruit modern goons to do her dirty work. Her approach is to recruit largely college students or whoever stops by the library. For two reasons. One. They are a lot less harder to get on the radar than zombies and two, she KNOWS heroes won't attack just mostly innocent people who happen to be running errands and will pull their punches against the people she tasks with outside things, when she's not doing them herself.

    Magic **
    Durability **
    Seduction *
    majus likes this.
  4. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    I tonned down the powers a little - just to make sure the characters are not to overly powerful and would need to work for victory.

    Are you sure about the Nemesis? Wouldn't the player stop until one of them fell? I understand it's about training her daughter but what after she finishes?
  5. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    This one looks good.

    Could you describe more about her powers? What type are her magics focused on? How she casts spells? Something about her seduction (is it magic /natural?) and durability (is it regeneration/magic shield or just toughness)?

    Also, the recruitment and base securing will be introduced early in the game.

    Don't forget, the RP will be of half of comedic theme as well.
  6. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    I’m not sure. Magic usually involves quite a bit of powers. Narrowing it down to a few specific ones might be tricky. I think seduction would be natural.

    The other one is largely just an idea. Technically her arch enemy is the whole squad.

    Also wondering if other people are going to do this one now.
    majus likes this.
  7. GenericEditor168

    GenericEditor168 Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    majus likes this.
  8. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Ok. So we will wait for a few more people to drop in before beginning.
  9. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Count me in, too, eventually. I'm just a little swamped with my own game and haven't had time to come up with anything.
    majus likes this.
  10. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    I think I will wait and see the start of the game before deciding whether to join. So far I have a vague idea for a character, but it's a little too vague. Maybe getting a feel for the game will help.
    majus likes this.
  11. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    I was thinking of joining, but the character idea that I had is a little too...gritty for something that's to be a bit comedic. so I'll probably sit on her for now until a different RP opportunity arises.
    majus likes this.
  12. GenericEditor168

    GenericEditor168 Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Found a character image.
    majus likes this.
  13. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Now I am curious, of character you had in mind.

    Now, all the jokes that come to the mind about the bull.
    'I'm not a bull! I'm a dragon!'
    'Hey, villain, can you do that?.'
  14. GenericEditor168

    GenericEditor168 Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    "Yes, but as I'm about to drop you into a shark tank, I think it would be a waste of my time."
  15. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    I guess it wouldn't do any harm to write it up.

    Picture (optional):
    Civilian Name (optional): Amanda Malady
    Pseudonym/Alias/villainous name: Demon Lord Amao
    Age: 2020
    Personal Equipment: None really needed, her clothing varies depending on her disguises and she mostly relies on her brute strength while in a fight.

    Origin Story!: Demon Lord Amao was born shortly after her father(Demon Lord Sagai)'s conquest of The Underworld. When she was born, a prophecy was discovered by his minions. "The Lady of Malady would descend upon the realm of Sagai during the Year of Misfortune and then invade the mortal realms." Because of this prophecy, Sagai trained his daughter to be a tool of combat. He poured all of the powers The Underworld could muster into her hoping that she would be the weapon to stop the fall of his empire. What he didn't realize was that he was creating the tool of his destruction and two thousand and twenty years after her birth, Amao toppled her father and took over The Underworld for herself. From there, she organized all sorts of demons to prepare for an invasion of the mortal realms when The Sagacious Six caught wind. They invaded her domain and defeated her at the height of her power. The resulting battle toppled her castle and left her empire in ruin. The Six believed that she was crushed as a result of her castle collapsing, but she managed to sneak through a portal to the mortal realm before it was sealed.

    A shadow of her former self, Amao has taken the name of "Amanda Malady" as a disguise so that she can rebuild the former empire, the power that she once held, and get revenge on those who wronged her.

    The Mystic Sage Kamui(Sagai):
    The Former Demon Lord of the Underworld, he suffered a Crisis of Conscious after his defeat at the hands of Amao. He realized the danger that his daughter possessed and what might happen if she succeeds. Although a shadow of his former self, he still possesses great wisdom and fair amount of sorcerous powers.
    Tied directly to a supercomputer, Aora is quite easily the brains of The Six. Nestled in hiding, she works as the administrator and organizer of the hero group. She monitors the data stream and intelligence agencies in order to feed information directly to the other heroes in the group. She is likely the only one who may know of Kamui's origin.

