GateKeeper's Games: NSFW Text Based Games: June/21/24

Discussion in 'General Board' started by GateKeeper_A, Aug 31, 2017.

  1. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    New build of Inheritance is live!

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    Check out our WIKI!


    The public build is always free. Give it a look, and if you enjoy it, please consider a small pledge to help support further development of this game.


    A48 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with Early Access):

    A48 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A47 Public Build: (Free):
  2. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    New build of Inheritance is up for anyone who is interested. A truly massive build. I sincerely hope that you all enjoy it!


    What's new in the latest Supporter Build?


    * Wrote and added more pet play content for Anna. Some additional content for handling her yourself. Added the ability to let Eve take the leash, and added the ability to let Misaki take the leash. Includes content for Futa Misaki if you have chosen to change her. Also includes one scene with Male Rey and a couple of appearances by Gaia. 9k words of content sponsored by

    * Wrote and added mistletoe content into the Lounge for Christmas. If the room is decorated for the holiday, the content should appear. Includes content for Anna, Eve, Misaki, Olivia, Sidra, Rey and Yami. 3.2k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a new scene related to Anna and Eve's past. This is the second in a chain of events started by talking with Bruce. .7k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a new scene for Anna to the library related to the travel book you can purchase for her. 1.9k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a new bed time event for Anna. Requires high stats with Anna and middling or higher with Eve. Also requires that Anna is sharing a bed with you. 1.1k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a high relationship scene for Anna to the library in the evenings. 1.1k words of content.

    * Wrote and added the ability to put Eve in the stocks in the dungeon. Includes spanking, fucking, feather play, candles and fucking machine. 5.9k words of content.

    * Wrote and added the ability to put Misaki in the stocks in the dungeon. Includes spanking, fucking, feather play, candles and fucking machine. Includes scenes for Futa Misaki. 6.8k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a new scene for Olivia to the dining hall during the winter months. 1.2k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a new scene for Olivia to the lounge if she is living in your home. .4k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a new diary entry in Belle's diary. The Great Uncle writes it after her death. .3k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a new diary entry in Belle's diary. Written by the Great Uncle shortly before his death. .6k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a new baby scene to the master bedroom and servant's area. .1k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a new scene for Willy to the Love Shack. Somewhat rare and includes a bit of naughtyness. 1.3k words of content.

    * Added a date scene for Elodie to the game. Can trigger on Saturdays. 4.4k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added a new scene for Mitsuko to the gym in the 5am hour and evenings. 1k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added a new scene for Eve and Mitsuko that can trigger in the lower north hall during waking hours. Requires mid or higher stats for both characters. 4.7k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added a new scene for Mitsuko after work hours in the living room. 4.3k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added a set of 12 scenes to the Pendleton Park involving Elodie and Red. They become available only if you've progressed their relationship to a certain point. .8k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added 17 new scenes for Mully around the mansion. Several are unique to the hallways, living room, kitchen, or the television content, but a couple appear in most of the mansion. Among them are guest appearances by both Anna and Eve. 1.2k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom

    * Added a new interactive scene for Mully to the living room. 1k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added four baby scenes for the twins Emiko and Miyako to the living room. Three of them can appear in the 5am hour, all can appear in the non-work hours of the evening. .3k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added 20 small scenes related to chastity (Completely optional, you not only have to purchase the device, but you also have to willingly allow her to put it on you.) involving Mitsuko. 1.5k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added a new scene involving Rebekkah to the servant's area. .4k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added a new scene involving Rebekkah to the mansion that can appear most everywhere. 1.5k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added a series of 10 small scenes around the mansion for Rebekkah during work hours. .5k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added a series of 10 small scenes around the mansion for Rebekkah during non-work hours. .7k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added a new scene involving Elodie to the Drinking Donkey. 1.1k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added a new scene involving Red to West Street in Pendleton late at night. This is an alternate scene for meeting him. 1.1k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added a new scene for Mitsuko for when you wake up in the morning. Requires high relationship stats. 1.1k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added a new scene involving both Mitsuko and Eve to the ballroom, kitchens, and gym. 2.9k words of content submitted by Scoots.

