Good game mode stories

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by Raljo, Sep 13, 2021.

  1. Raljo

    Raljo Virgin

    Hello I am new and just wondering if anyone knows some good game mode stories to try out. Thank you for your suggestions
  2. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    majus, MidbossMan and insertnamehere like this.
  3. Warden-Yarn15

    Warden-Yarn15 Really Really Experienced

    I recommend "Darkest Challenges" by insertnamehere. Nice lad in the forums, has some updates every now and then, but every scenario has its consequences, as well as losing pieces of equipment from the start.
    majus and insertnamehere like this.
  4. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    I second Becoming a Warrior! Highly involved, very interconnected with game elements, but has a great upbeat, funny writing style throughout it.

    Another good one that is ongoing with a very passionate writer behind it is The Erotic Combat League, good if you like sex-fighting stuff. The fights have some nice saucy stuff throughout!

    If you want an extremely game-focused one I'd recommend Paladin Simulator, it's impressive how it functions just like a turn-based RPG in chyoa format.

    I also have a number of them in my signature, if you're interested. Right now, I'd recommend the Goodbye Girls, as all but two of the endings have been finished for it, it's very close to complete!
    insertnamehere and majus like this.
  5. Raljo

    Raljo Virgin

    Thank you I will read some of them