Moving an existing chapter?

Discussion in 'Site Feedback' started by jun1337, Aug 25, 2016.

  1. jun1337

    jun1337 Virgin

    Is there any way to re-organize the structure of a story? I realized after the fact that I should've put a decision point in-between two chapters, so now I'd like to add it and move the later chapter under it; basically splicing a new chapter into the middle of an existing thread.
  2. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator


    There is currently no automated way (without deleting chapters). If you like, I can do that for you manually.

    Best regards,
  3. jun1337

    jun1337 Virgin

  4. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Sure, and done :)
    Javalar likes this.
  5. jun1337

    jun1337 Virgin

    Much appreciated!
  6. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    I think I've got a similar question. Is it somehow possible to change the order of the next chapters at the bottom of a page? I think it'd be useful, so the active threads get better displayed at the top of the list and inactive threads get pushed to the end.
  7. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Oh, I see, so that you as the story owner can highlight an active branch. Otherwise it seems more likely to be a source of confusion when changes many threads away cause reordering of next chapters.
    Duskford likes this.
  8. Duskford

    Duskford CHYOA Guru

    Yeah, sometimes active threads get lost in an ocean of other threads, it becomes hard to find them. Or, when you want to start a new thread and there are other ones above it, readers are more likely to start reading from the top and work their way down.
  9. 229

    229 Experienced

    That would probably work well. I always thought it would be nice to see things like depth or last update when you hover over a link, although some people might find that annoying.
    Javalar likes this.