    * Added a new scene involving both Claire and Rey to the dining hall. 1.7k words of content submitted by Scoots.

    * Added a new scene to the Karaoke stuff for Anna and Eve that requires high relationship stats for both. .8k words of content submitted by Scoots.

    * Added a new scene involving Rey and Yami to the gym outside of work hours. 4.5k words of content submitted by Scoots.

    * Added a new scene involving Yami to the gym during waking hours. 1.3k words of content submitted by Scoots.

    * Added a new scene involving Mitsuko and Rey during December. Happens after the mansion is decorated, and before Christmas day. Appears in Living Room, Lounge, Dining Room, and Library. 1.1k words of content submitted by Scoots.

    * Added a new scene for Katy and Eve to the park in Pendleton. 18.7k words of content collaborated between TheArmoredFish and GateKeeper.

    * Added five small scenes for Katy to the Doggy Style pet store. 2k words of content between them submitted by TheArmoredFish.

    * Added one small scene in the evenings for Katy outside the Doggy Style pet store. Can appear during the five minutes after the store closes and is set as an override so it WILL trigger if you enter the street location during that time. .2k words of content submitted by TheArmoredFish.

    * Added a revision to the third Mully scene in the pet store related to Katy. 1.3k words of content submitted by TheArmoredFish.

    * Added a new book to the bookworm. .5k words of content submitted by TheArmoredFish.

    * Added a new scene for Yami to the mistletoe content. 3.2k words of content submitted by Asura.

    * Added a new scene for Yami to the lounge. 5.3k words of content submitted by Asura.

    * Added a new scene for Anna and Jen to the library. Requires that they have middling relationship values (4-6). .8k words of content submitted by TheExile.

    * Added a new scene for Anna to the lounge late at night for mid/high relationship levels. 1.2k words of content submitted by TheExile

    * Added a new scene to the living room during down time hours for Jen and Rey. 1.3k words of content written in a collaborative effort between Scoots and TheExile.

    * Added a new breakfast under-table scene with a focus on Misaki. Scene also requires ownership of Mitsuko and Sidra. 1.4k words of content submitted by Don Diego.

    * Added a new breakfast under-table scene with a focus on Mitsuko. Scene also requires ownership of Misaki and Sidra. .9k words of content submitted by Don Diego.

    * Added a revision of the work time scene 21 for Mitsuko. 1.2k words of content submitted by evilgenius97.

    * Added a Christmas themed scene to the Titty Twister in Pendleton during December. 1.8k words of content submitted by evilgenius97.

    * Wrote and added a new location, The Honey Pot" to East Street in Pendleton. Location and six scenes, including a second scene for Elizaveta that should give players some indication of her fate. 1.6k words of content.

    * Added an alternate image for Sidra if she is praying in the servant's area. Thanks to Don_Diego for the help creating the image.

    * Added character art for Rebekkah.

    * Added character art for Cora.

    * Added character portraits for the following characters: Betty, Bridgette, Cora, Elodie, Jen, Rebekkah, Shanaya, and Willy.

    * Revised Cora's intro scene.

    * Added genderbending options for Misaki, Mitsuko, and Rey to the cheat menu.

    * Added cheats for Katy to the Cheat Menu.

    * Principle Chorus added some item functionality too the game. You can now pick up, move around, and place items in certain places. At present this is limited to books.

    * Did a bunch of work to saves to prevent save bloat, so saves should load much faster now.

    * Fixed an issue preventing Olivia's first mansion scene from playing, the only scene that should have appeared in the last build.

    * Reworked RISK with Eve so she only flirts with you if you have kissed her before and increased it's likelihood of appearing so long as you meet that condition.

    * Fixed an issue what was preventing part of Maki/Bubbles and Mitsuko's storyline from working as intended.

    * Fixed an issue that allowed you to meet Gaia before you go on the picnic where Eve takes an interest in the forest.

