GateKeeper's Games: NSFW Text Based Games: June/21/24

Discussion in 'General Board' started by GateKeeper_A, Aug 31, 2017.

  1. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    Had two bugs reported for the new Wanton Cove build. One was something that has likely been in place for a long time and has been preventing much of Mr Morichi's content from playing. The other was the way I coded the Fountain scene, which was only allowing it to play out under a pretty specific set of circumstances. Hopefully this will fix both of those.

    Public Version Fix:

    Supporter Version Fix:
  2. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    First, I'd like to begin by saying that anyone new to the game should try the Free version of the game first. Then if you like it, consider showing a little support if you're able.

    Got a new build of Inheritance ready to go. Quite a bit of new content to explore in A11, and almost all of it is related to Anna. The goal this build was to present some new content that is available at starting stat ranges for Anna to make some of the existing content a little easier to reach. Hope you all enjoy the new content!

    If you enjoy the game, and you'd like to see more, the early access version of the game is available at a small pledge. The early access build always becomes the new Free version when a new build comes out.

    Of maybe you'd like an unfair advantage manipulating the girls? If so, consider upgrading to the Cheat build which will give you access to a Cheat Menu in the settings that will allow you to adjust the girls' stats at will.

    "After the passing of your estranged Great Uncle, you're surprised to find yourself listed as the sole heir to his estate. With all the legal unpleasantness out of the way, you're now on your way to your new home.

    Not sure what to expect when you arrive, you don't know if you're going to sell the mansion or live there, but once you step inside your entire world changes when you are suddenly faced with the fact that you now own two slave girls.

    What do you do with them? Do you follow in your Great Uncle's footsteps and use them for your own pleasure? Do you treat them like servants? Or do you nurture a relationship with them that just might blossom into something more, . . ."

    What's new in the new build?


    -Fixed a broken image in the intro.

    -Fixed several spelling, grammar, and spacing issues in the game.

    -Wrote and coded a 5k word scene for Anna that can happen in most any room in the mansion that has a window during work hours.

    -Wrote and coded a 1.1k word scene for Anna that takes place in the gym in the evenings.

    -Wrote and coded a 2.4k word scene that takes place during bed time with Anna that only triggers at very positive relationship values.

    -Wrote and coded a .3k word scene for Anna what can appear in any of the guest rooms in the mansion during work hours.

    -Wrote .3k words of content for the next Diary entry related to Anna and Eve.

    -Wrote .7k words of content in the form of a new Personal Conversation with Anna.

    -Added time progression to a bunch of stuff that was missing it.

    -Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are

    pledged at appropriate levels. Last updated 4/4/18

    What's new in the free version?

    -Added new interactive scene for Anna.

    -Added new interactive scene for Eve.

    -Added to Eve's Seduction path in the form of extending Eve's master bedroom scene.

    -Added a new option to NPCs that allow you to see their character stats (Eventually this will
    be modified to use descriptive text and have the option to switch between descriptive and
    number display.)

    -Added a mansion Schedule to the sidebar so you can see the mansion routine as well as locate girls easier.

    -Added new sleep scenes for when you wake up with Anna.

    -Added new conversation for Eve.

    -Added Anna handjob branch in sauna related to the winning contest entry from February.

    -Fixed a bunch of old code that was hanging up many of the conversation scenes.

    -Fixed some old code that was hanging up some of the Anne bed time content.

    -Fixed some old code that was hanging up one of the bathing room events.

    -Added five new images to the game.

    -Resized some obnoxiously large images.

    -Fixed a host of spelling errors.

    -Fixed several small bugs.

    -And I worked on enough stuff this build that odds are pretty good that I forgot a couple of
    small items as well.

    -Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Last updated 3/20/18


    Patreon Links:
    A11 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with early access):

    A11 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A10b Public Build: (Free):
  3. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    Something's broken, will post an update when I figure out what. Sorry. Free Version works.
  4. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

  5. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    New build of The Allure of Wanton Cove is all ready go to!

    For everyone who is new to my work, check out the free build of the game, it includes everything that appears in the Cheat Build, minus said Cheat Menu. The cheat menu allows you to adjust stats at will which makes finding some content much easier to find, however all content should be reachable without the need for cheats if you know where to look across multiple playthroughs.

    "The Allure of Wanton Cove is a dark tale of horror set within the Cthulhu Mythos created by the renowned author H.P. Lovecraft.

    You take on the part of a washed up former detective who could never let go of the last terrible case he worked. Content to live the rest of his life at the bottom of a bottle, his former partner comes knocking, begging for his help. Help that he is loath to give until offered a tantalizing clue that could finally unravel the case that plagues his every waking thought. He accepts, having no idea that the truth he will find is infinitely more terrible than what already haunts him."

    Changelog 1.05
    -Added new dialog option for Aaron related to Azumi's Origins story.
    -Added a new scene for Toby/Sophie that can play out several different ways depending on your Etiquette skill.
    -Added five new ambient scenes to the Ruins.
    -Improperly coded one of the ambient Ruins scenes in the last build and that was preventing it from appearing. Fixed.
    -Updated Case notes related to the Ruins.
    -Added Case notes related to the Tentacled Thing.
    -Found an ambient event on the waterfront that wasn't properly plugged into the game. It should play normally now.
    -Fixed an issue where the fountain scene mentioned the book from the church even if you didn't find it yet.
    -Added three new images to the game. Busts for Lady Anne, Pastor Erkon, and Victor.
    -Added a missing link to Mr Jackobson's home.
    -Did some rewrites to the Deep One loss scenes in the Ruins to reflect the location they take place.
    -Ran down and fixed a hand full of minor bugs, including one that was preventing some of Rose Crow's content from appearing as well as preventing Felix' entry from appearing in the case notes.
    -Updated "Special Thanks" area with Patrons who pledged at the $10 and up levels. 4/13/18
    -Added about 3k words of content to the game bringing the game's total size up to about 384k words of content.

    Public Build (Free Download):

    Patreon Only Build (Cheat Menu Included):

    Please Note: There have recently been a few reports of people having troubles unbundling rar files. Because of this I have also included a zip file for download for anyone who experiences troubles or simply wants an alternate format.
  6. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    First, I'd like to begin by saying that anyone new to the game should try the Free version of the game first. Then if you like it, consider showing a little support if you're able.

    Got a new build of Inheritance ready to go. This build includes quite a bit of new content for Eve as well as expanding the settings lore a bit through some new diary entries. Check out the full changelog for more details.

    If you enjoy the game, and you'd like to see more, the early access version of the game is available at a small pledge. The early access build always becomes the new Free version when a new build comes out.

    Of maybe you'd like an unfair advantage manipulating the girls? If so, consider upgrading to the Cheat build which will give you access to a Cheat Menu in the settings that will allow you to adjust the girls' stats at will.

    "After the passing of your estranged Great Uncle, you're surprised to find yourself listed as the sole heir to his estate. With all the legal unpleasantness out of the way, you're now on your way to your new home.

    Not sure what to expect when you arrive, you don't know if you're going to sell the mansion or live there, but once you step inside your entire world changes when you are suddenly faced with the fact that you now own two slave girls.

    What do you do with them? Do you follow in your Great Uncle's footsteps and use them for your own pleasure? Do you treat them like servants? Or do you nurture a relationship with them that just might blossom into something more, . . ."

    What's new in the new build?

    -Added two new Diary entries. In total about .6k words of content.

    -Added one new scene for Eve in the bathing room in the evenings that has options for any relationship values. 2.0k words of content.

    -Added one new scene for Eve in the servants area in the evenings for middling relationship values. 1.2k words of content.

    -Added one new scene for Eve in the lounge during work hours at middling relationship values. .7k words of content.

    -Added a new scene for Eve that can play out in any of the hallways at middling relationship values. .4k words of content.

    -Added a new scene for Eve in the Living Room that plays out in the evenings at positive relationship values. 1.6k words of content.

    -Added the code for a broken bed time scene and it should trigger normally now. .3k words of content.

    -Added a new personal conversation for Eve. Requires that you kissed her through the seduction scene chain and have a fairly high affection score with her. This one even includes a single branching point making it an interactive scene. A bit under .2k words of content.

    -Wrote and added two new couch scene starts. .1k words of content.

    -Wrote and added one new couch scene middle. .1k words of content.

    -Made a small adjustment to Eve's bedroom seduction scene's conditions.

    -Added the ability to invert the colors within the game for those who prefer a white background with black text.

    -Updated the "How To Play" section after the intro.

