GateKeeper's Games: NSFW Text Based Games: June/21/24

Discussion in 'General Board' started by GateKeeper_A, Aug 31, 2017.

  1. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    I noticed that there is a bit of talk about Patreon around here, as well as at least one other person plugging their own page in these forums. Figured I'd do the same. ;)

    I've been a contributor on this site off and on for a while now and wanted to give a formal introduction to the other stuff my team and me have been working on.

    Since the beginning of this year, I've had a Patreon page to host my games. To date, its been successful enough that I've been able to devote more of my time into the text based games I have been writing over the last three years.

    A little bit about my work:

    I love to write, ever since I was a kid I have spent a lot of time with pen and paper in hand. When I encountered this site a few years back, it proved a natural fit for me and I settled in around here (Mostly Lurking) and made myself at home ever sense. In the case of some of my writing, my stories here have inspired my games, and in turn, some of my games have inspired my stories here.

    The Allure of Wanton Cove:

    To date, The Allure of Wanton Cove is by far the most popular of my projects. With more than 1100 Likes on TFGamesSite at the time of this post, its the fourth most popular game on a site that boasts more than a thousand games. Currently, the game stands at about 90% complete for the main narative, with plans to expand the game significantly in the future.

    "You're a washed up ex-detective, living your life one bottle at a time when your old partner and estranged friend comes knocking. His son has gone missing, the police wont persue the case, and he's run out of leads, so he comes looking to call in an old favor.

    You hear him out, even if you have no intention of helping him out. But then he offers you the only clue he has to the whereabouts of his son. A hand written letter with a return address of Wanton Cove, the very name of which dregs up memories of the last horrible case you worked, a case that was never solved."

    At the time of this post, the story stands at a little over 270,000 words of content and is still growing about 10-15k words a month. Art in the game is minimal (Much of my Patreon earnings go back into my projects in the form of commissioned art.) but present, relying instead on written content to tell the tale (After all, art can make a good story great, but no amount of art can make a story good.)

    Newest builds of the game can always be found linked here:


    I've actually posted some of the intro for this game as a story on this site with a very positive response to far. As of right now, I'm hard at work getting the code written in the hopes of having this game receiving regular updates soon.

    "After the passing of your estranged Great Uncle, you're surprised to find yourself listed as the sole heir to his estate. With all the legal unpleasantness out of the way, you're now on your way to your new home.

    Not sure what to expect when you arrive, you dont know if you're going to sell the mansion or live there, but once you step inside your entire world changes when you are suddenly faced with the fact that you now own two slave girls.

    What do you do with them? Do you follow in your Great Uncle's footsteps and use them for your own pleasure? Do you treat them like servants? Or do you nurture a relationship with them that just might blossom into something more, . . ."

    The public version of the game includes about 20k words of content at the moment, with the Patreon build being one build ahead of the public version and containing about double the amount of content.

    Keep in mind that this game is still early in development and not yet receiving regular updates.

    Links to newest versions of the game can be found through here:

    Futa Apocalypse:

    This one actually started as a story here on this site that I started to turn into a chyoa style game for the sake of learning how to create games. It was a rollercoaster, and it never was completed (Simply became too unwieldy to manage. I do however hope to come back to the setting some day to create a game in a sandbox style setting.) though the story on this site is still receiving updates from members somewhat regularly.

    "In the near future, a new virus has decimated the human population, reducing them to sex crazed Futa who's only driving force is the need to infect others with their tainted cum.

    With resources scarce, the last remnants of humanity facing extinction at the hands of the Infected, and the only known cure to the virus is uninfected male cum, can you survive?"

    The game was a learning experience, that's for sure. There's a lot of fun to be had in the game, though the bulk of the game's content can be found on this site in story form.

    The Puppet Master:

    This is actually my only currently completed game. Its a bit on the small side, and probably not my best work, but its got a good following.

    The game was actually created for a contest over on TFGamesSite where it placed in the middle of the crowd of games that came out for the contest.

    "You are an out of work nurse, with student loans and bills mounting.

