I can't be the only one who does this...

Discussion in 'General Board' started by SomeoneYouKnow, Jan 14, 2022.

  1. In my search bar, I don't know why but I always mistype chyoa as choya. Which then lead me to the Japanese liqueur site. I find it funny now that google now thinks I enjoy choya to point where if I just put C in my search bar it goes to that site.
    wilparu, insertnamehere and gene.sis like this.
  2. Spindizzy

    Spindizzy Really Experienced

    For me it's hitting return too early and getting redirected to Chy, an Asian restaurant in Liverpool.
    gene.sis likes this.
  3. totallynot

    totallynot Virgin

    I did that too, until I started spelling out "choose your own adventure" in my head every time I type the URL. The correct spelling eventually settled in.
  4. CurvyLinesEverywhere

    CurvyLinesEverywhere Really Experienced

    Happens to the best of us.

    Apparently the real old pros misspell it "chyoo".
    insertnamehere likes this.