Ghost brothel

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by Reciter5613, Oct 25, 2018.

  1. Reciter5613

    Reciter5613 Virgin

    Got this idea from a comic once.

    A haunted brothel that appears in random places and full of nice ghost sluts. They let anyone have their way with them for free. They let them literally do anything (even stuff that can be fatal to the living) since their ghosts. What the ghost get in return is the patron's energy from their orgasms which is harmless to the living.
    MidbossMan and nightcat like this.
  2. Fierbali111

    Fierbali111 Experienced

    Interesting idea. Do the patrons know they're ghosts? Also sexy and ghosts usually dont mix well, unless sometimes when it involves controlling the actions of the living.
  3. raziel83

    raziel83 Really Experienced

    That depends what kind of ghosts they are. "See through and non-physical" wouldn't work obviously but that's not the only type of ghost that exists in myths. They could be seemingly real (and touchable) when they want to be, such things are part of the Finnish ghost stories of old for example.

    The ghostly powers and appearance can show up after the meeting has been going on for a while. Like, patron is having sex with the prostitute and suddenly realizes that they are floating over the bed and when she orgasms she turns ghastly pale and screams like a banshee. Literally, like a banshee.
  4. Fierbali111

    Fierbali111 Experienced

    Lol, i can imagine it would be hard for the patrons to keep it up after that, not to mention the reputation a place like that would have, or complications of a teleporting building.

    Do you plan on writing this story, or is it just an idea?

    Not to derail anything but maybe a vampire brothel would be easier. Not saying ghosts couldnt be done. Maybe they could haunt the patrons when they leave, i dont think sexual poltergeists have been too overdone.
  5. nightcat

    nightcat Virgin

    This sounds like it has the potential to be a great story.
  6. Guromancer

    Guromancer Experienced

    I love this
  7. Hornyteenager

    Hornyteenager Virgin

    How about ghosts of actual sluts? Like, a guy can pay a couple of bucks and fuck Cleopatra's ghost
    AlexandraS90 likes this.