So what do you find attractive in a woman?

Discussion in 'General Board' started by FallenSaint, Aug 20, 2015.


What is your turn on with a woman?

  1. Ass

    8 vote(s)
  2. Breasts

    11 vote(s)
  3. Face

    13 vote(s)
  4. Hips

    2 vote(s)
  5. Personality?

    10 vote(s)
  6. Other

    5 vote(s)
  1. FallenSaint

    FallenSaint Really Really Experienced

    So what is it that turns you on, or attracts you to a certain woman? I'm not talking about height or weight with the poll question, but feel free to talk about that as well.

    Personally, I'm an ass man and I like a woman with meat on her bones. Skinny women look too fragile to me and I worry I will hurt them. I like a woman about my height and age, but I'm open to a little older or younger if things are right.
  2. Yarkoz

    Yarkoz Really Really Experienced

    I have a thing about legs and hips, to which my wife thoroughly enjoys :D I do like women on the leaner side, but I hold no grudges larger/muscular women. There are unrealistic and ridiculous standards of beauty out there.
    FallenSaint likes this.
  3. FallenSaint

    FallenSaint Really Really Experienced

    Legs and hips are nice as well. I like nice hips that accentuate the woman's curves, no matter how large or small. I just don't want the woman to be boney in the hips.

    I'm not so much into muscular as in healthy tummy. My wife and I have shared a rather big girl and she was fun, and we have had two women that were on the husky side and they were both pretty wild.

    That's part of why I'm playing Silvan as a guy that likes bigger women. He's reflecting a slightly exaggerated sexual preference of mine, but not quite the same.

    I also like a woman's throat. I enjoy the reactions I can get when I hit the right spots when teasing them.
    Yarkoz likes this.
  4. Trugbild

    Trugbild Really Experienced

    I really like wide hips (*me points on my avatar*), dyed redheads (or girls with natural dark red hairs, but they are probably extinct) and breasts, which don't resist gravity (except if they are to small to form a "wrinkle" (is that the right word) below them).
    Beyond that a woman should accept and like her body as it is. It should be nice to spend time with her and she should have a dirty mind.

    I really dislike stick out fake boobs and unnatural lips. They also shouldn't be perfect.

    For other things it just have to fit. They can be large, small, skinny, chubby, young, old (maybe up to +15), shaved, hairy, ... nearly everything can be nice, if it just fits to the person.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2015
    airwreck likes this.
  5. FallenSaint

    FallenSaint Really Really Experienced

    I agree about fake boobs and lips. Sometimes fake boobs can look really nice, but my wife's are real and due to time and child raising, they aren't as perky as in her youth and even with the little bit of sag I think they are absolutely beautiful. She is a little chubby but her ass is perfect and firm. I love every curve of her body and love running my hands over those curves.

    And just so you know Trugbild, for a while she had her hair dyed dark red and it really got my motor running! ;)
    Marlikton and Trugbild like this.
  6. Marlikton

    Marlikton Experienced

    I'm open for almost any woman just as long as she has a good heart and personality cause I dated a cold hearted,hot bodied bitch once when things didn't go her way she went to her other guys who I didn't know about before and a long story short they fucked me up enough so I couldn't walk for three weeks with too much water on my hip, The situation in my story High School Hell is based on my real life incident. I got my revenge on her I don't hurt women but I do prank the holy hell out of them. Hair remover in her shampoo and mid lunch her salad had an added ingredient her own hair hahaha.
  7. FallenSaint

    FallenSaint Really Really Experienced

    I had a similar incident but without the violence. My ex and I were engaged but she had been seeing another man. I had suspected at least one other, but didn't have proof.

    Today I was at the vet and noticed a woman wearing shorts. I didn't get to see her ass, but she had some great legs. I'm sure if my wife had been there, she would have been staring pretty hard too.
    Marlikton likes this.
  8. Marlikton

    Marlikton Experienced

  9. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    Face is #1 for me. I mean if I dislike her face it doesn't matter what kind of body I see.
    Yarkoz likes this.
  10. Trugbild

    Trugbild Really Experienced

    For a serious relationship I think "face" is the most important.

    An ugly face can be a ko-crtierion, but maybe you just see her from behind.....
  11. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    I never said ugly.

    I can't remember being sexually attracted to a woman with an average "nothing interesting" face. Not that I have any set of characteristics to define beauty. I have no preferences for hair color or skin tone or form of lips or whatever
  12. FallenSaint

    FallenSaint Really Really Experienced

    I'm actually very attracted to Japanese women (Blame manga and anime...) but I've never actually been with one. My wife shares this attraction and we are on the lookout for sexy Asian (Preferably Japanese 20-something) woman to share. (PM me if you are and are interested. PLEASE!!!)
  13. Beeble42

    Beeble42 Really Experienced

    What I like most about a woman is a pretty face but she must also be intelligent. What turns me on is a great arse.
  14. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    I'm the guy who voted 'other' for me there is only two things that makes a woman attractive or unattractive: willingness and scent.

    I have had some women that most men would think were totally ugly come on to me, and though they had bad hair, in one case a harelip, scars, missing teeth from having been in an abusive relationship, massive layers of blubber, and many other 'unattractive' features they didn't smell bad and were wanting very much to fuck me: which got my engine revved up right quick. THAT'S what turns me on, looks are a minor thing: it's a woman with a healthy appetite for sex and good hygiene is interested in me: fuck the rest of it: literally.
    Torg likes this.
  15. Torg

    Torg Really Experienced

    I'm definitely in the "if they're interested in me" camp. I find there's nothing sexier than a woman who wants you. And then comes face. The rest is icing and cake. Once we get it on, taste is a huge turn on for me.
    Yarkoz and Beeble42 like this.
  16. Beeble42

    Beeble42 Really Experienced

    Yes. I wish I'd known that when I was younger. I'm sure my life would have turned out much better.
  17. FallenSaint

    FallenSaint Really Really Experienced

    When I was younger, I was too shy to really even try for a woman unless we had a very good relationship. That didn't work out very well. My wife on the other hand basically stalked me when she saw me at Walmart years after we were both out of high school. She followed me around until she got a chance to corner me outside of the bread aisle and invited me out to her new year's eve party. Best thing to ever happen to me.

    My wife isn't on this forum and can't actually vote, so she asked me to share that she likes women with big breasts more than anything. She wants a cute face, doesn't care too much about weight, but loves a nice ass and big tits the most.
    Yarkoz likes this.
  18. Yarkoz

    Yarkoz Really Really Experienced

    I have said that before myself, but if it weren't for certain rather terrible events in my life, I know I never would've met my wife. Sometimes, the bullshit and complete obliviousness you may have is important in a way.
  19. Simon_Silver

    Simon_Silver Guest

    Tell her to sign up! If she's half the woman you make her out to be she could be a great asset to the site!
    FallenSaint likes this.
  20. FallenSaint

    FallenSaint Really Really Experienced

    You are right there. I was engaged to a liar and cheater. I had gone to Walmart that day with my mom to tell her about how I had learned the truth about her. If I hadn't gone with mom to have someone to talk to about that break up, I wouldn't have met my wife.

    Lol as much fun as that could be, she doesn't enjoy writing like I do, or reading that much, so she wouldn't add to the stories or the games. So she just has me say things for her when she happens to read over my shoulder.

    But she is my muse for a lot of my writing. (Especially the threesome scenes and the girl on girl scenes.)
    Yarkoz likes this.