    * Made an adjustment to the code so Anna doesn't get stuck in the window nearly as often.

    * Fixed an issue where the bouncer job was routing into the theater job, . . . so, . . . uh, . . . that's all new.

    * Fixed an issue where Misaki's pregnancy announcement scene wasn't triggering as intended.

    * Fixed an error in the second Bruce Anna and Eve past scene. It should now stop triggering after you have seen it once as intended.

    * A ton of other fixes and improvements that I'm likely forgetting in the chaos that has been this last month.

    * The usual assortment of spelling, grammar, text box, and other minor fixes. Thank you to everyone who sent in reports, you're an amazing community and all of you help make this game what it is. TheArmoredFish has largely taken over in this area and is doing some truly amazing work. Combining that with a couple of our members going above and beyond to report a host of minor stuff, we've got a ton of improvements in this build.

    * Updated the Special Thanks area 12/23/20. If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.

    What is in the latest Public Build?


    * Wrote and added a scene related to Anna's wedding to the game. Requires that you own Mitsuko and can appear in either the Living Room or Lounge. 1k words of content.

    * Wrote and added the ability to lock Anna in the stocks in the dungeon. Spanking, fucking, feather play, candles, fucking machine, lots of ways to play! 5.5k words of content sponsored by

    * Wrote and added a new scene involving both Eve and Misaki. Requires goodish relationship with Eve and that she be a virgin to trigger. Set it up so that if you avoid sex with her the scene won't trigger again for people who want to keep her pure. 3.1k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a new scene for Eve and Sidra related to Stargazing. Requires moderately high relationship stats with Eve and middling or higher with Sidra. 1.1k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a new scene for Eve and Sidra related to Hide and Seek. 1.4k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a new bed time scene for Anna at high relationship ranges and that she be sharing a bed with you. .4k words of content

    * Wrote and added a scene for Gaia for bed time. Requires very good relationship with Gaia, that Eve shares a bed with you, and that she has been in the mansion before. .5k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a new bed time scene for Anna for high relationship ranges. .5k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a scene for children between the ages of 2 and 8 if you are the father. The child comes to you for comfort after having a bad dream. .6k words of content.

    * Wrote and added three new scenes to the kennels. Two for Eve, one for Gaia. .5k words of content between them.

    * Wrote and added a new scene to the TV related to Lord Patrick Reon. Few giggles, much cringe. .4k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a late night scene to the sleep function where someone calls with a wrong number. Very rare. .2k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a new Personal Talk scene for Anna for if you are at very good relationship ranges and call her Angel. .3k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a new scene involving both Jen and Gaia to the back yard. Requires good relationship with Gaia and for it not to be winter. .7k words of content.

    * Wrote and added Olivia's intro scene. It appears on West Street in Pendleton between 10pm and 2am. 1.6k words of content.

    * Wrote and added five smallish scenes on the phone related to Olivia. About 1.7k words of content between them.

    * Wrote and added one scene on the phone related to Olivia. 4.5k words of content.

    * Wrote and added one scene to the master bedroom for Olivia. Related to bed time content. .2k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a new story about the Great Uncle to the Theater Mode menu. The story gives a glimpse into how Belle meets her end. .4k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a new scene for Jen and Rey to the livingroom in the evenings. .3k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a parking lot to South Main where a Farmer's Market can be found over the weekends during all but the coldest parts of the year. Thanks to Principle Chorus for doing the vast majority of the code for this (And the other Farmer's Marked locations), including the vendors who you can buy new items from. Includes location description and fifteen ambient scenes. 1.7k words of content.

    * Wrote and added a fertilizer shop to the Farmer's Market. Includes location and three ambient scenes .7k words of content.

    * Wrote and added Little Sprouts Seeds to the Farmer's Market. Includes location and three ambient scenes. .8k words of content.

    * Wrote and added Herbs of Cthulhu stand to the Farmer's Market Includes location and three ambient scenes. 1.1k words of content.