    Nearly at your wits end, a job, almost too good to be true, drops in your lap: An old magician who has been in a coma for many years has woken, and now he needs help regaining his strength once more. A live-in nurse is exactly what he's looking for, . . ."

    Complete and free version of the game can be downloaded here:

    Other Projects:

    There are several more projects that have been at least partially planned for future development as well, but it will be a long time before those see the light of day, so I won't make too much fuss about those at the moment. Just rest assured, there are several major projects in the works, and when those are completed, there is plenty more we want to accomplish in the future.

    Parting Words:

    While I do run my projects through Patreon now, the only project receiving regular updates at the moment is The Allure of Wanton Cove which typically receives a new update about once every 2-3 weeks, though I hope to start alternating builds between that and Inheritance soon.

    Wanton Cove includes a free version which has all of the same content as the Patreon version story wise, the Patreon version only offering a Cheat Menu that makes content easier to reach. (In other words, Patreon is currently acting as a tip jar, with a small perk for those willing to toss a dollar my way to help pay the bills and commission art.)

    If you want to keep up on the latest news related to my games, or want to take a closer look at what we're working on, feel free to check out my Patreon page!

    Play the full version of "The Allure of Wanton Cove": = Free!
    Play the full version of "The Allure of Wanton Cove" w/cheat menu: = $1
    See WIP art from our artists as it is developed (Both Wanton Cove and Inheritance art): = $5
    See completed art before it appears in the game (Both Wanton Cove and Inheritance art), get your name in the credits, and gain access to TEST builds several days before the new version goes public: = $10

    Once Inheritance enters a regular release schedule, you will also gain:
    Early Access to Inheritance (One build newer than public version at all times): $1
    Early Access to Inheritance w/cheat menu: = $5

    For those of you who have made it this far, thank you for reading, I hope that you try my games, and most importantly, I hope that you enjoy reading that I have created!
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2017
    gkrishna and raziel83 like this.
  2. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    Wanton Cove V.91a is up.

    Patreon Version:

    Public Version:

    The following fixes should be in place in this build:

    -Variant of Cobb's scene on the main street through Wanton Cove for players who had not previously spoken with him did not have a link to progress further in the story. This has been fixed.
    -Error that was triggering in the good part of town was related to the new Lady Anne content/ Lady Anne's intro and followup scenes have been completely rebuilt as a random event. (About 1/8 chance of triggering if a random event plays out in that area.) I plan to add the ability to visit her normally in the next major build of the game.
  3. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    I took a look at Wanton Cove and found that on the Brave browser for Windows, the text contrast was not readable for me (basically white on white). Do you have a browser that you prefer for development and play?
  4. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    That's strange. The game is actually designed as white text on a black background.

    I personally test the game in Firefox, IE, and Chrome. I get about 5k downloads a week on a bad week, and this is an issue that hasn't been reported in recent builds.

    Lets see what we can do to fix your problem. There are a few settings that people will sometimes use that can cause issues like the one you describe. Have you done anything with your browser to force a background color? Do you have any custom settings related to images? If you have custom settings, its possible that those are causing some issues.

    Probably the most common solution for issues like the one you describe however is to remove the images folder. This means you wont see pictures in the game, but for most people this will solve the background issues people report.

    If those things aren't helpful, let me know and I'll run the issue past a couple of coders I know who will likely be able to help.


    New build is live for those who are interested.


    Changelog .92

    -Updated "Special Thanks" passage with new Patrons at appropriate levels. 9/9/17

    -One of Tanya's sex scenes now has art. See, art that's not associated with an ending! More art will appear in upcoming releases.

    -Rebuilt Lady Anne's intro and wrote three variants of the willing entry scene.

    -Added new dialogue for Lady Anne.

    -Added a new story driven scene that should play out on the 7th morning.

    -Added new dialogue for Tanya after 7th morning scene.

    -Added about 3k words of content to the game. At the same time, I sent through and streamlined a bit of content, trimming some redundant content from the game that probably cut us by about 1k words as well. This brings the game's total size up to around 273k words.