    -Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Last updated 4/12/18


    -Fixed a broken image in the intro.

    -Fixed several spelling, grammar, and spacing issues in the game.

    -Wrote and coded a 5k word scene for Anna that can happen in most any room in the mansion that has a window during work hours.

    -Wrote and coded a 1.1k word scene for Anna that takes place in the gym in the evenings.

    -Wrote and coded a 2.4k word scene that takes place during bed time with Anna that only triggers at very positive relationship values.

    -Wrote and coded a .3k word scene for Anna what can appear in any of the guest rooms in the mansion during work hours.

    -Wrote .3k words of content for the next Diary entry related to Anna and Eve.

    -Wrote .7k words of content in the form of a new Personal Conversation with Anna.

    -Added time progression to a bunch of stuff that was missing it.

    -Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are

    pledged at appropriate levels. Last updated 4/4/18

    What's new in the free version?

    -Added new interactive scene for Anna.

    -Added new interactive scene for Eve.

    -Added to Eve's Seduction path in the form of extending Eve's master bedroom scene.

    -Added a new option to NPCs that allow you to see their character stats (Eventually this will
    be modified to use descriptive text and have the option to switch between descriptive and
    number display.)

    -Added a mansion Schedule to the sidebar so you can see the mansion routine as well as locate girls easier.

    -Added new sleep scenes for when you wake up with Anna.

    -Added new conversation for Eve.

    -Added Anna handjob branch in sauna related to the winning contest entry from February.

    -Fixed a bunch of old code that was hanging up many of the conversation scenes.

    -Fixed some old code that was hanging up some of the Anne bed time content.

    -Fixed some old code that was hanging up one of the bathing room events.

    -Added five new images to the game.

    -Resized some obnoxiously large images.

    -Fixed a host of spelling errors.

    -Fixed several small bugs.

    -And I worked on enough stuff this build that odds are pretty good that I forgot a couple of
    small items as well.

    -Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Last updated 3/20/18


    Patreon Links:
    A11 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with early access):

    A12 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A11 Public Build: (Free):
  7. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    First, I'd like to begin by saying that anyone new to the game should try the Free version of the game first. Then if you like it, consider showing a little support if you're able.

    If you enjoy the game, and you'd like to see more, the early access version of the game is available at a small pledge. The early access build always becomes the new Free version when a new build comes out.

    Of maybe you'd like an unfair advantage manipulating the girls? Make them fall head over heels in love with you? Make them quake in your very presence? If so, consider upgrading to the Cheat build which will give you access to a Cheat Menu in the settings that will allow you to adjust the girls' stats at will.

    "After the passing of your estranged Great Uncle, you're surprised to find yourself listed as the sole heir to his estate. With all the legal unpleasantness out of the way, you're now on your way to your new home.

    Not sure what to expect when you arrive, you don't know if you're going to sell the mansion or live there, but once you step inside your entire world changes when you are suddenly faced with the fact that you now own two slave girls.

    What do you do with them? Do you follow in your Great Uncle's footsteps and use them for your own pleasure? Do you treat them like servants? Or do you nurture a relationship with them that just might blossom into something more, . . ."

    What's new in the new build?


    -Added two new bed time scenes for when you choose to sleep. .5k words of content.

    -Added new Personal conversation with Anna. Its an interactive scene. .3k words of content.

    -Added two new Personal conversations with Eve that only trigger if you have her calling you very specific names. One is cute, the other pokes fun at myself. .4k words of content between them.

    -Added a new scene for Anna that can play out at middling relationship levels in several rooms in the mansion during work hours. .4k words of content.

    -Added a new scene for Anna that can play out at any relationship level in any room with a hard floor during work hours if she is assigned to house work. .6k words of content.

    -Added a new scene for Anna that can play out at any relationship level in the Library in the wee hours of the night. 1.1k words of content.

    -Added a new scene for Eve that was submitted by CTCC42. Scene plays out at very high affection and low fear during waking hours. 1k words of content.

    -Added one new interactive sleep scene involving both girls that was submitted by CTCC42. 1.5k words of content.

    -Added one new general interactive event that was submitted by CTCC42. Scene plays out during work hours in the laundry area. .2k words of content.

    -Added a new ambient scene to the Library that plays out only at fairly high Affection with Eve. Submitted by CTCC42. .4k words of content.

    -Added an extension to one of Anna's scenes that take place in the bedrooms. Adds one new option to an existing scene and about .2k words of content. Submitted by CTCC42.

    -Added "Back Yard" location to the game. This location may be accessed through the Dining Room. .3k words of content. (This includes early ambient content for the location.)

    -Added three small ambient events to the "Back Yard" location, two that play out at night, one that plays out during the day.

    -Added "Stables" location to the game. .2k words of content. (This includes early ambient content for the location.)

    -Added two small ambient events to the "Stables" location, one plays out at night, the other can play out any time.

    -Added "Greenhouse" location to the game. .2k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)

    -Added two small ambient events to the "Greenhouse" location. One plays out during the night and the other can play out at any time.

    -Added "Pool" location to the game. .3k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)

    -Added three small ambient events to the "Pool" location, one plays in daylight hours, one plays at night, and the other can play out at any time.

    -Added "East Grounds" location to the game. .2k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)

    -Added three small ambient events to the "East Grounds" location, one for nights, one for days, and one that can play out at any time.

    -Added "West Grounds" location to the game. .3k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)

    -Added three small ambient events to the "West Grounds" location, one for nights, one for days, and one that can play out at any time.

    -Added "Front Yard" location to the game. This location may be accessed through the Entry Hall. .3k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)

    -Added two small ambient events to the "Front Yard" location, one for nights, and one that can play out at any time.

    -Added "Shed" location to the game. .2k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)

    -Added two small ambient events to the "Shed" location, one for nights, and one that can play out at any time.

    -Added "Garage" location to the game. .2k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)

    -Added two small ambient events to the "Garage" location, both of which can play out at any time.

    -Added "Driveway" location to the game. .2k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)

    -Added two small ambient events to the "Driveway" location, both of which can play out at any time.

    -Added two new images to the game. One is complete, the other is a sketch.

    -Updated a sketch in the game with the colored version.

    -Fixed a bit of code that was causing the wrong bed time scenes from playing out at the correct times. Most notably this was making the Eve Seduction event chain difficult to trigger as it was not always appearing in the correct time slot.

    -Fixed a bug in one of Anna's interactive bed time scenes that was causing it to not apply relationship modifiers as the scene plays out.

    -Worked my way through a fairly substantial pile of spelling/grammar/bug/error/improvement reports that have been piling up for months..

    -Grim8P has been hard at work on updating the wiki with content, he's been working through things at a breakneck pace that's, . . . . impressive to say the least. At the same time they've been reporting any issues they find in the code or spelling/grammar stuff. Been working through their reports as they appear.

    -Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Also updated with writers, and others who have helped out along the way. Last updated 5/02/18


    -Added two new Diary entries. In total about .6k words of content.

    -Added one new scene for Eve in the bathing room in the evenings that has options for any relationship values. 2.0k words of content.

    -Added one new scene for Eve in the servants area in the evenings for middling relationship values. 1.2k words of content.

    -Added one new scene for Eve in the lounge during work hours at middling relationship values. .7k words of content.

    -Added a new scene for Eve that can play out in any of the hallways at middling relationship values. .4k words of content.

    -Added a new scene for Eve in the Living Room that plays out in the evenings at positive relationship values. 1.6k words of content.

    -Added the code for a broken bed time scene and it should trigger normally now. .3k words of content.

    -Added a new personal conversation for Eve. Requires that you kissed her through the seduction scene chain and have a fairly high affection score with her. This one even includes a single branching point making it an interactive scene. A bit under .2k words of content.

    -Wrote and added two new couch scene starts. .1k words of content.

    -Wrote and added one new couch scene middle. .1k words of content.

    -Made a small adjustment to Eve's bedroom seduction scene's conditions.

    -Added the ability to invert the colors within the game for those who prefer a white background with black text.

    -Updated the "How To Play" section after the intro.

    -Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Last updated 4/12/18


    Patreon Links:
    A13 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with early access):

    A13 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A12 Public Build: (Free):
  8. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

  9. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    New build of The Allure of Wanton Cove is all ready go to!

    The Allure of Wanton Cove is a text based interactive fiction game with art.

    For everyone who is new to my work, check out the free build of the game, it includes everything that appears in the Cheat Build, minus said Cheat Menu. The cheat menu allows you to adjust stats at will which makes finding some content much easier to find, however all content should be reachable without the need for cheats if you know where to look across multiple playthroughs.

