Need help with adding image to story title

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by Walrusdick, May 12, 2024.

  1. Walrusdick

    Walrusdick Virgin


    I have tried ever possible combination of the ![](link) there is and still no dice for photos in the story, but more importantly I have no idea how to add it to the title (so when the title comes up it has the little thumbnail). If anyone could email me a (preferably) active link with the entire command that I could actually copy and paste into a story to try it out and see if it works it would be g ft rest greatly appreciated! You can send it to [email protected]
  2. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    is it a gif, jpeg? .web doesn't work
  3. Walrusdick

    Walrusdick Virgin

    It is a jpeg I made sure of that so there wasn't any issues. Perhaps it is the service I am using? I am using to host.
  4. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    RachelDaws likes this.
  5. Jaegarblk

    Jaegarblk Experienced

    A couple of simple issues that tripped me up

    1. Sometimes when you open the image on hosting sites the url doesn't have .gif at the end which I think is necessary. Try right clicking and then 'open image in new tab'. The url should then have the file type ( .gif or .jpeg or whatever). Copy and paste that one.

    2. Make sure there are no spaces between the bracket ( and the link
    (e.g ![]( httpwhateverlink.gif)


    Sometimes this happens even when you have the correct format in say a word document and copy and paste over. I always double check itin editor once the desired link is on Chyoa.

    3. Settings on the hosting site occasionally mean you can't share. Make sure any privacy settings are appropriately adjusted.
    Last edited: May 13, 2024
  6. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    If it still isn't working, paste the entire ![]() line you're trying here on the forums.
    Jaegarblk likes this.