Image inspiration challenge

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by wicker, Mar 27, 2020.

  1. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Post an image, can be random, can be X rated, etc. The next person has to come up with a story thread ID based on the photo. It can be sci-fi, mind control, MILF, cheating spouses, etc. What does the photo inspire?
    Here's the first:
    brevdravis likes this.
  2. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    I should add, after your comment, post a new photo.
  3. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    I don't quite understand what you want here. Do you want someone to post a chapter inspired by the photo and provide a link?
  4. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    you see this image, what chapter would you create about it? Pretend you are creating a chapter out of thin air. what does the image inspire?
    For example, I see your avatar, the breast that looks like a mouse, I post: Marcie really believed her left breast was a living being and that it had to be fed by people passing their saliva to it by sucking on the nipple. She thought it was perfectly normal thanks to her ex-boyfriend Dave explaining it to her after he showed her his new shiny amulet.
    Then I post a photo to inspire someone else.
    chris_brown likes this.
  5. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    With my new glasses I could see women's desire. A glow on their cheeks, a blush on their lips, and any makeup they wore was brighter. When a woman just wasn't into it, she seemed a little dimmer, less present, any make-up wasn't there for attraction, it was there for armor, a mask that my glance slid off.

    "Sir? Sir?" the bank teller had to tell me. My eyes had slid off her strictly-business face off to a woman at the next station over, chatting with the clerk as she finished her business. As for looks, age, shape -- young-ish, pretty-ish, dressed lightly for the summer heat, a band of bare, smooth skin between her cropped blouse and her short skirt. Slip-on sneakers. Red lipstick, red nail enamel. Nothing to distinguish her from ten thousand other women in this city. I would have looked once, smiled and moved along. Nothing special. As for her desire, it fairly crackled off her. I pulled my glasses off, breaking the spell, and quickly finished my business at the bank.

    Hurrying to follow the woman who had caught my eye, I almost missed her in the crowds on the sidewalk. I pushed the glasses up on my nose and she stood out from the crowd like the Statue of Liberty with gleaming crown.

    Was she dreaming of a lover? Or was she on her way right now?

    Follow-up image:

  6. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced


    Dr Forbes cloning experiments were a big hit. One side effect, clones found other clones very attractive.

    Next image:
  7. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    Playful ghost of a recently departed perverted man found a way to interact with the physical world and started by messing around with clothing of bypassers, enjoying their embarrassment and confusion.

    Next picture:

    brevdravis likes this.
  8. brevdravis

    brevdravis Really Really Experienced

    And here Is the greatest possible musical instrument, the vaginaphone... I've trained each of these ladies to reach orgasm at a particular pitch The one at the end is F sharp, the one closest to us is G flat...

  9. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    Year 2759, Terran Navy's exploration starship found a mysterious planet which is very similar to Earth and populated by humans. Scientist, who was sent down disguised as a local, quickly learned that medieval women are very different from the ones from 28th century

    brevdravis likes this.
  10. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Amy did regret the genie thought she said "centaur of attention," but she was determined to make the best of it.


  11. Spindizzy

    Spindizzy Really Experienced

    Realms of the Dragon Lords was the very latest thing in total immersion gaming. An amazingly detailed fantasy world where the players could become almost anything imaginable. Inhabiting the body of a mighty warrior or a mythical creature as if it were their own. Best of all the system ran at a greatly accelerated speed. Users could pay for a day and live out an entire year as their character.

    No surprise then that even with the considerable fee the company charged there was a weeks long waiting list for new players.

    Sam hadn't minded the wait, it had been an opportunity to learn all about the game world and plan exactly what kind of character they wanted to play. So, when the time came to enter The Realms they breezed through character creation clicking on the preselected options without a second thought before being reborn in the virtual form of a powerful centaur stepp-lord.

    At least that was the plan. What he hadn't planned on was becoming a centaur mare! He stamped one hoof hard enough to make breasts new breasts shake and cursed his carelessness at not double-checking his settings. Next time he would be more careful or at least make sure he equipped a bra!


    moonblack likes this.
  12. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    When Carla was looking at a shooting star and made a wish to have a lover looking like her doll from childhood she never expected that her wish will come true and she will find this girl back at home... Now, not only Carla needs to figure out how that happened, but she also needs to find a way to handle her conservative husband who doesn't even know that his wife is a bisexual

  13. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced


    Gwen the bounty hunter was confused. She could have sworn she had been wearing cargo pants, combat boots, and a bullet proof best, and she wondered if she would be better off holding a curling iron rather than a big ol scary looking gun. And what was the name of the man she was supposed to be tracking, Dr. Masters?

  14. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    After Gloria failed to repay her loan to the bank she was forced to agree to a quite unusual alternative repayment method offered by a young and creative bank manager who always had a thing for older women. Upcoming 3 months will be looooooong

  15. Spindizzy

    Spindizzy Really Experienced

    "The first and most important thing you must learn is focus" Sensi Yumi told the class "your opponent will try and distract you. Whatever they can do too break your focus they will do. Allow nothing to surprise you, no matter how unexpected."

    As she spoke she slowly and calmly stripped off her clothes, folding them neatly and setting them aside until she stood before them in nothing but her skin.

    "Now, " she said meeting each one of her red faced goggle-eyed students in turn and dropping into a defensive stance "which one of you boys thinks you can take me?"

    MidbossMan and brevdravis like this.
  16. brevdravis

    brevdravis Really Really Experienced

    "So... we'll totally get even with the jerk Party Girl Sorority by seducing their boyfriends while disguised as them, doing jock strap raids, and a cool techno dance number in front of the whole school! We'll also sneak in and film them getting dressed. Pan down, I want peen. We've got Peen!"
    "I'm not sure about this Lucy..."
    "Whatever, Poindextra... It'll work, Trust me. I have an In with the African Sorority across town if they cause any trouble..."

  17. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    So I get her booty if you keep your booty?

  18. Xenolan

    Xenolan Really Experienced

  19. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Carol thought she would catch her sister's husband banging the maid, but when she saw her sister and the maid, she was speechless.

    Next image:
  20. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    Amanda discovered new form of entertainment - messing around with a 50-year old neighbor by meeting him every morning when he goes to work. She started with relatively innocent stuff - seductive smiles, revealing clothes, indecent poses. But today she decided to go even further and allowed her pink panties to "accidentally" fall down.