    "The Allure of Wanton Cove is a dark tale of horror set within the Cthulhu Mythos created by the renowned author H.P. Lovecraft.

    You take on the part of a washed up former detective who could never let go of the last terrible case he worked. Content to live the rest of his life at the bottom of a bottle, his former partner comes knocking, begging for his help. Help that he is loath to give until offered a tantalizing clue that could finally unravel the case that plagues his every waking thought. He accepts, having no idea that the truth he will find is infinitely more terrible than what already haunts him."

    Changelog 1.06

    -Added four new sex scenes with the Lebron Sisters.

    -Added one new story driven scene to the Ruins.

    -Added five new ambient scenes to the Ruins.

    -Added three new images to the game.

    -Updated Cheat Menu with shortcuts to the Lebron Sisters sex scenes.

    -Updated Cheat Menu with Ruins combat scenes.

    -Fixed a bug in Aaron's conversation code on the Ruins discussion.

    -Fixed a minor bug that was preventing one of the ambient scenes from playing on the docks.

    -Added a missing link to a couple of places in the combat code.

    -Fixed a bug that was preventing the day count from resetting in New Game +.

    -Fixed some code related to the Deep One loss scenes. Once done, I streamlined a bit of related code as well.

    -Fixed a bug that was preventing some people from having an exit from the Female Hybrid scene.

    -Updated "Special Thanks" area with Patrons who pledged at the $10 and up levels. 5/11/18

    -Added about 5k words of content to the game bringing the game's total size up to about 389k words of content.

    Public Build (Free Download):

    Patreon Only Build (Cheat Menu Included):

    Please Note: There have recently been a few reports of people having troubles unbundling rar files. Because of this I have also included a zip file for download for anyone who experiences troubles or simply wants an alternate format.
  10. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    First, I'd like to begin by saying that anyone new to the game should try the Free version of the game first. Then if you like it, consider showing a little support if you're able.

    If you enjoy the game, and you'd like to see more, the early access version of the game is available at a small pledge. The early access build always becomes the new Free version when a new build comes out.

    Or maybe you'd like an unfair advantage manipulating the girls? Make them fall head over heels in love with you? Make them quake in your very presence? If so, consider upgrading to the Cheat build which will give you access to a Cheat Menu in the settings that will allow you to adjust the girls' stats at will.

    "After the passing of your estranged Great Uncle, you're surprised to find yourself listed as the sole heir to his estate. With all the legal unpleasantness out of the way, you're now on your way to your new home.

    Not sure what to expect when you arrive, you don't know if you're going to sell the mansion or live there, but once you step inside your entire world changes when you are suddenly faced with the fact that you now own two slave girls.

    What do you do with them? Do you follow in your Great Uncle's footsteps and use them for your own pleasure? Do you treat them like servants? Or do you nurture a relationship with them that just might blossom into something more, . . ."

    What's new in the new build?

    -Added the first little bit of content related to TF items in the lab. .3k words of content.
    -Added one new lunch time scene to the game. This scene requires middling to high relationship stats with both girls and was submitted by LFNPark. .8k words of content.
    -Added the "Fingering" portion of the contest entry involving Anna in the Sauna. Submitted by AbyssalEros. 1.4k words of content.
    -Added two new ambient scenes to the Stables. .1k words of content.
    -Added two new ambient scenes to the Shed. .1k words of content.
    -Added two new ambient scenes to the Pool. .1k words of content.
    -Added three new ambient scenes to the Kennels. .1k words of content.
    -Added two new ambient scenes to the Greenhouse. .1k words of content.
    -Added three new ambient scenes to the Garage. .2k words of content.
    -Added two new ambient scenes to the Easy Yard. .1k words of content.
    -Added two new ambient scenes to the West Yard. .1k words of content.
    -Added two new ambient scenes to the Front Yard. .1k words of content.
    -Added one new image to the game and updated two others.
    -Added one new ambient scene for the Driveway that plays out during daylight hours. .1k words of content.
    -Added five new ambient scenes in the Back Yard. Three for days, two for nights. .3k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for the Laundry area for Anna that can play out at any relationship level. This scene was submitted by CTCC42. 1.8k words of content.
    -Added one new scene to the South Hall Bathroom for Anna at very high relationship levels. The scene was submitted by LFNPark. 2.7k words of content.
    -Added one new dinner time scene to the game. This scene requires middling relationship stats with Anna and was submitted by LFNPark. 1.3k words of content.
    -Added three new waking up events. All are fairly small. This should act as a catch all to ensure that there's always an event available to appear when waking up. .2k words of content.
    -Added one new interactive scene that includes both Anna and Eve to the servant's area in the evenings. Only a one hour window to trigger it, so you're probably going to need to actively look for it. Scene can play out at any relationship level. 1.9k words of content.
    -Added four new bed time events. 1k words of content.
    -Added a new breakfast scene to the game. This scene requires middling to high relationship values and was submitted by LFNPark .7k words of content.
    -Added a new segment to an existing Anna scene. .1k words of content.
    -Fixed a host of spelling and grammar errors that were reported.
    -Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Also updated with writers, and others who have helped out along the way. Last updated 5/15/18


    -Added two new bed time scenes for when you choose to sleep. .5k words of content.
    -Added new Personal conversation with Anna. Its an interactive scene. .3k words of content.
    -Added two new Personal conversations with Eve that only trigger if you have her calling you very specific names. One is cute, the other pokes fun at myself. .4k words of content between them.
    -Added a new scene for Anna that can play out at middling relationship levels in several rooms in the mansion during work hours. .4k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Anna that can play out at any relationship level in any room with a hard floor during work hours if she is assigned to house work. .6k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Anna that can play out at any relationship level in the Library in the wee hours of the night. 1.1k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Eve that was submitted by CTCC42. Scene plays out at very high affection and low fear during waking hours. 1k words of content.
    -Added one new interactive sleep scene involving both girls that was submitted by CTCC42. 1.5k words of content.
    -Added one new general interactive event that was submitted by CTCC42. Scene plays out during work hours in the laundry area. .2k words of content.
    -Added a new ambient scene to the Library that plays out only at fairly high Affection with Eve. Submitted by CTCC42. .4k words of content.
    -Added an extension to one of Anna's scenes that take place in the bedrooms. Adds one new option to an existing scene and about .2k words of content. Submitted by CTCC42.
    -Added "Back Yard" location to the game. This location may be accessed through the Dining Room. .3k words of content. (This includes early ambient content for the location.)
    -Added three small ambient events to the "Back Yard" location, two that play out at night, one that plays out during the day.
    -Added "Stables" location to the game. .2k words of content. (This includes early ambient content for the location.)
    -Added two small ambient events to the "Stables" location, one plays out at night, the other can play out any time.
    -Added "Greenhouse" location to the game. .2k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)
    -Added two small ambient events to the "Greenhouse" location. One plays out during the night and the other can play out at any time.
    -Added "Pool" location to the game. .3k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)
    -Added three small ambient events to the "Pool" location, one plays in daylight hours, one plays at night, and the other can play out at any time.
    -Added "East Grounds" location to the game. .2k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)
    -Added three small ambient events to the "East Grounds" location, one for nights, one for days, and one that can play out at any time.
    -Added "West Grounds" location to the game. .3k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)
    -Added three small ambient events to the "West Grounds" location, one for nights, one for days, and one that can play out at any time.
    -Added "Front Yard" location to the game. This location may be accessed through the Entry Hall. .3k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)
    -Added two small ambient events to the "Front Yard" location, one for nights, and one that can play out at any time.
    -Added "Shed" location to the game. .2k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)
    -Added two small ambient events to the "Shed" location, one for nights, and one that can play out at any time.
    -Added "Garage" location to the game. .2k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)
    -Added two small ambient events to the "Garage" location, both of which can play out at any time.
    -Added "Driveway" location to the game. .2k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)
    -Added two small ambient events to the "Driveway" location, both of which can play out at any time.
    -Added two new images to the game. One is complete, the other is a sketch.
    -Updated a sketch in the game with the colored version.
    -Fixed a bit of code that was causing the wrong bed time scenes from playing out at the correct times. Most notably this was making the Eve Seduction event chain difficult to trigger as it was not always appearing in the correct time slot.
    -Fixed a bug in one of Anna's interactive bed time scenes that was causing it to not apply relationship modifiers as the scene plays out.
    -Worked my way through a fairly substantial pile of spelling/grammar/bug/error/improvement reports that have been piling up for months..
    -Grim8P has been hard at work on updating the wiki with content, he's been working through things at a breakneck pace that's, . . . . impressive to say the least. At the same time they've been reporting any issues they find in the code or spelling/grammar stuff. Been working through their reports as they appear.
    -Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Also updated with writers, and others who have helped out along the way. Last updated 5/02/18


    Patreon Links:
    A14 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with early access):

    A14 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A13 Public Build: (Free):
  11. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    First, I'd like to begin by saying that anyone new to the game should try the Free version of the game first. Then if you like it, consider showing a little support if you're able.

