Okay. I added a story called Choya suggestions.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by RicoLouis, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    There I will be posting subjects discussed here so the readers can like wise give feed back as well as added a link to here encase they want to join in on the discussion. If you see one I missed post it here in the form of a question and I will add it.
    Last edited: May 15, 2017
  2. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    Okay, changed my mind and am just going to post ideas from the poll here and if someone likes them you can create a separate thread for them.

    kopfkino a day ago
    Comment to Suggestion Box.
    when entering the search criteria for a story, I would like an option to hide the stories from the result list, where I already read all chapters

    kopfkino a day ago
    Comment to Suggestion Box.
    ability to edit and delete your own comments

    kopfkino a day ago
    Comment to Suggestion Box.
    add an icon in the story map for the chapters that i liked to easily spot my favorite chapters

    kopfkino a day ago
    Comment to Suggestion Box.
    ability to give a title picture not only to stories, but to chapters too

    edwards21 a day ago
    Comment to Top Chapters.
    Maybe timeframes of chapters? Top chapters of the week/month/all time?

    Also, maybe not include Introduction chapters (as they tend to have aggregate higher scores without being the meat of the story)?

    textilemonster 18 hours ago
    Comment to Suggestion Box.

    If there's a story with a ton of chapters, it would be nice to be able to see which chapters have what tags in the story map or something, so I can find the part that made me open the story in the first place.

    P. Co. 2 hours ago
    Comment to Suggestion Box.
    Same as textilemonster and the kopfkino's suggestion about editing and deleting your own comments. Plus, since the "thumb down" button is no longer an option, how about deleting the "appreciation percentage" ?

    P. Co. 2 hours ago
    Comment to Suggestion Box.
    I don't know how messy it could become, but maybe a more customizable profile and the possibility to change nickname.
  3. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    1. [​IMG]
      dangerslut 3 days ago
      If we could move a chapter back from published to a draft, that would be amazing. It would make accidental publishing a non-issue.

    2. [​IMG]
      TheScyle 3 days ago
      The ability to block stories, so they wont show up on your frontpage anymore, even when updated.
  4. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

  5. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    lizisbest 35 minutes ago
    Being able to see all the chapters in a story that have a certain tag on them.

    So if only one story thread has the tag of "Pregnant" then you should be able to highlight that or jump straight to it.

    It would make tags far more useful since a lot of stories cover a wide range of fetishes or tags.
  6. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    1. [​IMG]
      kopfkino an hour ago
      in the chapter search, implement a search option or additional filter option for chapters I liked

    2. [​IMG]
      Mitch2161998 21 hours ago
      Be able to sort via total chapters not just chapter depth.
  7. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    1. [​IMG]
      TheScyle 5 days ago
      Another idea: Timed releases.

      For those who want to publish chapters on the peak time of the site, but when they are not online then (because they are in a different state or whatever). You could install a feature that lets the author decide at what time the chapter gets published.

    2. [​IMG]
      TheScyle 13 days ago
      Also something minor, but probably easy to do: More awards. How about some for likes/chapter ratio being over 1, 2 or 5 (only after you have 100+ chapters so it is not THAT easy to get)

      Some for having a certain amount of subscribers?

      And maybe some for "amount of likes on a single chapter" would be nice too. (As in 'you got more than 10 / 20 / 30 ... likes on one of your chapters'

      Because currently most people derp around between 6-10 achievements... the first ones are practically given out for free, and then it gets way to hard. So maybe these would work to hold the tension on the way (for achievement hunters like me :) )

    3. [​IMG]
      anonenffan 14 days ago
      I'm with Scharmrot1. I would love to see polls. Sometimes one writer does the whole story and the readers just vote, and right now there's weird workarounds necessary to do something like that, but a proper poll system would be very nice.

    4. [​IMG]
      kopfkino 15 days ago
      in the chapter search, implement a search option or additional filter option for chapters I liked
  8. mindtheMILF

    mindtheMILF Guest

    1. It would be interesting if there was a writers workshop for those wanting to improve their skills.
    2. Is there an option to cross combine chapters between two or more stories (Combine two different authors stories. Not collaborate on the same piece)? I suppose you could even have the same author have two stories and cross them together also.
    3. One login for site and forum instead of being separate
  9. mindtheMILF

    mindtheMILF Guest

    4. clip art for the naked stories that don't have any
    5. Friedman Appreciation Week!
  10. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    With the new patreon thats coming up on. Monday... ;)
  11. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    I added a new suggestion page to the story where readers can submit their ideas like a story page so everyone can see it and vote on it. Should have thought of this earlier I guess.
  12. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    I will be deleting the oldest selections that have been up for the last two months to make room for new ideas but will leave them here on the least to show the readers interest in them.

    Updated 5/31
    61. Stories to have multiple categories.
    53. Ability to add polls to stories.
    48. Like better tag organization.
    29. separate colors for chapters added by other writers.
    28. Ability by readers to edit or delete comments.
    27. Make chapters invisible in game mode.
    23. prevent a writer from having multiple spots on the top chapters per story.
    22. Themes under story description
    22. More trophies for writers
    21. Move Chapters In Story map.
    21. Trophies for readers.
    20. Themes Under Story Description
    17. Time Stop Category
    15. Mark Pages as Unread.
    15. Add Transformation Category.
    11. Add Superhero Category.
    10. Notifications lead to story map.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2017
  13. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    New ideas should integrate into the actual votes.
    Additionally, it would be nice to see the votes within the suggestion subforum.
  14. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    Because I think sixty plus people voting for something is enough to say that it is liked. I can always add them back later after I do a little house cleaning and try to add some kind of order to it.
  15. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    tinoking 30 minutes ago
    allow a section of story's that are moderated and ones that are public.
  16. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    this could be done by adding a search filter
  17. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    I have added back the old ideas which now display on the front page along with the count.

    Updated 5/31
    71. Stories to have multiple categories.
    55. Ability to add polls to stories.
    51. Like better tag organization.
    29. separate colors for chapters added by other writers.
    29. Ability by readers to edit or delete comments.
    27. Make chapters invisible in game mode.
    27. Themes Under Story Description
    23. Prevent a writer from having multiple spots on the top chapters per story.
    22. More trophies for writers
    21. Move Chapters In Story map.
    21. Trophies for readers.
    20. Themes Under Story Description
    19. Transformation Category
    19. Time Stop Category
    16. Chapters Coming Soon or Being Written.
    15. Mark Pages as Unread.
    12. Add Superhero Category.
    11. Notifications Lead To Story Map.
    10. Add Furry Category

    I will have a slot for ideas by month to make it easier to add ideas as they come.
  18. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    Well after totally messing everything up I had to burn it all down and then rebuild so the votes or back to zero but on the plus side its a lot simpler to manage now and I can keep older options for people to vote on. I saved anything over ten votes to the front page.