    * Wrote and added Peace Love and (re)Produce shop to the Farmer's Market. Includes location and three ambient scenes. .9k words of content.

    * Wrote and added part two of Final Voyage for the TV in the mansion. 1k words of content.

    * Wrote and added part three of Final Voyage for the TV in the mansion. 1k words of content.

    * Wrote and added part four of Final Voyage for the TV in the mansion. .9k words of content.

    * Wrote and added the fifth and final part of Final Voyage for the TV in the mansion. 1.3k words of content.

    * Added a fortune telling scene (Pretty silly stuff) to the library between 7pm and 9pm for Eve. 7.4k words of content submitted by Mathias.

    * Added a new variant of the first Mully scene to account for if you've met Katy or not in the Doggy Style pet store. .9k words of content submitted by TheArmoredFish.

    * Added a new variant of the second Mully scene to account for if you've met Katy or not in the Doggy Style pet store. .9k words of content submitted by TheArmoredFish.

    * Added a new variant of the third Mully scene to account for if you've met Katy or not in the Doggy Style pet store. 1k words of content submitted by TheArmoredFish.

    * Added a new scene to the Drinking Donkey for Elodie. 4.2k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added a new scene to the Drinking Donkey involving both Elodie and Red. Requires that you've met Elodie and have talked with her a couple of times. 1.2k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added a series of ten small scenes to the Drinking Donkey involving both Elodie and Red. Requires that you've seen the scene with Elodie and Red above. .5k words of content between the scenes. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added a new Mitsuko scene that can appear in the master bedroom at moderately high relationship stats. .9k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added a new scene to the Love Shack related to the purchase of one of the items for sale there. .4k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

    * Added a bed time scene related to Yami that introduces her mother. Somewhat rare. 19.7k words of content submitted by Asura.

    * Added a new work time scene for Jen to the mansion. Appears at middling or higher stats in most any room with a floor that can be mopped. .8k words of content submitted by TheExile.

    * Misaki now makes use of the paper doll system.

    * Mitsuko now makes use of the paper doll system.

    * Bubbles now makes use of the paper doll system.

    * Claire now makes use of the paper doll system.

    * Maki now makes use of the paper doll system.

    * Improved art for Jen in paper doll system

    * Improved art for Yami in paper doll system.

    * Added cheats for Olivia to the Cheat Menu.

    * Revised Gaia's introduction scene so it doesn't seem out of place if you've visited the pond previously.

    * Added a new NPC template to the game for Ally. She makes an appearance in the game already, but this will allow us to access her information as needed.

    * Added a new NPC template to the game for Olivia.

    * Added a new NPC template to the game for Yashahime.

    * Set up the Love Shack to function as a proper merchant. Not much content there just yet, but eventually we will be including a wide range of sex toys through the store.

    * TheArmoredFish spent a bunch of time converting more of the dialogue in the game to the new dialogue box system. It SHOULD be all done now, so if you see any spoken text in the game that's not part of the dialogue box stuff, PLEASE report it along with the text from the scene so we can run it down.

    * TheArmoredFish also did a lot of little fixes, cleaning up old residual code, editing content for consistency, and a bunch of other stuff.

    * Did some ground work for future wedding content for Mitsuko.

    * Fixed an issue that was preventing Sidra's bed time scene from last build from playing properly.

    * Changed the notes in the dungeon content to more accurately reflect the content that is available.

    * The usual assortment of spelling, grammar, text box, and other minor fixes. Thank you to everyone who sent in reports, you're an amazing community and all of you help make this game what it is.

    * Updated the Special Thanks area 11/23/20. If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.


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    Check out our WIKI!


    The public build is always free. Give it a look, and if you enjoy it, please consider a small pledge to help support further development of this game.


    A49 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with Early Access):

    A49 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A48 Public Build: (Free):
  3. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    New Inheritance build is available for anyone who is interested!


    Join us on Discord!

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    Check out our WIKI!