    If you enjoy the game, and you'd like to see more, the early access version of the game is available at a small pledge. The early access build always becomes the new Free version when a new build comes out.

    Or maybe you'd like an unfair advantage manipulating the girls? Make them fall head over heels in love with you? Make them quake in your very presence? If so, consider upgrading to the Cheat build which will give you access to a Cheat Menu in the settings that will allow you to adjust the girls' stats at will.

    "After the passing of your estranged Great Uncle, you're surprised to find yourself listed as the sole heir to his estate. With all the legal unpleasantness out of the way, you're now on your way to your new home.

    Not sure what to expect when you arrive, you don't know if you're going to sell the mansion or live there, but once you step inside your entire world changes when you are suddenly faced with the fact that you now own two slave girls.

    What do you do with them? Do you follow in your Great Uncle's footsteps and use them for your own pleasure? Do you treat them like servants? Or do you nurture a relationship with them that just might blossom into something more, . . ."


    What's new in the latest Patreon build?

    -Added one new scene for Anna that appears in any East facing bedroom in the house during work hours. .7k words of content.
    -Added a new scene submitted by LFNPark that takes place in the evening hours in the living room. The scene involves Anna only. 3.2k words of content.
    -Added a new scene submitted by LFNPark that takes place late at night if the girls share a room in the servant's area. 1.9k words of content.
    -Added a new scene submitted by LFNPark that takes place late at night at the pool outside. Requires fairly good relationship values with Anna to trigger. 4.7k words of content.
    -Added a new scene submitted by Irish Major Tom that takes place in the late afternoon hours at the pool outside. Requires fairly good relationship values with both Anna and Eve. 2.9k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Eve submitted by LFNPark that can take place in any guest bedroom during daylight hours. Requires middling or better relationship to trigger. .5k words of content.
    -Diary entries from a slave named Katarina were submitted by LFNPark. This diary can be found in the attic. .9k words of content.
    -Diary entries that Great Uncle wrote related to Katarina have been added. The diary can be found in the study. 1.7k words of content.
    -Did some more early work for the TF elements that will eventually appear in the game. .7k words of content.
    -Spelling and grammar fixes.


    What's new in the public build?

    -Added the first little bit of content related to TF items in the lab. .3k words of content.
    -Added one new lunch time scene to the game. This scene requires middling to high relationship stats with both girls and was submitted by LFNPark. .8k words of content.
    -Added the "Fingering" portion of the contest entry involving Anna in the Sauna. Submitted by AbyssalEros. 1.4k words of content.
    -Added two new ambient scenes to the Stables. .1k words of content.
    -Added two new ambient scenes to the Shed. .1k words of content.
    -Added two new ambient scenes to the Pool. .1k words of content.
    -Added three new ambient scenes to the Kennels. .1k words of content.
    -Added two new ambient scenes to the Greenhouse. .1k words of content.
    -Added three new ambient scenes to the Garage. .2k words of content.
    -Added two new ambient scenes to the Easy Yard. .1k words of content.
    -Added two new ambient scenes to the West Yard. .1k words of content.
    -Added two new ambient scenes to the Front Yard. .1k words of content.
    -Added one new image to the game and updated two others.
    -Added one new ambient scene for the Driveway that plays out during daylight hours. .1k words of content.
    -Added five new ambient scenes in the Back Yard. Three for days, two for nights. .3k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for the Laundry area for Anna that can play out at any relationship level. This scene was submitted by CTCC42. 1.8k words of content.
    -Added one new scene to the South Hall Bathroom for Anna at very high relationship levels. The scene was submitted by LFNPark. 2.7k words of content.
    -Added one new dinner time scene to the game. This scene requires middling relationship stats with Anna and was submitted by LFNPark. 1.3k words of content.
    -Added three new waking up events. All are fairly small. This should act as a catch all to ensure that there's always an event available to appear when waking up. .2k words of content.
    -Added one new interactive scene that includes both Anna and Eve to the servant's area in the evenings. Only a one hour window to trigger it, so you're probably going to need to actively look for it. Scene can play out at any relationship level. 1.9k words of content.
    -Added four new bed time events. 1k words of content.
    -Added a new breakfast scene to the game. This scene requires middling to high relationship values and was submitted by LFNPark .7k words of content.
    -Added a new segment to an existing Anna scene. .1k words of content.
    -Fixed a host of spelling and grammar errors that were reported.
    -Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Also updated with writers, and others who have helped out along the way. Last updated 5/15/18


    Patreon Links:
    A15 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with early access):

    A15 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A14a Public Build: (Free):
  12. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    New build of Wanton Cove is up!


    Changelog 1.07

    -Added a substantial new scene to the Tavern that can trigger at random. New Naughtyness with a chance of raising Depravity.

    -Added new conversation for Azumi.

    -Added two new scenes to the Ruins location.

    -Fixed a bug related to the Dock fight that was spitting the player out in the bad part of town.

    -Added a new title image. It's set up to display randomly. 80% of the time the new one will appear, the rest of the time the original one will appear.

    -Added new image for the first time you visit the Church.

    -Fixed the Lebron Sisters so they cause Taint as intended.

    -Updated "Special Thanks" area with Patrons who pledged at the $10 and up levels. 6/01/18

    -Added about 6k words of content to the game bringing the game's total size up to about 395k words of content.


    Now, you might be asking yourself about now, what's the difference between the Public and the Patreon versions of the game? Well, they contain all of the same content, but the Patreon version includes a cheat menu that can make some content much easier to find by allowing you to adjust your stats at will, add money to be spent on additional ammo or goods, or even adjust your corruption as the game progresses.


    Public Build (Free Download):

    Patreon Only Build (Cheat Menu Included):
  13. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    "After the passing of your estranged Great Uncle, you're surprised to find yourself listed as the sole heir to his estate. With all the legal unpleasantness out of the way, you're now on your way to your new home.

    Not sure what to expect when you arrive, you don't know if you're going to sell the mansion or live there, but once you step inside your entire world changes when you are suddenly faced with the fact that you now own two slave girls.

    What do you do with them? Do you follow in your Great Uncle's footsteps and use them for your own pleasure? Do you treat them like servants? Or do you nurture a relationship with them that just might blossom into something more, . . ."


    I encourage everyone to take a look at the Free version of the game linked below. If you enjoy the Free version, please consider a small pledge. With a small pledge, you gain early access to the A16 content as well as other perks! Every little bit helps.


    What's new in the latest Patreon build?

    -Added a new cumshot scene for Anna in the interactive sex in the master bedroom. Involves Anna having middling or better affection, and Eve to have middling or better affection and lowish fear. .4k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Anna in the lounge during work hours for low relationship values. Submitted by Irish Major Tom. 1.4k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Eve that takes place during the day in the servant's area. Can play out at any relationship level. 3.8k words of content.
    -Added the ability to play Billiards with both Anna and Eve in the lounge. My text editor tells me it's 2.5k words of content, but about half of that is code. Big thanks to Rfpnj for writing the code and sharing it with me, only took a couple of hours to modify it for Inheritance.
    -Added a new scene for Eve at middling to high relationship levels in the Library in the evenings. 1.3k words of content.
    -Added the first portion of Eve's Sauna scene that was submitted during our first contest (Seriously, I need to get my act together and finish putting all of that into the game.) Contest Entry by AbyssalEros. 2.5k words of content.
    -Added a new interactive shower scene. Includes full content for Anna and some early content for the scene related to Eve. 3.5k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Anna that takes place in any of the guest rooms. Submitted by LFNPark. 2.1k words of content.
    -Added a new bedtime scene for Anna. Submitted By LFNPark. 1.7k words of content.
    -Added three diary entries for a new former slave named Valerie. 1.1k words of content.
    -Added two diary entries for a new former slave named Nora. 1.9k words of content.
    -Added three new diary entries by the Great Uncle for Katarina. .7k words of content.
    -Added one new diary entry for Katarina, submitted by LFNPark. .9k words of content.
    -Added the option in the assignments area of each girl that allows you to change what she calls you.
    -Updated the "How to Play" area to include a note about changing what the girls call you in the game.
    -Fixed the evening interactive sex with Anna so you wake up normally.
    -Fixed a typo on the code that was preventing much of the poolside scene from playing properly.
    -Fairly minor rewrite to the Kitchen sex scene that involves both girls.
    -Fixed several print function errors in Anna's scene in the living room.
    -Fixed a bit of broken code that was preventing one of the starting sex scenes from playing with the bed sex option.
    -Fixed several minor errors that were reported.
    -Updated Cheat Menu to include Billiards.
    -Updated Character Menu with Billiards skill for both girls.
    -Made a small change to how the player's name is handled.
    -Fixed an issue where the pool scene was routing you through a different scene.
    -Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Also updated with writers, and others who have helped out along the way. Last updated 6/13/18


    What's new in the public build?

