I did a long thing....

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by vyksin, Nov 5, 2023.

  1. vyksin

    vyksin Virgin CHYOA Backer

    So, I asked for input about getting out of my own way a while back, and some amazing people gave me good insight.

    In the end, I just couldn't get out of my head without getting it out on paper, er screen. I went ahead and shared it all and ended up with a few key diehards that enjoyed and suffered through it with me (their enjoyment honestly pushed me along, thankfully). I didn't reach my goal of finishing it before the holiday, but I'm not stopping. So, as I'm reaching the end of the 101 chapters (99 done & posted) of the prelude, I invite anyone interested in a 250k+ word journey through a self tormented manipulation lead up to a wacky (and hopefully wild) weekend to give any feedback and criticism:

    Halloween Hijynx - Prelude
    thosearemysecret, Zingiber and Zeebop like this.