Second Year

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by astronym, Jun 20, 2024.

  1. astronym

    astronym Virgin


    I've been writing Second Year on and off for... six years, somehow. I really enjoyed writing the first part, and have popped in every two or three years to add another little bit. But I think it's quite good, so I want to try and put a bit more time into it!

    The thing is, I don't really know where to take it next. It's one of those stories where the premise is kind of the point (they all find out that they're gay in the first five chapters, it's kind of a farce) and then it's not clear what the next steps might be. I want to build forward rather than out - I'm using the choose-your-own-adventure stuff mainly to split perspectives for sex scenes happening to multiple people, so I don't see myself adding many new branches to what's already there. But if anyone has any critique or suggestions I'm all ears!