Help with Create A Wrestler

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by anty45, Jun 30, 2024 at 5:58 PM.

  1. anty45

    anty45 Virgin

    Hi everyone,
    This is Anty45. Its been a long time since I post anything on any forum so excuse me if this message is a bit windy.

    As some people might know I'm a writer who is heavily invested in the Create A Wrestler series in which I and Lilguy31 created a reboot and several spin offs.

    Now I'm about to reboot the whole series again and put all the spin off into one major story called Create A Wrestler Ultimate Edition, which I hope gets approved soon, and this way all the mistakes from the earlier series can be fixed and it will be a easier read as a whole.

    My problem is that I need help with the history of the sex wrestling sport that this universe is based around. I always has problems with creating a origin story for my creations and this is no different.

    I want to try to show how the sport got started in a way to show the reader why certain wrestlers are considered legends and not told they are, get it?

    My whole plan in order to condense, what maybe seen as thirty years of history, into a yearly pay per view called Sex Fighters, something that people can see in those sleazy porno stores back in the day, before it became a juggernaut show it is today. So that way instead of taking me years to write, it will only take maybe months to get down as it just thirty pay per views.

    Now my problem is what the first of these videos should be. I figured maybe start it up like UFC did with a eight person tournament in a cage but with a Mortal Kombat type flair with over the top characters and move sets. And for the losers of these bouts, besides being fucked and humiliated in the cage they then has to spin a somewhat kink wheel with various kinks and fetishes that they have to do for a separate video.

    My problem is what the kink wheel should have on it and what the wrestlers should be. I figure that these pay per views would have wrestlers from what would be considered the "Golden Era" and "Attitude Era" of their real counterpoint of WWE. But I keep doing research in the various wrestlers from those eras and the events that happened to get fresh ideas and nothing stands out. Plus it doesn't help that most of these new characters won't have any feuds or relationships with each other because this will be the first time they done something like this.

    I only have about two, maybe four, wrestlers from the Golden Era, and only a handful from the Attitude Era and that's because they were already created in the series. So if anyone has any ideas of more wrestler ideas or what type of things they can do in these pay per views that makes the sport evolve into the modern sport it in the main story. That will be a help.

    Thank you for reading it and here's a link to the original Create A Wrestler by Fanficnut to see what I'm tryin to do.

    Thanks again
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2024 at 6:40 PM