    Patreon Build includes Cheat Menu:

    Public Build of the game (Free Version):
  5. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

  6. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    Progress report for those curious about how the next build is coming along:

    Got a lot done on this over the last couple of days. Added some new story driven content, as well as some new naughtyness. REALLY happy with the progress made today. I just put up a test build for that level Patreons over there. For everyone else, I should have a new build of the game up to the public in about a week. Goal is to release late on the 27th, then have any reported bugs resolved by the 29th before jumping into the next build.

    Game progression is coming along very nicely. We're down to nine more major plot driven scenes to resolve the main narrative. Goal will be to have that all taken care of over the next 5-6 builds.

    Once the main narrative of the game is done though, there's still a LOT to do. Some time in the next few weeks, I plan to create a Patreon only poll concerning some of the side stories in the game (Who was the body on the shore? What REALLY happened to the pastor? Who were the original inhabitants of Wanton Cove? What drew Tom to Wanton Cove in the first place? What happened to Mr Jackobson? And more!) to decide which side stories people would like to see explored first. I know I have my preferences on which stories to explore in which order, but I confess that I'm excited to see which stories are most important to the players!
  7. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    New version of Wanton Cove is up if anyone is interested:



    "" Captain Steiner meets my eyes. He's clearly rattled by whatever is in the alley, "Hope you have a stronger stomach than the rest of us." His tone is distant, like he's disassociating himself from whatever they found.

    "Show me the way," I say. I can already smell the coppery scent of blood on the air.

    Captain Steiner nods, then waves for me to follow.

    The alley is dark, and narrow, not quite wide enough to drive an automobile down. The only light I can see down the damp corridor between the two warehouses is coming from a couple of flashlights a short distance ahead.

    Without really thinking about it, I pull my flashlight and thumb it on, lighting the way.

    When I see a hint of blood lazily running from down the alley, pooling in a puddle a couple of paces ahead, I make a point of stepping around it.

    "Must be a lot of blood?" I make it half question, half statement. Captain Steiner turns his head to meet my eyes. I'd swear that he's three shades lighter than when we entered the alley. He doesn't say anything as he continues towards the crime scene.

    As we near the crime scene, the blood on the ground has become so abundant that it's impossible not to step in it as we approach. //Just how many victims are there?//

    I begin to slow, an uneasy feeling settling over me, as if my skin doesn't fit quite right. My eyes travel towards where the other officer's flashlights are pointed.

    There are strange symbols, painted in broad red swaths of color along the walls. It takes me a few seconds to realize that it's blood.

    I don't know how long I stood there, looking at the symbols, but I became aware of Captain Steiner looking at me expectantly, as if anticipating me saying something.

    I take a deep breath and force myself to direct my flashlight to the one place that everyone seems to be avoiding looking, the middle of the alley between the two murals of blood.

    For several heartbeats, it's as if my mind can't quite acknowledge what I'm looking at.

    Laying in the middle of a small sea of blood is a porcelain white body, an almost startling contrast with the crimson that surrounds it.

    Watching where I step, my heart roaring in my ears, I move slowly closer to the scene.

    It quickly becomes obvious that this is no ordinary body. Some distant part of my mind tells me that I'm looking at multiple victims, a patchwork of body parts all sewn together to create this horrible, beautiful, abomination before me.

    I fight down the bile at the back of my throat and force myself to //really// look at the body. It looks like most of the victims were female, possibly with a single male victim. ""


    This is a game that takes place within the Cthulhu Mythos. There are elements in this story which are not appropriate for children. Some of the content is erotic, or even pornographic in nature, though much of it is avoidable within the game if you watch for it.

    Anyone interested in trying the game out, feel free to download the free version of the game. If you like it and are able, you're welcome to pledge a little something if you want to show a little extra support. Patrons gain access to a Cheat Menu within the game that allows you to adjust character stats, as well as Patreon only polls.


    Patreion Build:

    Public Build:
  8. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    This is the game the story by the same name on this site is based off of.

    "After the passing of your estranged Great Uncle, you're surprised to find yourself listed as the sole heir to his estate. With all the legal unpleasantness out of the way, you're now on your way to your new home.

