You are not the hero. Your the village healer.

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by RicoLouis, Sep 12, 2023.

  1. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    A young innkeeper lacks he veteran brothers skill with a sword, or his hunter brothers skill with a bow. A traveling hero told him his magical potential is stuck at novice at best and has to rely on his smarts alone to survive the countless dangers around him. By chance a guest leaves a spell book in the tavern and though he discoveries his power it turns out the only spells he can cast are low level healing spells. Soon however he finds himself the center of several female adventurous attentions as they return from there quest in need of his healing touch.
    Gambio, raziel83 and (deleted member) like this.
  2. IdealSimp

    IdealSimp Guest

    There’s a good visual novel that has a similar premise to this. Loren the Amazon Princess. Not really any lewd stuff besides a couple scenes you get when you romance certain characters but still a fun read nonetheless.
  3. raziel83

    raziel83 Really Experienced

    If the main character is actually a decent guy, he could become really popular among adventurer women. A darker take would be to have the main character abuse his position by demanding sexual favours from the women he helps, but I have seen a few mangas that take this route and it is a bit too icky for my liking. Seems like a popular niche though...
  4. Impregmaniac

    Impregmaniac Really Experienced

    I could see some large muscle-woman kidnapping him for a way too high level dungeon crawl, forcing him to heal her whenever she takes damage, and shenaniganry happens when they take a break for camp or something. While the main heroines are on their tails, trying to rescue our hero.
    raziel83 likes this.
  5. raziel83

    raziel83 Really Experienced

    I've been thinking about this more. There are a few mangas about a healer adventurer. Some have a darker take where the main character enslaves people (in one, he had been kept as a slave and raped and tormented by the "heroes" and then he manages to rewind time to go back and not only gain the power to save the world by himself, but also to kill and/or rape every one of the adventurers and nobles who had mistreated him in the original timeline.) while other stories focus on how the main character is actually a decent guy and that this is for some reason rare among healers.

    In this one, it could go a lot of ways. A "slice of life" story with the main character helping random adventurers who come back from their quest all banged up and how each of them rewards him sexually for his help. Or maybe one adventurer party that he was friendly with does not return and he joins another group to go rescue them from whatever Ogre lair that they are trapped in?
    Regin34 likes this.
  6. Well, this is quite a coincidence. I was just dreaming about a DNDesque adventure party story last night. I think the priest should stay a good guy, in to many stories the church/healer is secretly bad and it is actually rare for the them to be good nowadays. Of course I am slightly biased as I want the darker member of the adventure party to be a character I was dreaming about lol. For the DNDesque story I was dreaming about I was thinking 2-4 authors get together and plan out a rough campaign the group would follow, then write the individual stories for the party members. Each having their own goals but find themselves together after a shipwreck.(I know a popular DND trope.)

    Having a good priest with a clear goal would give the party a direction and something to travel to. The character I was dreaming about would be the total opposite to the priest, instead being a pirate wanted by the navy and other pirate crews alike for his brutal actions of raping, pillaging, and murder. Of course I would have to tone down the pirates story immensely to fit Choya's guidelines but I think I could probably do it.

    On the priests journey to save another group of adventures he hopes on a boat which later capsizes, either due to weather or an attack from pirates/navy. When he awakes from the shipwreck he is greeted by the survivors, one being a pirate, the others to be determined. After the shipwreck the priest is worried about making it in time to save his friends and asks the group if they would travel with him to help save them. They agree the pirate mainly not caring where they go as long as it isn't by sea anymore.

    In the introductions for each character before they set off the reader learns more about them. The priest introduces himself first giving some backstory and his goals. The pirate introduces himself next as a ex-navy captain who had a disagreement with the navy and quit, he was on the ship to leave his life at sea behind and to start over when it made land. Proficient in sword play and shooting his pistol. He also throws a small comment at the end that he doesn't do well around blood, shouldn't be a problem during battle but after he would need sometime alone to regain composure. Following are the rest of the party.

    They continue on their journey and after every battle the pirate seeks his alone time for seeing blood, the priest is good natured and suggests healing the pirate and taking a closer look at his problem. Shaking off the priest concerns he tells the priest that it isn't something the man could fix. The pirates problem with blood isn't a mental trauma or a real problem with his body. No, at the sight of blood he becomes increasingly aroused, due to his pirate days of raping and pillaging, his body has become conditioned to exploded in lust at the sight of blood. Every time he sees a drop of blood, smells its heavenly iron scent, he is remined of his pirate days the woman and men he had bedded as he and his crew pillaged towns.

    Sometime the pirates urges become to much and he will purposely knock out an enemy he was suppose to kill and hide their body during combat so on his alone time after battle he doesn't have to resort to his hand. If it happens while they are passing through a town he will try and find a prostitute to satiate his lust or he may just slip into his old ways taking a random person off the street.

    The pirates journey with the party will be a internal battle with himself the whole way, on one hand he has his every growing lust and desire to leave carnage in his wake like he is familiar with. The other is his desire to lay low and not leave a trail of bodies his pursuers could follow. Along with trying to hide his actions and past from his traveling partners who are growing ever so suspicious of him. Maybe one of the party members secretly follows him during one of his alone times after battle and catches him masturbating or even worse defiling one of the enemies from the previous battle.