    Tanya French (AKA: The Violet Blade):
    The Violet Blade is an alien symbiote that has nested inside of a young idol by the name of Tanya French. The merging between the alien crystalline entity and the blonde singer turned her hair pink and gave her the power to manifest purple crystals into just about anything she wants(Including clothing). This power has great versatility with the ability to craft weapons and lights along with shielding her body. However, it's also very dangerous. The more she uses her powers, the more violent and dangerous she gets.
    In the worst of cases, the symbiote takes complete control and is a threat to the world in of itself as it believes the world would be better off crystalline.
    ??? (AKA: The Crystal Mask):

    Not much is known about The Crystal Mask. He's a male, around the same age as Tanya French and also the heroine's love interest. He was once a normal person with no real powers, but during the First Symbiote Rampage of The Violet Blade, she kidnapped him. Perhaps due to Tanya's connection to him or some other reason, she did not kill him but instead implanted a lesser symbiote into him in the hopes of turning him into her obedient servant. However, for some reason(some may say the power of love), he managed to resist its influence and get Tanya back in control of the beast inside her. This caused the much powerful symbiote inside of Tanya to become violently obsessed with him and is often the subject of her rampages when they happen.

    Even though his and Tanya's powers share the same origin, the symbiote that is implanted inside of The Crystal Mask is far weaker. He can manifest some defenses with it including the crystalline mask on his face, but that's about it. As far as powers go, he is by far the weakest member of the team. However, his role is more of a moral compass and a voice of reason for his companions.

    Due to his relationship with what is effectively a living weapon of mass destruction, The Sagacious Six are extremely protective of his identity. Whenever he appears with the group of heroes, he wears a full crystalline mask that completely covers his facial features and a voice modulator to alter his voice.

    Ciara Shah(AKA: The Shadow)
    If one were to wonder how The Sagacious Six manages to have all the intel about where they're going and what they're doing, then The Shadow would be the second part of that reason. Imagine a world where you had faculties of a supercomputer(Aora) feeding intelligence and building layouts and details about the construction of various locks and traps directly into the earpiece of one of the world's best escape artists and assassins.

    She always has a plan and always has a tool for the job and when she doesn't, then she can make one with the guidance of her companion. She's the kind of girl where if you strip her naked in an empty room, then she'll still pull a lockpick out of somewhere(likely one of her orifices) to get out.

    Delilah Rose (AKA: The Scarlet Falcon)
    The Scarlet Falcon is by far The Face of The Sagacious Six and the most powerful of the group when she goes all out. Whenever someone thinks of the group, she is the first one to come to mind and for good reason. She has a small archive of powers at her command. Most notably is her Super Strength, Speed, and the ability to fly(the only one of The Sagacious Six to possess that ability without assistance). Her visor which hides her identity also contains a HUD that connects directly with Aora's supercomputer.

    Her most glaring personality flaw is that she's all business and because of this, she gets along with Aora the most.


    Super Strength ** -While most of her powers are gone, a large portion of her brute strength remains. She can easily overpower most mortals physically.
    Durability* - Likewise alongside of her strength comes the ability to take a hit...although not as durable as she was at her peak, she can still take a fair amount of damage before going down.
    Changing Appearance* -At the height of her power, she could transform into any creature imaginable. However, after her defeat, she could only really change into different humanoid shapes. She has learned to use this ability to hide in plain sight and often enjoys taking the form of one of her minions to be at the heart of the action and take her foes by surprise.
    Superior Intellect* - Not quite a tactical genius, she still managed to outsmart her father at the right place and time in order to take control of his empire.

    Forbidden: Do what you want

    Anyway, I still would need Three more heroes in order to fill out the group of heroes who brought her down originally.A love interest for Tanya, some kind of probably generic strong hero to be the "face" of the group, and probably some kind of utility hero. However, like I said....I was going less for comedic villain antagonist and more Sexy Darkseid.

    Base of operations:
    Run Down Strip Bar

    2 male minions and 8 female minions


    Last edited: Feb 18, 2021
  16. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    One point - The characters would start solo, and build their organisations from scratch.
  17. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    I'm getting that weird thing again where I can't post replies on the advertisement thing, but can still apparently do it everywhere else.

    Well, you already know that I plan on doing it. But I really can't decide on which character I should be doing. The shredder type one still seems like it could be fun, though the princess is tempting. Though I'm still not really sure what powers magic would actually allow her to do.
  18. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Maybe I pasted too many gifs... Hmm...

    Shrader, yes? Speed is general speed, or running speed? One star would be an enhanced reaction two, dodging bullets and blocking them with a sword. Or running really fast.

    I have limited the powers, so to not make the characters OP - that would make the game boring.
  19. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    I don't know if ti si the gifs, but I can't reply either, so I'll say it here:
    Ah, good old AIKA (and a couple of gifs from Discipline)! That's an awesome advetisement - no wonder people are so willing to join the villains. :p
    majus likes this.
  20. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Hmm... that's a problem if people can't post there... not that big of a problem, mind you, since thread's main purpose is PR and propaganda spreading around the poor, attractive and uneducated part of society, that is easily manipulated into joining the evil organisation as loyal minions ready to do the bidding of their overlords!

    Most gifs from Aika, one from Discipline and one from Bible Black.

    Thank you! It's nice to have your work appreciated :)