New to this arousing community

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by mirror, Nov 11, 2023.

  1. mirror

    mirror Virgin

    Currently writing RAGING HEAT and FOREVER INSATIABLE.. I would love to illustrate some of the chapters with photos, links etc. How is that accomplished. Thanks
  2. zankoo

    zankoo Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

  3. I would recommend copying any photos you want to include and loading them to an account/site you control. I know I use imgbox to host all my pics. I also recommend you scale your images before linking them, as the steps zankoo linked in his response will link the image in it's max size. Meaning if you link to an image that is 1920x1200 it is going to look massive and disrupt the flow of your story.
    Dansak likes this.
  4. Dansak

    Dansak Really Really Experienced

    I'd echo this, keep a hard copy of the pics as image hosting sites are notoriously fickle, I've had to change mine twice now, currently using Freeimage which seems very good.

    My process for pics is long winded but it works for me. I spend ages searching for pics before I start writing, that way I can write the discerption of the character to fit the photo, I've learned the hard way that searching for models to fit the character you've already written is very hard.
    When I find photos I like I save them in a file on my desk top, using a separate file for each character. I'll just save loads in there as I browse the net over the course of a few weeks. Once I've got a bunch of photos for each character I then work out how many I want to use, for me 8 works well for me, 4 nude and 4 clothed. I tend to put all my pics on one cast page and not in seperate chapters as some people really don't like seeing pics half way through a chapter.

    I then use paint to crop out the watermark/name of the website that's usually on the bottom of the photo. Then, still in paint, I re-size the photo to a pixel size that is 300 on the vertical. I only use portrait photos, not landscape. That way, with 8 pics, scaled to 300 pixels on the vertical, when I put them on a cast page I get two clean lines of 4 photos (if viewing on a laptop/desk top, obviously it's different if viewing on a phone). Once I've cropped and resized all the photos I up load them to the hosting site. Then use the Chyoa guide to put them on a chapter here.

    I always keep a copy of the pics on my hard drive so that if my image hosting sit changes it's policy on porn pics or just dies then I don't have to go through the process all over again.
    chris_brown likes this.