    Or they follow him after a bar fight that drew blood while in town, the priest staying behind to heal the injured while the two party members slip out unnoticed. The other party member suspicious of the pirates story follows him in secret wondering what he does every time he encounters blood. After following him they see him falling into the arms of a prostitute or much worse attack a townsfolk. Do they attack him and stop his assault or do they watch for some reason? do they like to watch or are they just gathering information to latter use as blackmail?

    I'm running out of time to actually write something for my current stories so I will have to leave it here for now. However as a final note I would like to mention the pirates encounter with a siren who sings of the thing he most desires one day as the party travels together by boat. The siren sings to him of a meal he had when he was a child the best meal he had ever eaten in his life, however being a man familiar with the sea he doesn't fall for the sirens lure. Instead he interrupts the sirens song with a warning, if she continues singing and he follows their voice and they don't have what she promises in her songs he would show them the second thing he desires most(rape and murder).

    The sirens song start up again after a few minutes of pause... Do they think he is bluffing he wonders, before telling the party to stay on the ship as he is familiar with how to kill sirens, then he swims to the cove with the sirens voice. He had warned the siren about singing again and if she truly doesn't posses his greatest desire then she will pay the price by satisfying his second.
  7. Xenolan

    Xenolan Really Experienced

    It feels like an idea with a lot of promise! All kinds of directions this could go in.

    I think there needs to be an explanation insofar as why the female adventurers in particular seek out this healer. There are a number of possible reasons. One is that other healers in the area are monks who are extremely judgemental of women who indulge in what they see as a man's role, while our protagonist treats them without prejudice. Perhaps his own teacher in the healing arts was a woman, and so he is aware of medicines and techniques which apply to women while other healers are much less informed on that. Maybe he has simply proven himself trustworthy when it comes to having female patients in his care, and word has gotten around that he never takes advantage of a woman in a weakened state. Or, maybe his magical healing ability just works exclusively on women; it's magic, the rules don't have to be logical.
    raziel83 likes this.
  8. raziel83

    raziel83 Really Experienced

    It could be as simple as "this guy is not a creep" (meaning that other healers are lowering their own value) or that he is cute/hot (meaning that he himself has earned the desires of the female adventurers) rather than anything complicated.

    There are more complex ways to do this with for example, side effects of the healing making the patients incredibly horny for the healer, but that runs the risk of making the story less wholesome (if that is not what the writers want.) There has been a trope in some RPG circles about healers being seen as the submissive fucktoys of the adventuring group. The healer being a guy and the other adventurers who take advantage of them being women is not even that unusual in this niche. (A common idea is that the fucking is part of the magical healing process.)
  9. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    I have to admit the premise intrigues me, although I would change it so that our protagonist is a shopkeeper of all kinds of magical items. This would allow for greater variety then "just" healing.

    The story would then revolve around various female adventurers visiting the shop to stock up on supplies, some of them less scrupulous then the others. There's also crafty merchants and haughty nobles demanding "taxes"

    I think the setting would predominantly be the shop, perhaps with some ill fated field excursions to get much needed ingredients.

    For now I just put it on my idea pile, but I could see myself picking this up for one of my next stories.
  10. raziel83

    raziel83 Really Experienced

    Rookie adventurers desperately haggling and begging for alternative means of payment so that they can restock after a previous adventure failed.

    S rank adventurers and nobles using their rank to bully the shopkeeper.

    Naive adventurer brings back the contents of a hidden chest she recovered in an ancient ruin and the shopkeeper has to explain that yes, she did find a magical wand, but that this particular "magic wand" is a 1'000 year old magical vibrator. Then she requests a demonstration on how to use it and after the shopkeeper has sold the thing to a noblewoman (who also got a hands on demonstration on the use of the device) the adventurer comes back blushing red and asking if she could buy back the wand.


    Pervy wizard peddles their inventions to the store while looking for weird ingredients to make more of her magical sex toys.

    Also, there was a manga (forgot the name) about an armour store that only sells pervy looking armour. MC is an assistant who tries to get the store to make a profit but the owner only wants to sell bikini armour AND to give discounts to sexy adventurers, which makes it hard for the store to stay on the black. All the armour *was* somehow functional, but looked pervy IIRC.
    Zingiber likes this.
  11. Sthaana

    Sthaana Really Experienced

    This is a great idea.
    Maybe you could have it be that healing magic also makes people horny (something something vital energies, concentrated life essence,
    Orgonic reactions can't be helped). This could put healers in a similar position socially to masseurs and masseuses in real life.
    You could get a lot of mileage out of the different reactions of the clients (Barbarian women see it as just a perk, Clerics get all flustered
    and ashamed, Succubi come by every time they so much as stub their toe etc.)
  12. raziel83

    raziel83 Really Experienced

    "Well, your injuries seem really light, so I think it would be an overkill to use healing magic on-wait! Don't!"

    *Succubus stabs itself in the arm right infront of the healer*

    "Is this enough of an injury?"

    (I just realised that the succubus in this scenario is like a drug addict trying to get painkillers from a doctor.)
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2024
  13. Impregmaniac

    Impregmaniac Really Experienced

    I don't know if you meant for it to go in that direction, but if we're following typical fantasy/isekai tropes, I'm pretty sure that a succubus would employ either illusion or charm magic before self-harm.

    At most, she'd pick a fight, tank the damage, almost lose, and skip merrily towards the healer for their "medicine".