Swinging Campground Hosts, Sexy Youth Hostel story settings

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by Zingiber, Jun 1, 2024.

  1. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    A set-up for episodic stories of a few chapters, then another episode with different characters or activities, could be that the main characters are campground hosts for a camp which attracts travelers looking for friendly companionship, or located close to romantic scenery or settings.

    A more rural / scenic setting might center on a campground, caravan/RV camp, or lodge and cottages, possibly with some interesting history if it was constructed for another purpose. Perhaps a deconsecrated religious retreat, a demobilized military camp, a company town whose industry (logging or mining) has moved on, or a camp whose summer residents are younger but whose off-season visitors are young adults. A rural setting could throw visitors into closer proximity during bad weather or if some of the lodgings become unusable, or create sudden new acquaintances if a visitor is stuck because they're abandoned by their traveling companion(s) or if they arrive too late for a rendezvous.

    A more urban setting might be a youth hostel or a temporary lodging ("hippie AirBnB"?) close to a city with music, arts, culture, cycling, boating, even parkour or graffiti art competitions. During a busy or high-season time, the hostel might be crowded. Maybe someone who shows up too late, due to travel delays or mishaps ("I lost my cellphone across town!") finds other people sleeping in their room / in the bed they had expected to have. (Actual experience here: took the overflow from a lesbian B&B during Pride Week celebrations, but no drama, just an overseas traveler sleeping on the fold-out couch).

    I thought I'd lay the idea out here in case it inspires other stories, or in case folks have any ideas to build on the setting(s).

    I had originally thought of campground hosts because one of the jobs that a semi-retired couple might take on is to be the people in charge of taking care of a rural campground, living in a trailer home up front, making sure that the camp stays clean and that reservations are handled, and calling the management company in case any larger issues arise with the facilities. Now if the retired couple were retired _swingers_, and the word got out to their friends and contacts, maybe their old friends would come visit and bring friends during the "shoulder season" when the weather was less beautiful and there was more space available.