    -Added one new scene for Anna that appears in any East facing bedroom in the house during work hours. .7k words of content.
    -Added a new scene submitted by LFNPark that takes place in the evening hours in the living room. The scene involves Anna only. 3.2k words of content.
    -Added a new scene submitted by LFNPark that takes place late at night if the girls share a room in the servant's area. 1.9k words of content.
    -Added a new scene submitted by LFNPark that takes place late at night at the pool outside. Requires fairly good relationship values with Anna to trigger. 4.7k words of content.
    -Added a new scene submitted by Irish Major Tom that takes place in the late afternoon hours at the pool outside. Requires fairly good relationship values with both Anna and Eve. 2.9k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Eve submitted by LFNPark that can take place in any guest bedroom during daylight hours. Requires middling or better relationship to trigger. .5k words of content.
    -Diary entries from a slave named Katarina were submitted by LFNPark. This diary can be found in the attic. .9k words of content.
    -Diary entries that Great Uncle wrote related to Katarina have been added. The diary can be found in the study. 1.7k words of content.
    -Did some more early work for the TF elements that will eventually appear in the game. .7k words of content.
    -Spelling and grammar fixes.


    Patreon Links:
    A16 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with early access):

    A16 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A15 Public Build: (Free):
    Zingiber likes this.
  14. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    After far too long, I've got an Inheritance fix build for all of you wonderful people. Thank you so very much for your patience. I appreciate it more than mere words can express.

    Friday's release included several bugs, a couple of which were preventing at least one substantial bit of content from being reachable. This should fix all of those.

    A16a Changelog:
    -Fixed a bug that was preventing Eve's sauna content from playing properly.
    -Fixed a bunch of minor bugs.
    -Some spelling/grammar fixes.
    -Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Also updated with writers, and others who have helped out along the way. Last updated 6/20/18

    These changes do NOT affect the current free build of the game.

    Patreon CHEAT Build:

    Patreon Early Access Build:
  15. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    New build of Wanton Cove for anyone who is interested!


    Changelog 1.08

    -New Female Deep One fight in the Ruins.
    -New Female Deep One fight on the Waterfront. VERY rare.
    -Updated the Case Notes area with new information related to the "Azumi Origin" story.
    -New conversation with Ms Sherwood for those who have progressed far enough down the "Azumi Origin" path.
    -Did minor rewrires to many of the locations in the game to improve flow. Much of the game was originally written as if you were entering the location from the direction it was first presented for, when you come back through those locations this has caused confusion for some players. I am working to get these discrepancies fixed.
    -Added Female Deep One fight for both the Waterfront and Ruins to the Cheat Menu shortcuts for easy access.
    -Fixed a spacing issue in Nadia's shop that made the Machete difficult to notice.
    -Fixed a bug in Aaron's dialogue about the Ruins.
    -Then realized that there was a second bug related to Aaron and the Ruins, . . . so fixed that too.
    -Fixed a double link issue related to a White Goo event on the Bluff.
    -Fixed a bug with Rose Crow that was tripping up her content a bit.
    -I THINK I fixed a double link issue in the good part of town related to Cobb's scene there.
    -There was a broken set of circumstances when you talk with Tanya about Tom. I've never been able to run down the cause of it, but I did just write a small scene to fill that spot which should prevent people from seeing the blank screen from now on and will fit any timeline in the story.
    -Made a small adjustment to the dialogue in the Fountain Investigation scene to reflect that some players may not have met Nadia yet.
    -Did some major work to the NewGame+. I had failed to reset all of the variables going into the second playthrough. This should now be resolved.
    -Added a possible fix for the money bug that has been lingering for months now. Thanks to HiVE over on TFGamesSite for providing a solution.
    -Updated "Special Thanks" area with Patrons who pledged at the $10 and up levels. 6/29/18
    -Added about 8k words of content to the game bringing the game's total size up to about 403k words of content.


    Public Build (Free Download):

    Patreon Only Build (Cheat Menu Included):
  16. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    "After the passing of your estranged Great Uncle, you're surprised to find yourself listed as the sole heir to his estate. With all the legal unpleasantness out of the way, you're now on your way to your new home.

    Not sure what to expect when you arrive, you don't know if you're going to sell the mansion or live there, but once you step inside your entire world changes when you are suddenly faced with the fact that you now own two slave girls.

    What do you do with them? Do you follow in your Great Uncle's footsteps and use them for your own pleasure? Do you treat them like servants? Or do you nurture a relationship with them that just might blossom into something more, . . ."


    I encourage everyone to take a look at the Free version of the game linked below. If you enjoy the Free version, please consider a small pledge. With a small pledge, you gain early access to the latest build as well as other perks while helping ensure I can continue doing this full time! Every little bit helps.

    Inheritance is a text based game with art. A portion of all earnings goes toward new art for the game


    What's new in the latest Supporter build?

    -Added one new diary entry for the slave Nora. .3k words of content.
    -Added a new scene to the back yard that only appears during the 10pm hour and involves mid/high relationship stats for Anna (Not high, not low.) Submitted by LFN Park. 2.2k words of content.
    -Added the ability to drive in to town even though there's barely any content there yet. Started laying the groundwork for future content in that area.
    -Added "The Love Shack" location to West Street in Pendleton. Room description and six small ambient events in total. .7k words of content.
    -Added "North Main" location to Pendleton. Includes three ambient scenes unique to this location. .4k words of content.
    -Added "Mid Main" location to Pendleton. Includes two ambient scenes unique to this location. .2k words of content.
    -Added "West Street" location to Pendleton. Includes two ambient scenes unique to this location. .4k words of content.
    -Added "East Street" location to Pendleton. Includes two ambient scenes unique to this location. .4k words of content.
    -Added "South Main" location to Pendleton. Includes two ambient scenes unique to this location. .4k words of content.
    -Added "Main Street" location to the town of Pendleton along with three simple ambient scenes, two of which can play out at any given time. These scenes are shared across all street locations. .5k words of content.
    -Wrote and added a scene that begins in the Kitchens and can only trigger in the 10am hour. Scene plays out at mid/high to high relationship values with both girls. Scene sponsored by Matty. 4k words of content.
    -Wrote and added four small scenes for driving into town. .3k words of content.
    -Wrote and added four small scenes for driving home from town. .3k words of content.
    -Added the "Gate" location to the mansion grounds.
    -Added three small events to the Gate location. .3k words of content between all of the "Gate" content.
    -Added a unique scene that can be triggered if you have high relationship levels with both girls. This will trigger an event chain. Submitted by LFNPark. .9k words of content.
    -Added a unique scene that takes place in the front yard. This is the second scene in an event chain. Submitted by LFNPark. 1.7k words of content.
    -Added a unique scene that takes place in the dining room. This is the third scene in an event chain. Submitted by LFNPark. 4k words of content.
    -Added a unique scene that takes place at the pool. This is the fourth scene in an event chain. Submitted by LFNPark. 3.3k words of content.
    -Completely rebuilt the meal mechanic behind the scenes.
    -Wrote two new Breakfast scenes. One if only eating with Anna, one if only eating with Eve. .7k words of content.
    -Wrote two new Lunch scenes. One if only eating with Anna, one if only eating with Eve. .6k words of content.
    -Wrote two new Dinner scenes. One if only eating with Anna, one if only eating with Eve. .7k words of content.
    -Wrote three new couch/television scenes. .2k words of content between them.
    -Went through the meal scenes and updated them to include an exit.
    -Went through the couch end scenes and added exits for them.
    -Wrote two new eavesdropping scenes. Both are fairly small. In total, about .1k words of content between them.
    -Went through the eavesdropping scenes and updated them to include an exit.
    -Wrote a new sleep scene. Can play out if you are sleeping with Eve, she has very little fear of you, and very little affection. .6k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Anna that appears in any room with a hard floor. Can play out at any relationship level. .9k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Eve that appears in every East facing room with a window. Can play out at any relationship level. 1.5k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Eve that appears in every West facing room with a window. Can play out at any relationship level. 1.4k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Eve that requires high affection and low to middling fear and daylight hours. 1k words of content.
    -Added twelve diary entries for the Great Uncle's first slave, Belle. You can find the notebook in the nightstand in the master bedroom. 7.2k words of content.
    -Added a new Personal Conversation for Eve. Requires very good relationship stats with Eve, have not kissed Eve, and having sex with Anna. 1k words of content.
    -Wrote two new NPCs into the code. These characters will be added in a future update.
    -Added an exit from the Entry Hall to the Front Yard. Thought I'd done this previously, . . . guess I was wrong.
    -Updated the mansion blueprints in the image folder with improved versions as well as added some WIP art to the folder.
    -Fixed a minor bug preventing one of the "driveway" scenes from playing.
    -Fixed a wide range of small bugs, spelling and grammar errors.
    -Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Also updated with writers, and others who have helped out along the way. Last updated 7/05/18


