Question about writing here

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by Raljo, Sep 16, 2021.

  1. Raljo

    Raljo Virgin

    Hello I was just wondering if other authors can edit what you write in public stories? I would like to start writing but dont want other people to be able to change what I do. Thank you for the answers
  2. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    If you write in a public story, the creator of that story will have the role allowing them to edit your chapters. Others may also have that ability as well, depending on their assigned roles.

    I think it's pretty unlikely someone would edit your stuff without asking, but I can understand why you may be concerned. One thing that may help: remember that they can't take away your ability to edit or delete your own chapters, so you can always edit it or even delete it if something extreme happens.
  3. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Some story owners (and their assigned editors) might edit your content.
    Most would only do basic stuff like grammar and typos.
    Though some of them might even edit it to make it fit better to the story or their ideas. But this should be very very rare.

    Most story owner's have enough to do with their own content, so they probably don't want to invest time in (at least in their mind) improving other authors' content.

    If someone added a child chapter to a chapter of you, you can't delete it.
    But you can always edit it.

    If there are problems that can't be solved anyway, a moderator or the administrator will be able to help.
    MidbossMan likes this.
  4. ittybittyht

    ittybittyht Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I would recommend setting it to Moderate and then as people show interest, add them as an Author role. This allows them to publish their OWN chapters, but doesn’t allow them to edit YOUR chapters. You can do this by going to the Story Settings which you can find by going to My Stories and clicking the three dots next to the story you want to change and then clicking Edit Story.

    This also ensures that the people contributing are trustworthy to you and anyone else can be approved by you when they submit their chapters. Once you get a tone set, you could consider changing it to Public, but that’s up to you. I for one mostly keep my stories public because it’s just impossible for me to be moderate all of the chapters I get anyways and I haven’t had a problem yet. But I also have stories that are more friendly to being public due to their broadness, so it might be beneficial to just have it be Moderate and add authors as they contribute.

    CHYOA has multiple role settings:

    Owner - Has access to all admin tools
    Editor - Can moderate, edit, and publish any chapter
    Author - Can moderate, edit, and publish their OWN chapters

    You really don’t want to give anyone Owner unless you agree to being co-owners to a story OR you want to hand over a story that you’re no longer invested in.

    Editor should be given to only people you really trust. For me, I sometimes give it to regular contributors and for stories that would benefit from them being able to see other chapters.

    Author can be given to anyone you think is trustworthy to obey Writer guidelines and CHYOA guidelines. I tend to give this to people who tend to contribute regularly on moderated stories so that I don’t have to review their chapters.
  5. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    You don't need the story role Author to edit your own chapters. You can always edit your own chapters.
    Story role Author only means that your chapter doesn't have to be approved in a moderated story. It is also a way to allow other authors to add to private stories.