Snowball story writing

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by street0, Feb 3, 2023.

  1. street0

    street0 Virgin CHYOA Backer

    I've been enjoying reading and contributing to Snowball story writing. I think that story's soft rule against the same person writing two chapters in a row helps with creativity and keeping a story thread fresh

    A lot of the other contributors favour ENF stuff, which isn't quite my topic of interest, but I think the story structure helps transcend the genre. I might write something more in a free use, dubcon, or bdsm direction, but then someone else might direct the story in a wholesome romance or otherwise entirely different direction. This creates a good contrast and tension

    How's everyone else finding it?
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  2. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    I've only just dipped my toe into it so far but it seems like fun.
    Not sure if it's supposed to be a different author each chapter (a then b then c then d etc) or if alternating is OK. (A b a b a b a b etc.)
    street0 likes this.
  3. street0

    street0 Virgin CHYOA Backer

    A b a b a b alternating is pretty common, but mixing it up more is good too
  4. Yurisenpai

    Yurisenpai Experienced

    This story grow up to pile of garbage full of broken wet dream and ideas.

    Story statistic to 09.08.2023 19:00pm cet
    • 279 Favorites
    • 3,161 Chapters
    • 66 Chapters Deep
    New second chapters every day, but less that 0,1% start third or higher chapter, some names are repeated with added number, but their fate is same as their first use.

    Searching in chapters is more useless that homosexual in women prison. :D :D :D

    Chapter numbering reset itself after first 261 chapters, next one was after 546, last was 485, more than half of these are more hollow than wallet in the monday.

    It will be great to stop making new chapter ideas and start writing theses 1386 already made ideas.