    Not sure what to expect when you arrive, you dont know if you're going to sell the mansion or live there, but once you step inside your entire world changes when you are suddenly faced with the fact that you now own two slave girls.

    What do you do with them? Do you follow in your Great Uncle's footsteps and use them for your own pleasure? Do you treat them like servants? Or do you nurture a relationship with them that just might blossom into something more, . . ."

    This game has two versions, a Patreon build, and a Public build. The public build is one version behind the Patreon version.

    The game has been in development behind the scenes since December of this last year while we have worked on it a little bit at a time. It is now entering a more active stage of development and we hope to start making regular releases to the game very soon.

    Hope that you all enjoy the new build!

    The Patreon Version can be found here:

    The Public (Free) Version can be found here:

    NOTE: This is just one of two projects being worked on by my team right now, a small pledge allows you access to both projects. The other project is seeing a regular release, every two to three weeks a new build comes out.
  9. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    New build of The Allure of Wanton Cove is up!

    This build brings us 4k words of new content, new art, and the long awaited answer to what really happened to Tom, . . .

    The Patreon and Public versions of the game are the same with the exception of the Patreon build having a Cheat Menu that will allow you to adjust Taint, Mutation, Madness, Depravity, Money, Stats, and even virginity status at will.

    For the free version of the game, I have provided more than one link as some people seem to have an aversion to Patreon for some odd reason. The additional links should give additional options for those who want them.

    Patreon Build:

    Public Build (Patreon Host):

    Public Build (4Shared):

    Public Build (MEGA):!pyhX0Y5L!TpiCxS9k3-TNIQPR8c0Cmqd1Z-EQueRiK2PXyHkzQ1Q
  10. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

  11. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    Take on the part of a washed up detective as he sets out to unravel a mystery that continues to plague him. Delve into a world steeped in the Cthulhu mythos, heavy in atmosphere and a prevailing sense of foreboding.

    This game is largely text based, with some art (A percentage of Patreon earnings goes towards the commissioning of new art.) There is a free version of the game which I encourage people to try first before pledging, then if you enjoy my work so far, give a little pledge if you want to show a bit of support. The only difference between the Patreon and Public versions of the game is that the Patreon build includes a cheat menu that makes some content easier to explore.

    The current build includes about 8k words of new content, bringing the game's total size up to about 293k.

    Hope you all enjoy!

    Patreon version:

    Public version:!gmxhwD6Y!-vsQQxBZojmagyA0-A9omYdiUJWiCrTJMpJxvHiUPDY
  12. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

  13. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

  14. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    Inheritance A1 Build of my text based game. With this build, we're entering active production for the game and the plan is to alternate builds between this and Wanton Cove moving forward.

    "After the passing of your estranged Great Uncle, you learn that he has left his estate to you in his will.

    Unsure of what to do, you decide to visit the mansion you have just inherited, only to discover that not only was your Great Uncle an owner of slaves, but that two of them still remain at the mansion, . . . anticipating your arrival.

    You meet Anna (21), an emotionally damaged woman who is haunted by the horrors she has experienced. As well as her sister Eve (18) who embodies the wonder of a child and who has been largely sheltered from the harsher realities of her situation.

    It is up to you how you proceed, do you use them as you please, following in your Great Uncle's footstep? Or do you nurture them, giving them a brighter life than they have ever known, . . . and perhaps fall in love along the way?"

    There are three versions available for this game.

    Public Build: The public build is always one build behind the Patreon version of the game. I encourage anyone interested in playing to try out this free version of the game before pledging for either of the Early Access versions of the game.

    Early Access: This build is one build ahead of the public release of the game. This build includes additional content and improvements.

    Cheat Build: This build comes out at the same time as Early Access and includes the same content as the Early Access build. The difference is that this build includes a Cheat Menu in the Settings area that allows you to adjust both of the girls' stats at will.
  15. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    Fix is up for Inheritance. This should resolve the lack of Settings button in the sidebar (Only important for people with the Cheat build of the game as that is where the Cheat Menu can be found) and fixed an issue where people were having trouble summoning the girls to the Ball Room.

