Looking for a Writer

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by Kamikage, Jan 4, 2023.

  1. Kamikage

    Kamikage Virgin

    Hello, I'm looking for a writing that would be willing to write my cheating girlfriend/wife smut ideas. Anyone interested?

    Here is what I'm looking for:

    1.) The boyfriend/husband character is completely clueless and unaware of it happening.

    2.) If the boyfriend/husband character does get cuckolded, he will have his memories erased and/or alternated.

    3.) The girlfriend/wife character won't break up with the boyfriend/husband character because she does love him, which enhances the sex with her male lover as she has definitely developed a cheating fetish.

    4.) The girlfriend/wife character gets jealous when her lover fucks other women because she wants his dick all to herself.

    5.) The boyfriend/husband character has a below advantage dick size, can't fuck for longer than a single hour before cumming, can cum 3 times at most during a good day, nutsacks the size of ping pong balls, only sex experience is with his girlfriend/wife, can produce a tea spoon amount of seman when cumming, and takes hours to recover for another round of sex.

    6.) The lover character has a way above advantage dick size, can fuck for many hours before cumming, can cum seemingly endless amount of time, nutsacks the size of tennis balls or oranges, has tons of sexual experience, can produce a cup full of seman when cumming, and can recover for another round of sex within a few minutes or even seconds should the girlfriend/wife character do something to excite him.

    7.) The characters will be from Fandoms so please be sure to tell me what anime/manga, cartoons, video games, and such you are familiar with.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2023
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  2. raziel83

    raziel83 Really Experienced

    Can we get more details on what you have in mind for the story?
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  3. AlexandraS90

    AlexandraS90 Really Experienced

    Ill do it
  4. Kamikage

    Kamikage Virgin

    Sorry for late reply, I didn't get a notification.

    I will update the topic disclaimer to list what I'm looking for.
  5. Kamikage

    Kamikage Virgin

    Sorry for late reply, I didn't get a notification.

    Cool, what are you willing to write?
  6. AlexandraS90

    AlexandraS90 Really Experienced

    I'll do anything except snuff and especially diaper shit.
  7. Kamikage

    Kamikage Virgin

    Cool, would you like to discuss more here or on the main site?
  8. AlexandraS90

    AlexandraS90 Really Experienced

  9. Kamikage

    Kamikage Virgin

    Okay, so what Fandoms are you familiar with?