Power with a catch

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by poiasdew, Apr 22, 2021.

  1. poiasdew

    poiasdew Virgin

    I've always been a sucker for plot on my smut. And I think that powers with limitations is great for it.

    tl;dr: Written a premise, it's free to use: Guy gets powers to become the secret lover of any taken women but they'll always love and prioritize their partners over the MC, after all the MC is just a lover.

    I rarely write chapters as english is not my first language and I worry way too much about every line, but I don't think I have a problem writing premises. So I've written something that resembles an introduction, and anybody can use it to modify or create a Story (or just create a branch on Sexual Privilege or something :p). I don't do it myself because I haven't written chapters for it and don't plan in doing so, so it would be strange to own something I don't contribute for. Also feel free to change it however you like!

    Edit: versioning updates

    Version 3.0
    Guy gets global powers to be the secret lover of any taken women but can't make them love him

    He is supernaturally good in bed and is able to blow the woman's mind no matter how big or how good or how she had it before.
    She can still get angry, ignore, and deny having sex with him, like in any relationship. His power is to be their lover, not just be able to have sex with them.

    The catch is that the MC will never have love them. He will never be able to tilt their hearts or to leave their partner no matter how many times he reduces them to a sopping mess

    Even if the MC makes her addicted to sex then denies it to her, no matter how bad she wants it, trying to win her over her libido will never work. She magically won't have her libido influence in making decisions involving her partner. She will never choose the the MC over her partner, they will always be priority over the MC. After all, he is just her lover.

    Her partner will never suspect of her cheating, but still can have enmity towards the MC, suspect him of second intentions and so on. In the case of being caught cheating, the moment the MC steps out of the picture, she and her partner will immediately forget about it and she will only remember as if they were almost caught.

    You are:

    does this count as netori? i dont freakin know

    Feel free to discuss other "power with a catch" ideas!
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2021
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  2. SeriousBrainDamage

    SeriousBrainDamage Really Really Experienced

    It's awfully specifc. I like that.

    I'm not a fan of freeuse/god powers stories, but this almost turns the table from boon to curse.

    I don't get the meaning of this sentence.

    I think not if things do not evolve towards the girl/s falling for MC and dumping their S.O.
    Cuchuilain and poiasdew like this.
  3. poiasdew

    poiasdew Virgin

    In stories of the genre (usually with blackmail) it's common for the stealer to train the girl so much that he makes her finally break down by neglecting her, making her willfully betray her boyfriend seeking him because she was unable to quench her thirst/unable to cum/can't live without his D/having withdrawal from him like a drug.

    I wanted something resembling that but with the guy never being able to even tilt their love for their husbands no matter how addicting the sex is, being able to stay sexless with no problem.
    I imagined the woman breaking off dates with him to stay with her husband for the most silly of the reasons, just because it involved her partner. I want the MC to struggle, feel dejected, and one day abandoning the lover-life to seek normal girls trying to find real love.

    Edit: Ah, about her denying sex. The MC would reach the limit of his power and get burned, being ignored, and so on.

    Netori in the sex but not in love... Nice! "You're so much better than him" and stuff, but only about sex. "Sure you're great in bed, but my husband is so much more. He cares for me, is romantic, is a great father..."

    I just retouched the Introduction text. Check it out
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2021
  4. SeriousBrainDamage

    SeriousBrainDamage Really Really Experienced

    I think I get it now, thanks for explaining. This reinforces my first impression, this "power" is more a curse with the added bonus of free sex than a boon.

    Mmm, I'm no expert, but I'm not convinced about the whole "in sex but not love". Netori, netorare and such are much more based on the emotional side of the situation.

    -Netori should be about stealing a girl of another man, and taking pleasure in doing it. Being unable to steal her, phisically and emotionally to, is a key point to rule netori out then.
    -Netorare should be about a guy having his girl stolen by another man. If the boyfriend forgets everything he saw, he feels nothing, no Ntr then.
    -The girl in the middle too, feels less, because her feelings are magically forced.

    Essentially this plot would produce a first stage netorare/netori situation, where the girl is reluctant and uninvolved but for some reason compliant, that doesn't evolve.
    But what ultimatley classify netori and netorare is the girl getting stealed.
    Your second version of the introduction is much more clear in this reagard.

    Tl;Dr : this is not netori.

    Anyway, with all this I don't want do lead you on thinking I will start writing your idea, because I'm super lazy and I'm already working on something else, I just like to discuss things:D
    Cuchuilain and poiasdew like this.
  5. poiasdew

    poiasdew Virgin

    The guy always have the choice to just stop going out with taken women and find a girl for himself. So it's more of a mild monkey paw situation "You can have sex with them, but never more than that"
    To me it would work as if both him and the girl agreed to see each other for whatever reason, from willing, to compliant, or even "I have no choice" situations. It could have the situation "autocomplete" in her head, like: if he came to a girl and said "It's so glad to meet you again after so many years" she would think of him as an ex or an old friend she agreed to have sex with again; if he said "You know what will happen if you don't agree to meet with me, right?", she could complete it to him having blackmail on her or her partner. It could lead to many scenarios.

    But don't have me stop you to create your own version or interpretation. Whatever you find more interesting!
    Ahh! No, don't worry about it :D

    Also: Feel free to discuss here other ideas like this one, powers with a catch
  6. Burkboi

    Burkboi Virgin

    Super Speed but you need to be naked
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  7. poiasdew

    poiasdew Virgin

    That would be great for sex. You move slowly to last more but to the girl you're still banging her hard
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  8. poiasdew

    poiasdew Virgin

    I have updated the Intro text. I rewrote the entire "pick her husband over the MC" part, removed the "she will pick her partner even the for silliest stuff", like stop in the middle of sex to pick him up to give him a ride, and added how suspicion to the MC and the woman would work.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  9. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    I'm working on one where the protagonist has a thingy which makes anyone who sees it desperately need to suck him off/debase themselves in whatever way chosen.
    however the curse is that the protagonist has to show it to at least one different person every day and isnt able to take a day off or just stick to the one he likes and he cant get rid of it.
    He starts off thinking its the best thing ever then realises its not as wonderful as he thought.
    Luckily its quite far down a godlike story so probably wont be read by too many.

    Im thinking of it a bit like Moorcroft's Elric and his black blade.