    A1a Cheat Build:

    A1a Patreon Build:

    No changes were made to the public version of the game, so you can follow the original link for that.

  16. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    One last Inheritance fix before work starts on the next build of the game.

    This build only has a few small changes from your perspective, but actually quite a bit has been changed in the background.

    Changes include:
    -Update to Cheat Menu. Additional skills have been added, though those skills do not affect anything yet. (Cheat Build only)
    -Cheat Menu may look largely the same, but its been completely rebuilt in the background. Should be in its final form now with the exception of any additional items actually added to the Cheat Menu. (Cheat Build only)
    -Did some pretty significant work to the Sidebar. Should have cleaned it up a bit from your perspective, but in addition to that it should make things just a little easier on our end as well by having a more intuitive layout.
    -I had a single person report that the summoning bug was persisting. Not sure if this was a fluke, if they were using an old save, or what the deal was. Regardless, the issue has been addressed in detail by one of our coders and should be both fixed, and the code improved, related to this.

    This should be the last fix before the next major build of the game. The plan is to go into this next week working on Inheritance. Going to drop a minimum of three interactive scenes into the game and try to add the sleep mechanic. Once the sleep mechanic is in the game, we'll have a template in place for almost every other mechanic that's going to appear in the game in the near future. [​IMG]

    A1b CHEAT:

  17. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    Take on the part of a washed up detective as he sets out to unravel a mystery that continues to plague him. Delve into a world steeped in the Cthulhu mythos, heavy in atmosphere and a prevailing sense of foreboding.

    This game is largely text based, with some art (A percentage of Patreon earnings goes towards the commissioning of new art.) There is a free version of the game which I encourage people to try first before pledging, then if you enjoy my work so far, give a little pledge if you want to show a bit of support. The only difference between the Patreon and Public versions of the game is that the Patreon build includes a cheat menu that makes some content easier to explore.
    New build of The Allure of Wanton Cove is live!
    Version .96 includes about 5k words of new content. Including the Night 8 scene, new major scene on the waterfront on Day 9, new conversations, some minor rewrites, and other content.
    Patreon Only Build (Includes Cheat Menu):

    Public Build:
  18. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

  19. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    "After the passing of your estranged Great Uncle, you're surprised to find yourself listed as the sole heir to his estate. With all the legal unpleasantness out of the way, you're now on your way to your new home.

    Not sure what to expect when you arrive, you dont know if you're going to sell the mansion or live there, but once you step inside your entire world changes when you are suddenly faced with the fact that you now own two slave girls.

    What do you do with them? Do you follow in your Great Uncle's footsteps and use them for your own pleasure? Do you treat them like servants? Or do you nurture a relationship with them that just might blossom into something more, . . ."


    Version A2
    This build is HUGE. It opens up several rooms that were previously locked within the house. There were probably 30-40 ambient scenes that were not triggering properly previously that should be working now. There are now five interactive scenes in the game. You can now sleep in your room in the house. You can eavesdrop on the girls in their room. You can now punish Anna if you wish to do so.

    There is a ton of new content to explore, much of which is dependant on the time of day, sleeping arrangements for Anna, and even the current status of your relationship with each girl.

    Version A1b
    This is the current FREE version. New players should start here to see if they enjoy the game before pledging their support and picking up the Patreon version of the game. Patreons gain early access, with the current Patreon version becoming the new Free version whenever a new build is released.

    This version of the game involves many mechanical improvements and the first of the interactive scenes to be included in the game. There is a known bug that is preventing players from summoning the girls to a couple of the rooms in the mansion.


    A2 CHEAT Build (Requires a $5 Pledge):

    A2 Patreon Build (Requires a $1 Pledge)

    A1b (Free Version):
  20. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    Updated Inheritance with a couple of small fixes. (These only affect the Patreon only versions of the game.) This should fix the Clock issue with the wrong day of the week appearing. Also increased the likelihood of most interactive scenes to trigger to make them easier to find.

    CHEAT Build ($5 Version):

    Patreon Build ($1 Version):

    Free version is the same.