    What's new in the latest Free build?

    -Added a new cumshot scene for Anna in the interactive sex in the master bedroom. Involves Anna having middling or better affection, and Eve to have middling or better affection and lowish fear. .4k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Anna in the lounge during work hours for low relationship values. Submitted by Irish Major Tom. 1.4k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Eve that takes place during the day in the servant's area. Can play out at any relationship level. 3.8k words of content.
    -Added the ability to play Billiards with both Anna and Eve in the lounge. My text editor tells me it's 2.5k words of content, but about half of that is code. Big thanks to Rfpnj for writing the code and sharing it with me, only took a couple of hours to modify it for Inheritance.
    -Added a new scene for Eve at middling to high relationship levels in the Library in the evenings. 1.3k words of content.
    -Added the first portion of Eve's Sauna scene that was submitted during our first contest (Seriously, I need to get my act together and finish putting all of that into the game.) Contest Entry by AbyssalEros. 2.5k words of content.
    -Added a new interactive shower scene. Includes full content for Anna and some early content for the scene related to Eve. 3.5k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Anna that takes place in any of the guest rooms. Submitted by LFNPark. 2.1k words of content.
    -Added a new bedtime scene for Anna. Submitted By LFNPark. 1.7k words of content.
    -Added three diary entries for a new former slave named Valerie. 1.1k words of content.
    -Added two diary entries for a new former slave named Nora. 1.9k words of content.
    -Added three new diary entries by the Great Uncle for Katarina. .7k words of content.
    -Added one new diary entry for Katarina, submitted by LFNPark. .9k words of content.
    -Added the option in the assignments area of each girl that allows you to change what she calls you.
    -Updated the "How to Play" area to include a note about changing what the girls call you in the game.
    -Fixed the evening interactive sex with Anna so you wake up normally.
    -Fixed a typo on the code that was preventing much of the poolside scene from playing properly.
    -Fairly minor rewrite to the Kitchen sex scene that involves both girls.
    -Fixed several print function errors in Anna's scene in the living room.
    -Fixed a bit of broken code that was preventing one of the starting sex scenes from playing with the bed sex option.
    -Fixed several minor errors that were reported.
    -Updated Cheat Menu to include Billiards.
    -Updated Character Menu with Billiards skill for both girls.
    -Made a small change to how the player's name is handled.
    -Fixed an issue where the pool scene was routing you through a different scene.
    -Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Also updated with writers, and others who have helped out along the way. Last updated 6/13/18


    Patreon Links:
    A17 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with early access):

    A17 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A16 Public Build: (Free):
  17. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    New build of Wanton Cove for all you fine people!


    Changelog 1.09
    -Added one new story driven scene related to the "Azumi Origin" path. Once you've talked with Ms Sherwood, seek out Lady Anne for a conversation that perhaps creates as many questions as it answers.
    -Added one new image to the game's intro.
    -Added three new ambient scenes to the Ruins.
    -Added three new ambient scenes to the bad part of town.
    -Added six new ambient scenes to the Barmaid's Daugher. One of these is affected by your current Taint level.
    -Added three new ambient scenes to the main street through town.
    -Added one new ambient scene to the hallway between the tavern and your room.
    -Added one new ambient scene to the forest trail.
    -Added one new ambient scene to the waterfront.
    -Did a minor rewrite to one of the park fountain related scenes. It had the potential to reference the leatherbound tome before you actually acquired it.
    -Found and fixed a bug that was preventing an ambient scene from playing on the main street through town.
    -Found and fixed a bug that was preventing an ambient scene from playing in the Barmaid's Daughter
    -Found and fixed a bug that was preventing an ambient scene from playing in the ruins.
    -Worked through several small improvements, minor bug reports, and spelling errors.
    -Updated "Special Thanks" area with Patrons who pledged at the $10 and up levels. 7/19/18
    -Added about 4k words of content to the game bringing the game's total size up to about 407k words of content.


    Public Build (Free Download):

    Patreon Only Build (Cheat Menu Included):
  18. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    New Inheritance Build!

    "After the passing of your estranged Great Uncle, you're surprised to find yourself listed as the sole heir to his estate. With all the legal unpleasantness out of the way, you're now on your way to your new home.

    Not sure what to expect when you arrive, you don't know if you're going to sell the mansion or live there, but once you step inside your entire world changes when you are suddenly faced with the fact that you now own two slave girls.

    What do you do with them? Do you follow in your Great Uncle's footsteps and use them for your own pleasure? Do you treat them like servants? Or do you nurture a relationship with them that just might blossom into something more, . . ."


    I encourage everyone to take a look at the Free version of the game linked below. If you enjoy the Free version, please consider a small pledge. With a small pledge, you gain early access to the latest build as well as other perks while helping ensure I can continue doing this full time! Every little bit helps.

    Inheritance is a text based game with art. A portion of all earnings goes toward new art for the game.


    What's new in the latest Supporter build?

