Star Bound collaboration and ideas

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Greyrock, Jun 4, 2022.

  1. Greyrock

    Greyrock Really Experienced

    Jeremy Goodman and his family are paid handsomely by Syntech Dynamics as colonization specialists. He, along with his ridiculously busty mother, aunt, and sister, prepare freshly terraformed planets for the first wave of colonists. His father is the Lead Terraforming Engineer, stationed on these inhospitable worlds well in advance of the family until the planets are deemed safe enough for the Goodman’s to reunite.

    The ships’s jump drive glitches disastrously on the voyage and sends them waaay off course, marooned in uncharted space, and without return fuel. Fortunately they are near a star, and its four planets each offer some kind of slim hope, but any of them could be incredibly dangerous. They will have to put their technology, their minds and their genetically modified bodies to work solving their problems and supporting each other.

    Some mysterious writer started this little gem, established the premise, then abandoned the story before diving to the branching paths. It’s a damn shame! So I adopted it and would love to collaborate on reviving it with some weird, wild, sci-fi survival adventures. I have some chapters written, but would love to refine and brainstorm more ideas first.
    Wolfinnoclothing likes this.
  2. Great concept, and it has a whole lot of potential.

    While I am spending my writing time focused on getting my first story up and off the ground, ideas bounce off me pretty well. I am more than happy to help brainstorm if you want to use me.
    Greyrock likes this.