    The public build is always free. Give it a look, and if you enjoy it, please consider a small pledge to help support further development of this game.

    A50 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with Early Access):

    A50 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A49b Public Build: (Free):
  4. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    Full changelog is linked to the opening page of the game. Quite a bit of new content, and a huge number of improvements and fixes=


    Join us on Discord!

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    Check out our WIKI!


    The public build is always free. Give it a look, and if you enjoy it, please consider a small pledge to help support further development of this game.


    A51 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with Early Access):

    A51 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A50 Public Build: (Free):
  5. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    New Inheritance build is live!


    Join us on Discord!

    Seriously, we have bots, come flirt with them!

    Join us on Reddit!

    Check out our WIKI!


    The public build is always free. Give it a look, and if you enjoy it, please consider a small pledge to help support further development of this game.


    A52 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with Early Access):

    A52 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A51c Public Build: (Free):
  6. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    New build is live for anyone who is interested. I hope you all enjoy playing it as much as we have had creating it!

    I encourage everyone to take a look at the Free version of the game linked below. If you enjoy the Free version, please consider a small pledge. With a small pledge, you gain early access to the latest build as well as other perks while helping ensure I can continue doing this full time! Every little bit helps.
    Inheritance is a text based game with art. A portion of all earnings goes toward new art for the game.
    NOTE: It is important to me to bring all of you the best game possible. If you see bugs or even things that are misspelled, please report it! You report something that can be fixed, I'll upgrade your build for free! If you're playing the free build, I'll get you the early access build. If you're playing the early access, I'll get you the Cheat build of the game.
    Join us on Discord!
    Seriously, we have bots, come flirt with them!
    Join us on Reddit!
    Check out our WIKI!
    The public build is always free. Give it a look, and if you enjoy it, please consider a small pledge to help support further development of this game.
    A53 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with Early Access):
    A53 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):
    A52a Public Build: (Free):
  7. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    New build is live for anyone who is interested!

    Join us on Discord!
    Seriously, we have bots, come flirt with them!

    Join us on Reddit!

    Check out our WIKI!

    Having trouble finding something in the game? Start here:


    The public build is always free. Give it a look, and if you enjoy it, please consider a small pledge to help support further development of this game.

    A54 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with Early Access):

    A54 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A53a Public Build: (Free):
  8. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    New build of Inheritance is live!


    Join us on Discord!

    Seriously, we have bots, come flirt with them!

    Join us on Reddit!

    Check out our WIKI!

    Having trouble finding something in the game? Start here:


    The public build is always free. Give it a look, and if you enjoy it, please consider a small pledge to help support further development of this game.


    A55 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with Early Access):

    A55 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A54 Public Build: (Free):
  9. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

  10. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    New Inheritance build is live:

    The public build is always free. Give it a look, and if you enjoy it, please consider a small pledge to help support further development of this game.

    A58 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with Early Access):

    A58 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A57 Public Build: (Free):
  11. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    New build is live for all of you fine people.

    The public build is always free. Give it a look, and if you enjoy it, please consider a small pledge to help support further development of this game.


    A59 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with Early Access):

    A59 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A58 Public Build: (Free):
  12. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    Two builds in one month! All while dropping a couple of new comics for supporters!

    New build of Inheritance is live!

    A60 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with Early Access):

    A60 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A59 Public Build: (Free):
  13. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

  14. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

  15. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    New Inheritance build is live!

    The public build is always free. Give it a look, and if you enjoy it, please consider a small pledge to help support further development of this game.

    A63 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with Early Access):

    A63 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A62 Public Build: (Free):
  16. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

  17. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

  18. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

    New Inheritance build is live!

    The public build is always free. Give it a look, and if you enjoy it, please consider a small pledge to help support further development of this game.


    A67 CHEAT Build (CHEAT Build with Early Access):

    A67 Supporter Build (Supporters Only Build. Early Access.):

    A66 Public Build: (Free):
  19. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced

  20. GateKeeper_A

    GateKeeper_A Really Experienced