My fan covers for CHYOA stories

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by mr_hyde_06, May 22, 2019.

  1. mr_hyde_06

    mr_hyde_06 CHYOA Guru

  2. mr_hyde_06

    mr_hyde_06 CHYOA Guru

  3. mr_hyde_06

    mr_hyde_06 CHYOA Guru

  4. mr_hyde_06

    mr_hyde_06 CHYOA Guru

  5. mr_hyde_06

    mr_hyde_06 CHYOA Guru

  6. mr_hyde_06

    mr_hyde_06 CHYOA Guru

  7. mr_hyde_06

    mr_hyde_06 CHYOA Guru

  8. mr_hyde_06

    mr_hyde_06 CHYOA Guru

  9. mr_hyde_06

    mr_hyde_06 CHYOA Guru

  10. mr_hyde_06

    mr_hyde_06 CHYOA Guru

  11. mr_hyde_06

    mr_hyde_06 CHYOA Guru

  12. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

    Cool thanks. Though I am actually working with an artist to make a cover. Good work though.
    AlexandraS90 and mr_hyde_06 like this.
  13. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

    Er... Might I ask... Out of curiousity. Do you know what the source for this picture is?
    AlexandraS90 likes this.
  14. mr_hyde_06

    mr_hyde_06 CHYOA Guru

    AlexandraS90 likes this.
  15. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

    I see... Interesting.
    AlexandraS90 likes this.
  16. mr_hyde_06

    mr_hyde_06 CHYOA Guru

  17. mr_hyde_06

    mr_hyde_06 CHYOA Guru

  18. mr_hyde_06

    mr_hyde_06 CHYOA Guru

  19. mr_hyde_06

    mr_hyde_06 CHYOA Guru

  20. mr_hyde_06

    mr_hyde_06 CHYOA Guru