    -Added a new scene to the "Meeting Maki" story. Temporary shortcut to the scene from the previous scene. It's a big one, spanning 11.9k words of content in total. Submitted by LFNPark.
    -Added a new scene to the "Meeting Maki" story. Temporary shortcut to the scene from the previous scene. 1.8k words of content. Submitted by LFNPark.
    -Added the final scene of the "Meeting Maki" story to the game. Temporary shortcut to the scene from the previous scene in the set. 1.7k words of content. Submitted by LFNPark.
    -Billiards Content. Began fleshing out this content quite a bit. Added new text for the portion of the scene where the main character breaks. Probably tripled the amount of content there. .8k words of new content.
    -Eavesdropping Content. Wrote two new eavesdropping events. .5k words of content.
    -Punishments Content. Added a new spanking scene for Anna, requires very positive relationship stats to appear. .4k words of content.
    -Conversation Content. Added "Work Conversations" to Anna's conversation options. There are currently five small scenes, of which between 1-3 can play out at a time depending on your relationship stats with her. .6k words of content.
    -Shower Content. Added two new small pieces to the Shower content. One for turning on the water, one for stepping beneath it. .2k words of content.
    -Added the Anna and Eve sauna content. 8.9k words of content. Submitted as a contest entry by AbyssalEros.
    -Added one new ambient scene that can take place in the back yard during daylight hours. .1k words of content.
    -Added the "Forest" area to the Mansion Grounds. Includes six small ambient scenes. .6k words of content.
    -Added "Isawu Cumming's Fortune Telling & Witchcraft" to the West Street in Pendleton. Includes four small ambient scenes. .6k words of content.
    -Added "My Neighbor's Closet" to the Mid Main Street in Pendleton. Includes five small ambient scenes. .5k words of content.
    -Added "Sharky's Bowling and Billiards" to the East Street in Pendleton. Includes seven small ambient events. .7k words of content.
    -Added "Needle Point Tattoo & Piercing" to the West Street in Pendleton. Includes three small ambient events. .4k words of content
    -Added "Wet Willy's Titty Trap" to the West Street in Pendleton. Includes ten small ambient events. 1.4k words of content.
    -Added "The Muffin Top" to Mid Main in Pendleton. Includes four small ambient scenes. .4k words of content.
    -Added "Tricky Dick's Pawn & Loan" to Mid Main in Pendleton. Includes four small ambient scenes. .3k words of content.
    -Added "The Bookworm" to Mid Main in Pendleton. Includes three small ambient events. .3k words of content.
    -Added a new slave named Mitsuko. This scene introduces her and makes it so you can add her to your household, but there is no followup content yet. 2k words of content. You can find the scene at The Love Shack in Pendleton. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
    -Added a new scene for Mitsuko that can play out at middling relationship levels in the livingroom during the evenings. .6k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
    -Added a new scene for Mitsuko that can play out at mid/lowish relationship levels in any room with a hard floor. .5k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
    -Added the first set of punishments for Mitsuko. There are currently two possible scenes for each style of punishment. 1.3k words of content. Irish Major Tom revised my work for this content (Their character, so I felt it was important that they have a chance to make adjustments to the content as needed to fit their vision for the character.)
    -Wrote and added the code for displaying Mitsuko's stats and to let you change her assignments.
    -Added Cheat functions for Mitsuko.
    -Couch content. .2k words of content for a single small scene for the interactive couch function. This is for the middle segment of that scene structure.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. .6k words of content spanning ten small scenes for when you initiate sex while in bed.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. .7k words of content spanning four small scenes for when you initiate sex while not in bed.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. 1.7k words of content spanning fourteen small scenes for the missionary sex position.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. 2.1k words of content spanning seventeen small scenes for the doggystyle sex position.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. .7k words of content spanning four small scenes for cumming on her belly.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. .3k words of content spanning two small scenes for cumming on her back.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. .4k words of content spanning three small scenes for cumming in her pussy.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. 1.2k words of content spanning ten small scenes that can end the interactive sex scene.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. 2k words of content spanning twelve small scenes for oral sex.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. 1.1k words of content spanning six small scenes for oral cumshots.
    -Added the ability to initiate sex with Eve in the master bedroom.
    -Added three background images to the Master Bedroom. The time of day will affect which image you see.
    -Added three background images to the Entry Hall. The time of day will affect which image you see.
    -Added the code for a new NPC. She won't be appearing in game for a couple of builds yet, but the ground work has been done so all we have to do to get her into the game is to add content..
    -Rebuild of the name system.
    -Fixed a bug that was preventing two of the Love Shack scenes from playing.
    -Had a couple of images improperly named in the intro, have been fixed.
    -Implemented a new system in the background that should help minimize the number of broken saves we have between builds. It's probably not going to catch everything, but it should be a big step in the right direction.
    -One of our helpers did a rework of the Billiards code. Mostly it was a case of adjusting probabilities so it was much less likely that someone would run the table.
    -Fixed a couple of minor bugs in the code, nothing game breaking though.
    -Fixed a host of spelling and grammar issues.
    -Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Also updated with writers, and others who have helped out along the way. Last updated 8/03/18


    What's new in the latest Free build?

    -Added one new diary entry for the slave Nora. .3k words of content.
    -Added a new scene to the back yard that only appears during the 10pm hour and involves mid/high relationship stats for Anna (Not high, not low.) Submitted by LFN Park. 2.2k words of content.
    -Added the ability to drive in to town even though there's barely any content there yet. Started laying the groundwork for future content in that area.
    -Added "The Love Shack" location to West Street in Pendleton. Room description and six small ambient events in total. .7k words of content.
    -Added "North Main" location to Pendleton. Includes three ambient scenes unique to this location. .4k words of content.
    -Added "Mid Main" location to Pendleton. Includes two ambient scenes unique to this location. .2k words of content.
    -Added "West Street" location to Pendleton. Includes two ambient scenes unique to this location. .4k words of content.
    -Added "East Street" location to Pendleton. Includes two ambient scenes unique to this location. .4k words of content.
    -Added "South Main" location to Pendleton. Includes two ambient scenes unique to this location. .4k words of content.
    -Added "Main Street" location to the town of Pendleton along with three simple ambient scenes, two of which can play out at any given time. These scenes are shared across all street locations. .5k words of content.
    -Wrote and added a scene that begins in the Kitchens and can only trigger in the 10am hour. Scene plays out at mid/high to high relationship values with both girls. Scene sponsored by Matty. 4k words of content.
    -Wrote and added four small scenes for driving into town. .3k words of content.
    -Wrote and added four small scenes for driving home from town. .3k words of content.
    -Added the "Gate" location to the mansion grounds.
    -Added three small events to the Gate location. .3k words of content between all of the "Gate" content.
    -Added a unique scene that can be triggered if you have high relationship levels with both girls. This will trigger an event chain. Submitted by LFNPark. .9k words of content.
    -Added a unique scene that takes place in the front yard. This is the second scene in an event chain. Submitted by LFNPark. 1.7k words of content.
    -Added a unique scene that takes place in the dining room. This is the third scene in an event chain. Submitted by LFNPark. 4k words of content.
    -Added a unique scene that takes place at the pool. This is the fourth scene in an event chain. Submitted by LFNPark. 3.3k words of content.
    -Completely rebuilt the meal mechanic behind the scenes.
    -Wrote two new Breakfast scenes. One if only eating with Anna, one if only eating with Eve. .7k words of content.
    -Wrote two new Lunch scenes. One if only eating with Anna, one if only eating with Eve. .6k words of content.
    -Wrote two new Dinner scenes. One if only eating with Anna, one if only eating with Eve. .7k words of content.
    -Wrote three new couch/television scenes. .2k words of content between them.
    -Went through the meal scenes and updated them to include an exit.
    -Went through the couch end scenes and added exits for them.
    -Wrote two new eavesdropping scenes. Both are fairly small. In total, about .1k words of content between them.
    -Went through the eavesdropping scenes and updated them to include an exit.
    -Wrote a new sleep scene. Can play out if you are sleeping with Eve, she has very little fear of you, and very little affection. .6k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Anna that appears in any room with a hard floor. Can play out at any relationship level. .9k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Eve that appears in every East facing room with a window. Can play out at any relationship level. 1.5k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Eve that appears in every West facing room with a window. Can play out at any relationship level. 1.4k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Eve that requires high affection and low to middling fear and daylight hours. 1k words of content.
    -Added twelve diary entries for the Great Uncle's first slave, Belle. You can find the notebook in the nightstand in the master bedroom. 7.2k words of content.
    -Added a new Personal Conversation for Eve. Requires very good relationship stats with Eve, have not kissed Eve, and having sex with Anna. 1k words of content.
    -Wrote two new NPCs into the code. These characters will be added in a future update.
    -Added an exit from the Entry Hall to the Front Yard. Thought I'd done this previously, . . . guess I was wrong.
    -Updated the mansion blueprints in the image folder with improved versions as well as added some WIP art to the folder.
    -Fixed a minor bug preventing one of the "driveway" scenes from playing.
    -Fixed a wide range of small bugs, spelling and grammar errors.
    -Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Also updated with writers, and others who have helped out along the way. Last updated 7/05/18


    Patreon Links:
    A18 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with early access):

    A18 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A17b Public Build: (Free):
  19. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    "The Allure of Wanton Cove is a dark tale of horror set within the Cthulhu Mythos created by the renowned author H.P. Lovecraft.

    You take on the part of a washed up former detective who could never let go of the last terrible case he worked. Content to live the rest of his life at the bottom of a bottle, his former partner comes knocking, begging for his help. Help that he is loath to give until offered a tantalizing clue that could finally unravel the case that plagues his every waking thought. He accepts, having no idea that the truth he will find is infinitely more terrible than what already haunts him."


    Changelog 1.1
    -Added one the final scene in the Azumi Origin path. Once you've talked with Lady Anne, seek out Mr Morichi to speak with him. Fair warning, your etiquette skill has a big impact on how volatile this conversation becomes.
    -Added four new sex scenes with the Lebron sisters. All of these have multiple variants depending on your stats.
    -Added two new ambient scenes to the good part of town.
    -Added one new ambient scene to the bad part of town.
    -Added one new ambient scene to the main street in town.
    -Added one new ambient scene to the park.
    -Added four new ambient scenes to Nadia's Shop.
    -Added a Knife to Nadia's shop.
    -Added Cigarettes to Nadia's shop.
    -Got the new items from Nadia's shop coded into the character's inventory.
    -Fixed a bug that was preventing one of the ambient scenes from playing in the good part of town.
    -Added two new images to the game. Character portraits for the Lebron sisters.
    -Added the new interactive scene in the Barmaid's Daughter to the Cheat Menu shortcuts. Should have done that back when it was originally added, my bad.
    -Updated "Special Thanks" area with Patrons who pledged at the $10 and up levels. 8/16/18
    -Added about 9k words of content to the game bringing the game's total size up to about 416k words of content.


