What lead you to Chyoa?

Discussion in 'General Board' started by Kobe, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. Kobe

    Kobe Experienced

    Title says it all. What lead you initially to Chyoa, and what caused you to start writing?

    Initially I was on Reddit and someone linked a story to a "Freeuse" story. I saw the name of the site and decided to come back, when I saw how many stories were on there. I initially started reading (I think) "At The Cabin" first, and then Training Meghan, then to a few other stories before I decided, "Fuck it, I'm going to try to write my own story." The rest is history!

    What about you all?
  2. HaremStarter

    HaremStarter Really Experienced

    I used to read stories on Chyoo but never wrote anything. I really love narrative story telling and thought I would give it a try. I'm thankful my work so far has been well received.
  3. Kobe

    Kobe Experienced

    That's awesome, man! I hope you keep on writing!
  4. HaremStarter

    HaremStarter Really Experienced

    I plan to. I wish I had time to write more but alas I must work to pay the bills.
  5. madmaniac

    madmaniac Experienced

    I read a lot of stories on Literotica and saw the link, ever since then I've been hooked!
  6. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    It's easier than programming text adventure games in interactive fiction engines like TADS. I was following one of the Usenet newsgroups on adult interactive fiction when someone mentioned the original Chyoo. I was between jobs and so had some time to get into it. I've followed the hops (and hops back, like post-Chyoo3) to here.
    Kobe likes this.
  7. Kobe

    Kobe Experienced

    Yeah, I see a lot of your Magic Academy having huge roots in what seems like an ACTUAL choose your own adventure type game instead of the usual deal. You incorporate a lot of cool ideas and some very close to D&D!

    Edit - forgive my spelling mistakes, I'm on mobile.
  8. Zingiber

    Zingiber Really Really Experienced

    Full credit to @SwampThing for adapting Apocalypse World's mechanics to a choose-your-own-sex-adventure; Lusty Magical Academy is a spinoff of ST's Slut World rules. I've had a lot of fun contributing there, especially my diner waitress/mother of college coed daughters/angel-obsessed/bisexual nymphomaniac/mind controlling seductress, Mary Forbes. (Oh right, and dearly loving wife of a truck driver who has a girlfriend waiting at every layover).
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2016
    Yarkoz and Kobe like this.
  9. StoneBurke1

    StoneBurke1 Virgin

    I just thought that I would give this a try after I came across the Chyoa site
  10. Ulap38

    Ulap38 Virgin

    I saw a couple of choose-your-own path stories on Literotica, which then led me to the original site, Chyoo. I mostly read back then, with a couple contributions under a different name. Nothing I'd brag about in quality. Didn't know about Chyoa until much later. I resumed reading, but then after awhile I started writing stuff.
    reaper13 and Zingiber like this.
  11. lordxorph

    lordxorph Experienced

    Last edited: Jul 5, 2018
  12. Philanthropist

    Philanthropist Experienced

    I think it was a web search for "erotic interactive fiction". I was thinking text adventures (of the Infocom type), in which I've dabbled a bit in the past, and stumbled onto CHYOA for the first time. So far, it's been fun, and I seem to have a few people who like my work, which is always a plus. And it's a lot easier than pumping words into a parser and conditionals into most text adventure engines. I like to think I'm a decent writer, but I'm a mediocre programmer at best.
  13. gscmar64

    gscmar64 Really Experienced

    I was searching for incest stories to read one night and Goggle suggested "A Tale of Three Sisters by TurinTurambar. After reading a few chapters i was hooked aadn thought i wouldn't mind giving a story of my own a try
  14. edwards21

    edwards21 Experienced

    I got lead here from the /r/freeuse subreddit, and got inspired. I wish I could say more than that, but I honestly started writing REALLY quickly after discovering this site, and that's been my focus here ever since.
    gscmar64 likes this.
  15. Sthaana

    Sthaana Really Experienced

    I just decided to look for erotic choose-your-own-adventure stories, since it seemed like such an obvious idea for the Internet...
    Wolfinnoclothing and gscmar64 like this.
  16. Funatic

    Funatic Really Really Experienced

    I googled interactive erotica, landed on Hyperdreams went through the accesible stories in one sitting and went searching for more using the Links provided on said site. I landed here. What then hooked me was not that i had choices presented to me but that a lot of writers would contribute stories to a core theme. Which is probably why i only write really linear stuff.
    Zingiber and gscmar64 like this.
  17. hemi001

    hemi001 Virgin

    I started writing stories, mostly romance, a non-erotic and erotic coupling - because I wondered if I could, plain and simple. I'd read a lot of literotica stories but kinda thought some of the criticism was pretty harsh, so in an effort I wanted to put my stories somewhere ultimately so I could say to my kids and future grandkids, "Hey you little faggots you lot didn't invent sex, go to CHYOA an see what granpa wrote!" I hunted and found CHYOA listed under Erotic Writing Websites, read some of the stories and here I am. I glossed over the info on the site because may God be my witness I was sure that if you listed your stories 'Private' no one but you could see them! I've got my head out of my ass now and I've even adopted a couple of stories, I haven't got my head around the whole site to be honest but the writing I've read is simply amazing, I really don't know how some of the writers can write so many varying and interesting plots, sci-fi and exhibitionism are two I may try, some of the writing in those 2 categories intrigue the shit out me. That's all, cheers.
    gscmar64 likes this.
  18. Zekar

    Zekar Really Experienced

    I started looking for Interactive Erotica when I found tfgamesite. The games were good, but I didn't like downloading unknown files onto my computer. So I stuck to Chyoo, Writing.com, and several other sites.

    In particular I started writing because authors would start really good threads and then nothing would continue. I've since made it my goal to at least have one ending for each main branch. The main problem I had were sites where there were only a few stories, but people had story branches inside the bigger story. It ended up in some Choose your Own Transformation stories that there would be about 50 to 1 false starts.

    My endorsement for Chyoa is that it allowed me to create my own stories without limitations.
  19. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    A link, a link led me here...

    In all honesty though I was chatting with an old freind from way back and he suggest this site. Said he had been a huge fan but had to leave to to IRL problems. I dipped my toe in, wasn't impressed, left it alone for a while. I came back looking for something to jack off too and ran into some of my old friend's work, read over it, and thought "Damnit, I could do this, and do it BETTER!"

    Perhaps it was hubris, but I tried, and now... Well, now I'm a authorized contributor on the story of the week... >_<

    EDIT 11/11/22: And now somehow I am one of the sites top authors...
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2022
  20. Funatic

    Funatic Really Really Experienced

    First off, Congrantulations on that and second EXACTLY THAT!

    This 'I could do this better' feeling is exactly what convinced me to write something instead of just reading like i did for the first months. That and how very rarely i find something exactly tailored to my taste, meaning i have to write it.
    Sthaana and gscmar64 like this.