    Public Build (Free Download):

    Patreon Only Build (Cheat Menu Included):
  20. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    "After the passing of your estranged Great Uncle, you're surprised to find yourself listed as the sole heir to his estate. With all the legal unpleasantness out of the way, you're now on your way to your new home.

    Not sure what to expect when you arrive, you don't know if you're going to sell the mansion or live there, but once you step inside your entire world changes when you are suddenly faced with the fact that you now own two slave girls.

    What do you do with them? Do you follow in your Great Uncle's footsteps and use them for your own pleasure? Do you treat them like servants? Or do you nurture a relationship with them that just might blossom into something more, . . ."


    I encourage everyone to take a look at the Free version of the game linked below. If you enjoy the Free version, please consider a small pledge. With a small pledge, you gain early access to the latest build as well as other perks while helping ensure I can continue doing this full time! Every little bit helps.

    Inheritance is a text based game with art. A portion of all earnings goes toward new art for the game.


    What's new in the latest Supporter Build?

    -Added a new scene that triggers in the Entry Hall some time after the picnic scene. 6.4k words of content. Generously sponsored by Matty.
    -Added a new scene for Anna that can take place at any relationship level. Can appear in most rooms in the mansion. .7k words of content.
    -Added a new scene for Eve that takes place at high relationship values late at night at the Greenhouse. 2k words of content. Submitted by Nynx.
    -Added a new scene for Mitsuko to the Library. 1k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
    -Added a new scene for Mitsuko to the Living Room (Actually triggers through sleeping). .8k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom
    -Added a new scene for Mitsuko that appears in nearly every room in the mansion (Exceptions being: Attic, Dungeon, Laboratory, and Sauna). .7k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
    -Added seven casual conversations for Mitsuko. .7k words of content between them, Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
    -Added six personal conversations for Mitsuko. 1.4k words of content between them. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
    -Added the option to select a show to watch from the couch in addition to watching something at random. Right now there is only a single show to be watched.
    -Added "Futa Apocalypse" Season 1, Episode 1 to the game. 1.1k words of content.
    -Added "Futa Apocalypse" Season 1, Episode 2 to the game. 1.1k words of content.
    -Added "Futa Apocalypse" Season 1, Episode 3 to the game. 1k words of content.
    -Added Mitsuko to the mansion Schedule you can access in the the sidebar.
    -Minor rewrites to the returning home drive scenes. Was describing the arrival in town rather than your arrival home. This has been resolved.
    -Added background art to Ballroom. Four images.
    -Added background art to Living Room. Four Images.
    -Added background art to Sauna. Three images.
    -Added background art to Study. Four images.
    -Added background art to Bathing Room. Four images.
    -Added background art to Guest Rooms. Four images.
    -Added background art to Dining Room. Four images.
    -Added background art to Library. Four images.
    -Fixed an images issue with the entry hall.
    -Fixed a couple of minor bugs in the code, nothing game breaking though.
    -Added a mountain of exits for scenes that didn't have them before. Thanks to Nynx for helping out so much, they started helping out recently and they've been doing an amazing job.
    -Fixed a host of spelling and grammar issues.
    -Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Also updated with writers, and others who have helped out along the way. Last updated 8/31/18


    What's new in the latest Free build?

    -Added a new scene to the "Meeting Maki" story. Temporary shortcut to the scene from the previous scene. It's a big one, spanning 11.9k words of content in total. Submitted by LFNPark.
    -Added a new scene to the "Meeting Maki" story. Temporary shortcut to the scene from the previous scene. 1.8k words of content. Submitted by LFNPark.
    -Added the final scene of the "Meeting Maki" story to the game. Temporary shortcut to the scene from the previous scene in the set. 1.7k words of content. Submitted by LFNPark.
    -Billiards Content. Began fleshing out this content quite a bit. Added new text for the portion of the scene where the main character breaks. Probably tripled the amount of content there. .8k words of new content.
    -Eavesdropping Content. Wrote two new eavesdropping events. .5k words of content.
    -Punishments Content. Added a new spanking scene for Anna, requires very positive relationship stats to appear. .4k words of content.
    -Conversation Content. Added "Work Conversations" to Anna's conversation options. There are currently five small scenes, of which between 1-3 can play out at a time depending on your relationship stats with her. .6k words of content.
    -Shower Content. Added two new small pieces to the Shower content. One for turning on the water, one for stepping beneath it. .2k words of content.
    -Added the Anna and Eve sauna content. 8.9k words of content. Submitted as a contest entry by AbyssalEros.
    -Added one new ambient scene that can take place in the back yard during daylight hours. .1k words of content.
    -Added the "Forest" area to the Mansion Grounds. Includes six small ambient scenes. .6k words of content.
    -Added "Isawu Cumming's Fortune Telling & Witchcraft" to the West Street in Pendleton. Includes four small ambient scenes. .6k words of content.
    -Added "My Neighbor's Closet" to the Mid Main Street in Pendleton. Includes five small ambient scenes. .5k words of content.
    -Added "Sharky's Bowling and Billiards" to the East Street in Pendleton. Includes seven small ambient events. .7k words of content.
    -Added "Needle Point Tattoo & Piercing" to the West Street in Pendleton. Includes three small ambient events. .4k words of content
    -Added "Wet Willy's Titty Trap" to the West Street in Pendleton. Includes ten small ambient events. 1.4k words of content.
    -Added "The Muffin Top" to Mid Main in Pendleton. Includes four small ambient scenes. .4k words of content.
    -Added "Tricky Dick's Pawn & Loan" to Mid Main in Pendleton. Includes four small ambient scenes. .3k words of content.
    -Added "The Bookworm" to Mid Main in Pendleton. Includes three small ambient events. .3k words of content.
    -Added a new slave named Mitsuko. This scene introduces her and makes it so you can add her to your household, but there is no followup content yet. 2k words of content. You can find the scene at The Love Shack in Pendleton. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
    -Added a new scene for Mitsuko that can play out at middling relationship levels in the livingroom during the evenings. .6k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
    -Added a new scene for Mitsuko that can play out at mid/lowish relationship levels in any room with a hard floor. .5k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
    -Added the first set of punishments for Mitsuko. There are currently two possible scenes for each style of punishment. 1.3k words of content. Irish Major Tom revised my work for this content (Their character, so I felt it was important that they have a chance to make adjustments to the content as needed to fit their vision for the character.)
    -Wrote and added the code for displaying Mitsuko's stats and to let you change her assignments.
    -Added Cheat functions for Mitsuko.
    -Couch content. .2k words of content for a single small scene for the interactive couch function. This is for the middle segment of that scene structure.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. .6k words of content spanning ten small scenes for when you initiate sex while in bed.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. .7k words of content spanning four small scenes for when you initiate sex while not in bed.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. 1.7k words of content spanning fourteen small scenes for the missionary sex position.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. 2.1k words of content spanning seventeen small scenes for the doggystyle sex position.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. .7k words of content spanning four small scenes for cumming on her belly.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. .3k words of content spanning two small scenes for cumming on her back.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. .4k words of content spanning three small scenes for cumming in her pussy.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. 1.2k words of content spanning ten small scenes that can end the interactive sex scene.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. 2k words of content spanning twelve small scenes for oral sex.
    -Sex scene content for Eve. 1.1k words of content spanning six small scenes for oral cumshots.
    -Added the ability to initiate sex with Eve in the master bedroom.
    -Added three background images to the Master Bedroom. The time of day will affect which image you see.
    -Added three background images to the Entry Hall. The time of day will affect which image you see.
    -Added the code for a new NPC. She won't be appearing in game for a couple of builds yet, but the ground work has been done so all we have to do to get her into the game is to add content..
    -Rebuild of the name system.
    -Fixed a bug that was preventing two of the Love Shack scenes from playing.
    -Had a couple of images improperly named in the intro, have been fixed.
    -Implemented a new system in the background that should help minimize the number of broken saves we have between builds. It's probably not going to catch everything, but it should be a big step in the right direction.
    -One of our helpers did a rework of the Billiards code. Mostly it was a case of adjusting probabilities so it was much less likely that someone would run the table.
    -Fixed a couple of minor bugs in the code, nothing game breaking though.
    -Fixed a host of spelling and grammar issues.
    -Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Also updated with writers, and others who have helped out along the way. Last updated 8/03/18


    Patreon Links:
    A19 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with early access):

    A19 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A18 Public Build: (Free):